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ICSE 2020
Wed 24 June - Thu 16 July 2020

The ICSE 2020 Poster Track provides a prime opportunity for researchers and practitioners to present, showcase, and discuss their most recent advances, ideas, experiences, and challenges in the field of software engineering at the premier software engineering venue.

The main purpose of the ICSE 2020 Poster Track is to promote discussion of grand scientific challenges, future visions, potentially disruptive ideas, and recent advances towards cutting-edge research results with the broad scientific community attending the conference.

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Tue 7 Jul

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09:10 - 10:00
Bugine: a bug report recommendation system for Android apps
ICSE 2020 Posters
Ziqiang Li Southern University of Science and Technology, Shin Hwei Tan Southern University of Science and Technology
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What disconnects Practitioner Belief and Empirical Evidence ?
ICSE 2020 Posters
Shrikanth N C North Carolina State University, Tim Menzies North Carolina State University
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FOSS Dependencies and Security: A Qualitative Study on Developers' Attitudes and Experience
ICSE 2020 Posters
Ivan Pashchenko University of Trento, Duc Ly Vu University of Trento, Fabio Massacci University of Trento
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An Exploratory Study on Improving Automated Issue Triage with Attached Screen Dumps
ICSE 2020 Posters

Wed 8 Jul

Displayed time zone: (UTC) Coordinated Universal Time change

02:10 - 03:00
A Practical, Collaborative Approach for Modeling Big Data Analytics Application Requirements
ICSE 2020 Posters
Hourieh Khalajzadeh Monash University, Australia, Anj Simmons Deakin University, Mohamed Abdelrazek Deakin University, John Grundy Monash University, John Hosking University of Auckland, Qiang He , Prasanna Ratnakanthan , Adil Zia , Meng Law
ProvBuild: Improving Data Scientist Efficiency with Provenance (An Extended Abstract)
ICSE 2020 Posters
Jingmei Hu Harvard University, Jiwon Joung Harvard University, Maia Jacobs Harvard University, Krzysztof Gajos Harvard University, Margo Seltzer University of British Columbia
Elite Developers' Activities at Open Source Ecosystem Level
ICSE 2020 Posters
James Jones University of California, Irvine, David Redmiles University of California, Irvine
Semantic Analysis of Issues on Google Play and Twitter
ICSE 2020 Posters
Aman Yadav , Fatemeh Hendijani Fard University of British Columbia
An Intelligent Tool for Combatting Contract Cheating Behaviour by Facilitating Scalable Student-Tutor Discussions
ICSE 2020 Posters
Jake Renzella Deakin University, Andrew Cain Deakin University, Jean-Guy Schneider Deakin University
Poster: How Has Forking Changed in the Last 20 Years? A Study of Hard Forks on GitHub
ICSE 2020 Posters
Shurui Zhou Carnegie Mellon University, USA / University of Toronto, CA, Bogdan Vasilescu Carnegie Mellon University, Christian Kästner Carnegie Mellon University
An Oracle Language for Autonomous Vehicles
ICSE 2020 Posters
Ana Nora Evans University of Virginia, USA, Mary Lou Soffa University of Virginia, Sebastian Elbaum University of Virginia, USA

Thu 9 Jul

Displayed time zone: (UTC) Coordinated Universal Time change

17:10 - 18:00
Recognizing Developers' Emotions while Programming
ICSE 2020 Posters
Daniela Girardi University of Bari, Nicole Novielli University of Bari, Davide Fucci Blekinge Institute of Technology, Filippo Lanubile University of Bari
Importance-Driven Deep Learning System Testing
ICSE 2020 Posters
Simos Gerasimou University of York, UK, Hasan Ferit Eniser MPI-SWS, Alper Sen Bogazici University, Turkey, Alper Çakan Bogazici University, Turkey
Open-Vocabulary Models for Source Code (Extended Abstract)
ICSE 2020 Posters
Rafael-Michael Karampatsis The University of Edinburgh, Hlib Babii Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Romain Robbes , Charles Sutton Google Research, Andrea Janes Free University of Bozen-Bolzano
Do Preparatory Programming Lab Sessions Contribute to Even Work Distribution in Student Teams?
ICSE 2020 Posters
Markus Borg RISE Research Institutes of Sweden AB
Building a Theory of Software Teams Organization in a Continuous Delivery Context
ICSE 2020 Posters
Leonardo Alexandre Ferreira Leite University of São Paulo, Fabio Kon University of São Paulo, Gustavo Pinto UFPA, Paulo Meirelles Federal University of São Paulo
Refactor4Green: A Game for Novice Programmers to Learn Code Smells
ICSE 2020 Posters
Vartika Agrahari , Sridhar Chimalakonda Indian Institute of Technology Tirupati

Not scheduled yet

Not scheduled yet
Understanding and Handling Alert Storm for Online Service Systems
ICSE 2020 Posters
Nengwen Zhao Tsinghua University, Junjie Chen Tianjin University, China, Xiao Peng China EverBright Bank, Honglin Wang BizSeer, Xinya Wu BizSeer, Yuanzong Zhang BizSeer, Zikai Chen Tsinghua University, Xiangzhong Zheng BizSeer, Xiaohui Nie Tsinghua University, Gang Wang China EverBright Bank, Yong Wu China EverBright Bank, Fang Zhou China EverBright Bank, Wenchi Zhang BizSeer, Kaixin Sui BizSeer, Dan Pei Tsinghua University
Not scheduled yet
GUI-focused Overviews of Mobile Development Videos
ICSE 2020 Posters
Mohammad Alahmadi Florida State University, Abdulkarim Malkadi Florida State University, USA - Jazan University, KSA, Sonia Haiduc Florida State University
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Not scheduled yet
Clairvoyance: Cross-contract Static Analysis for Detecting Practical Reentrancy Vulnerabilities in Smart Contracts
ICSE 2020 Posters
Jiaming Ye University of Science and Technology of China, Mingliang Ma University of Science and Technology of China, Yun Lin National University of Singapore, Yulei Sui University of Technology Sydney, Australia, Yinxing Xue
Not scheduled yet
Restoring Reproducibility of Jupyter Notebooks
ICSE 2020 Posters
Jiawei Wang Monash University, Tzu-yang Kuo The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Li Li Monash University, Australia, Andreas Zeller CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security
Not scheduled yet
Poster: Debugging Inputs
ICSE 2020 Posters
Lukas Kirschner Saarland University, Ezekiel Soremekun CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security, Andreas Zeller CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security
Not scheduled yet
Evolutionary hot-spots in Software Systems
ICSE 2020 Posters
Robert Benkoczi University of Lethbridge, Daya Gaur University of Lethbridge, Shahadat Hossain University of Lethbridge, Muhammad Khan University of Lethbridge, Ajay Raj Tedlapu University of Lethbridge
Not scheduled yet
Factors influencing Software Engineering Career Choice of Andean Indigenous
ICSE 2020 Posters
Mary Sánchez-Gordón Østfold University College, Ricardo Colomo-Palacios Østfold University College
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Not scheduled yet
Large-Scale Patch Recommendation at Alibaba
ICSE 2020 Posters
Xindong Zhang Alibaba Group, Chenguang Zhu University of Texas, Austin, Yi Li Nanyang Technological University, Jianmei Guo Alibaba Group, Lihua Liu Alibaba Group, Haobo Gu Alibaba Group
Not scheduled yet
A Mixed Methods Research Agenda to Identify Undergraduate Misconceptions in Software Engineering, Lecturers' Handling, and Didactical Implications
ICSE 2020 Posters
Carolin Gold-Veerkamp University of Applied Sciences Aschaffenburg, Ira Diethelm Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg / University of Oldenburg, Jörg Abke University of Applied Sciences Aschaffenburg
Not scheduled yet
Identifying Compatibility-Related APIs by Exploring Biased Distribution in Android Apps
ICSE 2020 Posters
Chen Xu University of Science and Technology of China, Wenchao Huang University of Science and Technology of China, Yan Xiong , Zhaoyi Meng University of Science and Technology of China, Fuyou Miao University of Science and Technology of China, Cheng Su University of Science and Technology of China, Guangshuai Mo University of Science and Technology of China
Not scheduled yet
Industry Agile Practices in Large-scale Capstone Projects
ICSE 2020 Posters
Jean-Guy Schneider Deakin University, Peter Eklund Deakin University, Kevin Lee Deakin University, Feifei Chen Deakin University, Andrew Cain Deakin University, Mohamed Abdelrazek Deakin University
Not scheduled yet
Lean Kanban in an industrial context: a success story
ICSE 2020 Posters
Roberto Hens , David Granada Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Juan Manuel Vara Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Esperanza Marcos Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Not scheduled yet
Towards Automatic Assessment of Object-Oriented Programs
ICSE 2020 Posters
Pasquale Ardimento Università degli Studi di Bari, Mario Luca Bernardi University of Sannio, Marta Cimitile Unitelma Sapienza University
Not scheduled yet
Towards Understanding and Fixing Upstream Merge Induced Conflicts in Divergent Forks: An Industrial Case Study
ICSE 2020 Posters
Chungha Sung University of Southern California, Shuvendu K. Lahiri Microsoft Research, Mike Kaufman Microsoft Corporation, Pallavi Choudhury Microsoft Corporation, Jessica Wolk Microsoft Corporation, Chao Wang USC
Not scheduled yet
HARP: Holistic Analysis for Refactoring Python-Based Analytics Programs
ICSE 2020 Posters
Weijie Zhou North Carolina State University, Yue Zhao NCSU, Guoqiang Zhang North Carolina State University, Xipeng Shen North Carolina State University
Not scheduled yet
An Empirical Study on the Characteristics of Question-Answering Process on Developer Forums
ICSE 2020 Posters
Yi Li New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA, Shaohua Wang New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA, Tien N. Nguyen University of Texas at Dallas
Not scheduled yet
Fluid Intelligence Doesn’t Matter! Effects of Code Examples on the Usability of Crypto APIs
ICSE 2020 Posters
Kai Mindermann IC Consult, Stefan Wagner University of Stuttgart
Not scheduled yet
Summary-Guided Incremental Symbolic Execution
ICSE 2020 Posters
Qiuping Yi Texas A&M University, Junye Wen Texas State University, Guowei Yang Texas State University
Not scheduled yet
Engineering for a Science-Centric Experimentation Platform
ICSE 2020 Posters
Nikos Diamantopoulos Netflix, Inc., Jeffrey Wong Netflix, Inc., David Issa Mattos Chalmers University of Technology, Ilias Gerostathopoulos Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Matthew Wardrop Netflix, Inc., Tobias Mao Netflix, Inc., Colin McFarland Netflix, Inc.
Not scheduled yet
Managing data constraints in database-backed web applications
ICSE 2020 Posters
Junwen Yang University of Chicago, Utsav Sethi University of Chicago, Cong Yan University of Washington, Alvin Cheung University of California, Berkeley, Shan Lu University of Chicago
Not scheduled yet
JVM Fuzzing for JIT-Induced Side-Channel Detection
ICSE 2020 Posters
Tegan Brennan University of California, Santa Barbara, Seemanta Saha University of California Santa Barbara, Tevfik Bultan University of California, Santa Barbara
Not scheduled yet
Experiential Learning in Computing Accessibility Education
ICSE 2020 Posters
Weishi Shi Rochester Institute of Technology, Saad Khan RIT, Yasmine El-Glaly Rochester Institute of Technology, Samuel Malachowsky Rochester Institute of Technology, Qi Yu RIT, Daniel Krutz Rochester Institute of Technology
Not scheduled yet
Teaching Software Engineering for AI-Enabled Systems
ICSE 2020 Posters
Christian Kästner Carnegie Mellon University, Eunsuk Kang Carnegie Mellon University
Not scheduled yet
Testing DNN Image Classifier for Confusion & Bias Errors
ICSE 2020 Posters
Yuchi Tian Columbia University, Ziyuan Zhong Columbia University, Vicente Ordonez University of Virginia, Gail Kaiser Columbia University, Baishakhi Ray Columbia University, New York
Not scheduled yet
Understanding DevOps Education with Grounded Theory
ICSE 2020 Posters
Candy Pang MacEwan University, Abram Hindle University of Alberta, Denilson Barbosa University of Alberta
Not scheduled yet
Improving Automated Program Repair using Two-layer Tree-based Neural Networks
ICSE 2020 Posters
Yi Li New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA, Shaohua Wang New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA, Tien N. Nguyen University of Texas at Dallas
Not scheduled yet
Real-world Ethics for Self-Driving Cars
ICSE 2020 Posters
Tobias Holstein Mälardalen University, Gordana Dodig-Crnkovic Chalmers University of Technology, Patrizio Pelliccione University of L'Aquila and Chalmers | University of Gothenburg
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Not scheduled yet
Scaling Application-Level Dynamic Taint Analysis to Enterprise-Scale Distributed Systems
ICSE 2020 Posters
Xiaoqin Fu Washington State University, Haipeng Cai Washington State University, USA
Not scheduled yet
Lack of Adoption of Units of Measurement Libraries: Survey and Anecdotes
ICSE 2020 Posters
Steve McKeever Department of Informatics and Media, Uppsala University, Sweden, Omar-Alfred Salah
Not scheduled yet
The effect of negative experiences and stereotyping on Finnish women's likelihood to apply for software engineering roles
ICSE 2020 Posters
Annika Wolff LUT University, Antti Knutas LUT University, Paula Savolainen Turku University of Applied Sciences
Not scheduled yet
Identification of Cultural Influences on Requirements Engineering Activities
ICSE 2020 Posters
Tawfeeq alsanoosy RMIT university, Maria Spichkova RMIT University, Australia, James Harland RMIT university
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Not scheduled yet
Predicting Safety-Critical Misbehaviours in Autonomous Driving Systems using Autoencoders
ICSE 2020 Posters
Andrea Stocco Università della Svizzera italiana, Michael Weiss Università della Svizzera Italiana (USI), Marco Calzana Università della Svizzera Italiana (USI), Paolo Tonella Università della Svizzera italiana
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A Mixed Methods Research Agenda to Identify Undergraduate Misconceptions in Software Engineering, Lecturers' Handling, and Didactical Implications
ICSE 2020 Posters
An Empirical Study on the Characteristics of Question-Answering Process on Developer Forums
ICSE 2020 Posters
An Exploratory Study on Improving Automated Issue Triage with Attached Screen Dumps
ICSE 2020 Posters
An Intelligent Tool for Combatting Contract Cheating Behaviour by Facilitating Scalable Student-Tutor Discussions
ICSE 2020 Posters
An Oracle Language for Autonomous Vehicles
ICSE 2020 Posters
A Practical, Collaborative Approach for Modeling Big Data Analytics Application Requirements
ICSE 2020 Posters
Bugine: a bug report recommendation system for Android apps
ICSE 2020 Posters
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Building a Theory of Software Teams Organization in a Continuous Delivery Context
ICSE 2020 Posters
Clairvoyance: Cross-contract Static Analysis for Detecting Practical Reentrancy Vulnerabilities in Smart Contracts
ICSE 2020 Posters
Do Preparatory Programming Lab Sessions Contribute to Even Work Distribution in Student Teams?
ICSE 2020 Posters
Elite Developers' Activities at Open Source Ecosystem Level
ICSE 2020 Posters
Engineering for a Science-Centric Experimentation Platform
ICSE 2020 Posters
Evolutionary hot-spots in Software Systems
ICSE 2020 Posters
Experiential Learning in Computing Accessibility Education
ICSE 2020 Posters
Factors influencing Software Engineering Career Choice of Andean Indigenous
ICSE 2020 Posters
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Fluid Intelligence Doesn’t Matter! Effects of Code Examples on the Usability of Crypto APIs
ICSE 2020 Posters
FOSS Dependencies and Security: A Qualitative Study on Developers' Attitudes and Experience
ICSE 2020 Posters
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GUI-focused Overviews of Mobile Development Videos
ICSE 2020 Posters
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HARP: Holistic Analysis for Refactoring Python-Based Analytics Programs
ICSE 2020 Posters
Identification of Cultural Influences on Requirements Engineering Activities
ICSE 2020 Posters
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Identifying Compatibility-Related APIs by Exploring Biased Distribution in Android Apps
ICSE 2020 Posters
Importance-Driven Deep Learning System Testing
ICSE 2020 Posters
Improving Automated Program Repair using Two-layer Tree-based Neural Networks
ICSE 2020 Posters
Industry Agile Practices in Large-scale Capstone Projects
ICSE 2020 Posters
JVM Fuzzing for JIT-Induced Side-Channel Detection
ICSE 2020 Posters
Lack of Adoption of Units of Measurement Libraries: Survey and Anecdotes
ICSE 2020 Posters
Large-Scale Patch Recommendation at Alibaba
ICSE 2020 Posters
Lean Kanban in an industrial context: a success story
ICSE 2020 Posters
Managing data constraints in database-backed web applications
ICSE 2020 Posters
Open-Vocabulary Models for Source Code (Extended Abstract)
ICSE 2020 Posters
Poster: Debugging Inputs
ICSE 2020 Posters
Poster: How Has Forking Changed in the Last 20 Years? A Study of Hard Forks on GitHub
ICSE 2020 Posters
Predicting Safety-Critical Misbehaviours in Autonomous Driving Systems using Autoencoders
ICSE 2020 Posters
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ProvBuild: Improving Data Scientist Efficiency with Provenance (An Extended Abstract)
ICSE 2020 Posters
Real-world Ethics for Self-Driving Cars
ICSE 2020 Posters
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Recognizing Developers' Emotions while Programming
ICSE 2020 Posters
Refactor4Green: A Game for Novice Programmers to Learn Code Smells
ICSE 2020 Posters
Restoring Reproducibility of Jupyter Notebooks
ICSE 2020 Posters
Scaling Application-Level Dynamic Taint Analysis to Enterprise-Scale Distributed Systems
ICSE 2020 Posters
Semantic Analysis of Issues on Google Play and Twitter
ICSE 2020 Posters
Summary-Guided Incremental Symbolic Execution
ICSE 2020 Posters
Teaching Software Engineering for AI-Enabled Systems
ICSE 2020 Posters
Testing DNN Image Classifier for Confusion & Bias Errors
ICSE 2020 Posters
The effect of negative experiences and stereotyping on Finnish women's likelihood to apply for software engineering roles
ICSE 2020 Posters
Towards Automatic Assessment of Object-Oriented Programs
ICSE 2020 Posters
Towards Understanding and Fixing Upstream Merge Induced Conflicts in Divergent Forks: An Industrial Case Study
ICSE 2020 Posters
Understanding and Handling Alert Storm for Online Service Systems
ICSE 2020 Posters
Understanding DevOps Education with Grounded Theory
ICSE 2020 Posters
What disconnects Practitioner Belief and Empirical Evidence ?
ICSE 2020 Posters
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Call for Papers

Submissions by Invitation Only

The ICSE 2020 Posters Track is by invitation only. There is no open call for poster submissions. Some of the submissions to the Technical Track, SEIP Track, SEIS Track, and SEET Track will be invited by the chairs for poster presentations.

The authors of an invited poster need to submit a 2-page extended abstract which summarizes

  • the problem addressed by the poster;
  • the approach taken by the authors; and
  • the main results achieved so far.

Each submitted extended abstract should adhere to the ICSE 2020 Conference Proceedings Formatting Guidelines. The 2-page extended abstract of each accepted poster may, at the authors’ discretion, be published in the ICSE 2020 Companion Proceedings.

Abstracts must be submitted electronically at the submission site (https://icse2020-poster.hotcrp.com) by the submission deadline (see below). A submission will be desk rejected if it does not comply with the instructions and size limits. Unlike the other tracks, the Posters Track does not follow the double-blind review process. At least one author of each accepted poster is required to register for the ICSE 2020 conference and to present the poster.

Each accepted poster will be presented by its authors during the 3 days of the main conference.

Submission site


Important Dates

  • February 11th, 2020: Submission deadline for extended abstracts
  • March 9th, 2020: Notification
  • March 23rd, 2020: Camera ready