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ICSE 2021
Mon 17 May - Sat 5 June 2021

At ICSE 2021, the Software Engineering Education and Training (SEET) track is proudly joining forces with the Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training (CSEE&T) to bring you the Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training (JSEET). Our hope with this unification is to offer a seamless, expanded, and richer experience to both communities.

Tue 25 May 2021
Wed 26 May 2021
Thu 27 May 2021
Fri 28 May 2021
Sat 29 May 2021
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Tue 25 May

Displayed time zone: Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna change

12:05 - 13:05
1.1. Teaching Software Quality IJSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training at JSEET Room +12h
Chair(s): Hakan Erdogmus Carnegie Mellon University, Ana María Moreno Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Experience report
GitHub-OSS Fixit: Fixing bugs at scale in a Software Engineering CourseJSEET
JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Shin Hwei Tan Southern University of Science and Technology, Chunfeng Hu Southern University of Science and Technology, Ziqiang Li Southern University of Science and Technology, Xiaowen Zhang Southern University of Science and Technology, Ying Zhou Southern University of Science and Technology
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Experience report
Learning Software Quality Assurance with BricksJSEET
JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Miguel Ehécatl Morales Trujillo University of Canterbury
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Experience report
Assessing the Students' Understanding and their Mistakes in Code Review Checklists -An Experience Report of 1,791 Code Review Checklists from 394 StudentsJSEET
JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Chun Yong Chong Monash University, Patanamon Thongtanunam University of Melbourne, Kla Tantithamthavorn Monash University
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Wed 26 May

Displayed time zone: Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna change

00:05 - 01:05
Experience report
GitHub-OSS Fixit: Fixing bugs at scale in a Software Engineering CourseJSEET
JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Shin Hwei Tan Southern University of Science and Technology, Chunfeng Hu Southern University of Science and Technology, Ziqiang Li Southern University of Science and Technology, Xiaowen Zhang Southern University of Science and Technology, Ying Zhou Southern University of Science and Technology
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Experience report
Learning Software Quality Assurance with BricksJSEET
JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Miguel Ehécatl Morales Trujillo University of Canterbury
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Experience report
Assessing the Students' Understanding and their Mistakes in Code Review Checklists -An Experience Report of 1,791 Code Review Checklists from 394 StudentsJSEET
JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Chun Yong Chong Monash University, Patanamon Thongtanunam University of Melbourne, Kla Tantithamthavorn Monash University
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12:55 - 13:55
2.1. Teaching SE in Real ContextsJSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training at JSEET Room +12h
Chair(s): Ana María Moreno Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Experience report
Teaching the Scrum Master Role using Professional Agile Coaches and Communities of PracticeJSEET
JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Maria Paasivaara LUT University, Finland & IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark & Aalto University, Finland
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Experience report
Teaching Model-based Requirements Engineering to Industry Professionals: An Experience ReportJSEETBest Paper JSEET
JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Marian Daun University of Duisburg-Essen, Jennifer Brings paluno – The Ruhr Institute for Software Technology, University of Duisburg-Essen, Marcel Goger Schaeffler AG, Walter Koch Schaeffler AG, Thorsten Weyer University of Duisburg-Essen
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Experience report
Supporting Real Demands in Software Engineering with a Four Steps Project-Based Learning ApproachJSEET
JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Leonardo Humberto Silva IFNMG-Salinas, Renata Xavier Castro IFNMG-Salinas, Marice Costa Guimaraes IFNMG-Salinas
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20:40 - 21:40
2.2. Institutional Strategies to SE Education IJSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training at JSEET Room +12h
Chair(s): Hakan Erdogmus Carnegie Mellon University
Experience report
Structuring a Comprehensive Software Security Course Around the OWASP Application Security Verification StandardJSEET
JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Sarah Elder North Carolina State University, Nusrat Zahan North Carolina State University, Val Kozarev North Carolina State University, Tim Menzies North Carolina State University, Rui Shu North Carolina State University, Laurie Williams North Carolina State University
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Experience report
Exponential Competence of Computer Science and Software Engineering Undergraduate StudentsJSEET
JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Orit Hazzan Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
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"Is My Mic On?" Preparing SE Students for Collaborative Remote Work and Hybrid Team CommunicationJSEET
JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Makayla Moster Clemson University, Denae Ford Microsoft Research, Paige Rodeghero Clemson University
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Thu 27 May

Displayed time zone: Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna change

00:55 - 01:55
Experience report
Teaching the Scrum Master Role using Professional Agile Coaches and Communities of PracticeJSEET
JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Maria Paasivaara LUT University, Finland & IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark & Aalto University, Finland
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Experience report
Teaching Model-based Requirements Engineering to Industry Professionals: An Experience ReportJSEETBest Paper JSEET
JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Marian Daun University of Duisburg-Essen, Jennifer Brings paluno – The Ruhr Institute for Software Technology, University of Duisburg-Essen, Marcel Goger Schaeffler AG, Walter Koch Schaeffler AG, Thorsten Weyer University of Duisburg-Essen
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Experience report
Supporting Real Demands in Software Engineering with a Four Steps Project-Based Learning ApproachJSEET
JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Leonardo Humberto Silva IFNMG-Salinas, Renata Xavier Castro IFNMG-Salinas, Marice Costa Guimaraes IFNMG-Salinas
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08:40 - 09:40
2.2. Institutional Strategies to SE Education IJSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training at JSEET Room
Experience report
Structuring a Comprehensive Software Security Course Around the OWASP Application Security Verification StandardJSEET
JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Sarah Elder North Carolina State University, Nusrat Zahan North Carolina State University, Val Kozarev North Carolina State University, Tim Menzies North Carolina State University, Rui Shu North Carolina State University, Laurie Williams North Carolina State University
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Experience report
Exponential Competence of Computer Science and Software Engineering Undergraduate StudentsJSEET
JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Orit Hazzan Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
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"Is My Mic On?" Preparing SE Students for Collaborative Remote Work and Hybrid Team CommunicationJSEET
JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Makayla Moster Clemson University, Denae Ford Microsoft Research, Paige Rodeghero Clemson University
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10:00 - 11:00
3.1. Student Assessment IJSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training at JSEET Room +12h
Chair(s): Ana María Moreno Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Research paper
Effectiveness of Peer Review in Teaching and Learning User Centered Conceptual Design Among Large Cohorts of Information Technology StudentsJSEET
JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Farshid Anvari Macquarie University, Hien Minh Thi Tran Minh Hien Pty Ltd, Deborah Richards Macquarie University
DOI Pre-print Media Attached
Research paper
Reforming Assessment: Challenges Beyond DesignJSEET
JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Laura Tubino Deakin University, Jean-Guy Schneider Deakin University, Andrew Cain Deakin University, Dhananjay Thiruvady Deakin University, Chathu Ranaweera Deakin University
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Gradeer: An Open-Source Modular Hybrid GraderJSEET
JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Benjamin Clegg The University of Sheffield, Maria-Cruz Villa-Uriol University of Sheffield, Phil McMinn The University of Sheffield, Gordon Fraser University of Passau
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11:50 - 12:50
3.2. Student Assessment IIJSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training at JSEET Room +12h
Chair(s): Ana María Moreno Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Research paper
Grading 600+ students: A Case Study on Peer and Self GradingJSEET
JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Maurício Aniche Delft University of Technology, Frank Mulder Delft University of Technology, Felienne Hermans Leiden University
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Experience report
Enhancing the Learning of Database Access Programming using Continuous Integration and Aspect Oriented ProgrammingJSEET
JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Beatriz Pérez Universidad de La Rioja
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Experience report
Mutation testing and self/peer assessment: analyzing their effect on students in a software testing courseJSEET
JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Pedro Delgado-Pérez Universidad de Cádiz, Inmaculada Medina-Bulo Universidad de Cádiz, Miguel Ángel Álvarez-García Universidad de Cádiz, Kevin Jesús Valle-Gómez Universidad de Cádiz
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15:05 - 16:05
3.3. Novel Approaches to SE Education IJSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training at JSEET Room +12h
Chair(s): Hakan Erdogmus Carnegie Mellon University
Research paper
Constructive Master's Thesis Work in Industry: Guidelines for Applying Design Science ResearchJSEET
JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Eric Knauss Chalmers | University of Gothenburg
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Research paper
Onboarding in Software Product Lines: Concept Maps as Welcome GuidesJSEET
JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Maider Azanza University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Arantza Irastorza University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Raul Medeiros University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Oscar Diaz University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU)
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Experience report
Improving Concept Learning Through Specialized Digital FanzinesJSEET
JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
José Manuel Redondo López Universidad de Oviedo
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16:30 - 17:40
JSEET Keynote and JSEET Best Paper AwardJSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training at JSEET Room +12h
Chair(s): Hakan Erdogmus Carnegie Mellon University, Ana María Moreno Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
JSEET Best Paper Award - Teaching Model-based Requirements Engineering to Industry Professionals: An Experience Report
JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Marian Daun University of Duisburg-Essen, Jennifer Brings paluno – The Ruhr Institute for Software Technology, University of Duisburg-Essen, Marcel Goger Schaeffler AG, Walter Koch Schaeffler AG, Thorsten Weyer University of Duisburg-Essen
David Garlan's JSEET Keynote: "Reflections on the Role of Software Architecture in Software Engineering Education"Keynote
JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
David Garlan Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Media Attached
20:50 - 21:50
3.4. Novel approaches to SE Education IIJSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training at JSEET Room +12h
Chair(s): Hakan Erdogmus Carnegie Mellon University
Experience report
Qualifying Software Engineers Undergraduates in DevOps - Challenges of introducing technical and non-technical concepts in a project-oriented courseJSEET
JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Isaque Alves University of Brasilia (UnB), Carla Silva Rocha Aguiar unb
Research paper
The Diversity of Gamification Evaluation in the Software Engineering Education and Industry: Trends, Comparisons and GapsJSEET
JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Rodrigo Monteiro UFPA - Federal University of Pará, Mauricio Souza UFLA - Federal University of Lavras, Sandro Oliveira UFPA - Federal University of Pará, Carlos Portela UFPA - Federal University of Pará, Cesar Lobato UFPA - Federal University of Pará
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An Inquisitive Code Editor for Addressing Novice Programmers' Misconceptions of Program BehaviorJSEET
JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Austin Henley University of Tennessee, Julian Ball University of Tennessee, Benjamin Klein University of Tennessee, Aiden Rutter University of Tennessee, Dylan Lee University of Tennessee
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22:00 - 23:00
Research paper
Effectiveness of Peer Review in Teaching and Learning User Centered Conceptual Design Among Large Cohorts of Information Technology StudentsJSEET
JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Farshid Anvari Macquarie University, Hien Minh Thi Tran Minh Hien Pty Ltd, Deborah Richards Macquarie University
DOI Pre-print Media Attached
Research paper
Reforming Assessment: Challenges Beyond DesignJSEET
JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Laura Tubino Deakin University, Jean-Guy Schneider Deakin University, Andrew Cain Deakin University, Dhananjay Thiruvady Deakin University, Chathu Ranaweera Deakin University
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Gradeer: An Open-Source Modular Hybrid GraderJSEET
JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Benjamin Clegg The University of Sheffield, Maria-Cruz Villa-Uriol University of Sheffield, Phil McMinn The University of Sheffield, Gordon Fraser University of Passau
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23:50 - 00:50
Research paper
Grading 600+ students: A Case Study on Peer and Self GradingJSEET
JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Maurício Aniche Delft University of Technology, Frank Mulder Delft University of Technology, Felienne Hermans Leiden University
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Experience report
Enhancing the Learning of Database Access Programming using Continuous Integration and Aspect Oriented ProgrammingJSEET
JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Beatriz Pérez Universidad de La Rioja
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Experience report
Mutation testing and self/peer assessment: analyzing their effect on students in a software testing courseJSEET
JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Pedro Delgado-Pérez Universidad de Cádiz, Inmaculada Medina-Bulo Universidad de Cádiz, Miguel Ángel Álvarez-García Universidad de Cádiz, Kevin Jesús Valle-Gómez Universidad de Cádiz
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Fri 28 May

Displayed time zone: Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna change

03:05 - 04:05
Research paper
Constructive Master's Thesis Work in Industry: Guidelines for Applying Design Science ResearchJSEET
JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Eric Knauss Chalmers | University of Gothenburg
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Research paper
Onboarding in Software Product Lines: Concept Maps as Welcome GuidesJSEET
JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Maider Azanza University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Arantza Irastorza University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Raul Medeiros University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Oscar Diaz University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU)
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Experience report
Improving Concept Learning Through Specialized Digital FanzinesJSEET
JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
José Manuel Redondo López Universidad de Oviedo
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04:30 - 05:40
JSEET Best Paper Award - Teaching Model-based Requirements Engineering to Industry Professionals: An Experience Report
JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Marian Daun University of Duisburg-Essen, Jennifer Brings paluno – The Ruhr Institute for Software Technology, University of Duisburg-Essen, Marcel Goger Schaeffler AG, Walter Koch Schaeffler AG, Thorsten Weyer University of Duisburg-Essen
David Garlan's JSEET Keynote: "Reflections on the Role of Software Architecture in Software Engineering Education"Keynote
JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
David Garlan Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Media Attached
08:50 - 09:50
Experience report
Qualifying Software Engineers Undergraduates in DevOps - Challenges of introducing technical and non-technical concepts in a project-oriented courseJSEET
JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Isaque Alves University of Brasilia (UnB), Carla Silva Rocha Aguiar unb
Research paper
The Diversity of Gamification Evaluation in the Software Engineering Education and Industry: Trends, Comparisons and GapsJSEET
JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Rodrigo Monteiro UFPA - Federal University of Pará, Mauricio Souza UFLA - Federal University of Lavras, Sandro Oliveira UFPA - Federal University of Pará, Carlos Portela UFPA - Federal University of Pará, Cesar Lobato UFPA - Federal University of Pará
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An Inquisitive Code Editor for Addressing Novice Programmers' Misconceptions of Program BehaviorJSEET
JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Austin Henley University of Tennessee, Julian Ball University of Tennessee, Benjamin Klein University of Tennessee, Aiden Rutter University of Tennessee, Dylan Lee University of Tennessee
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10:00 - 11:00
4.1. Institutional Strategies to SE Education IIJSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training at JSEET Room +12h
Chair(s): Ana María Moreno Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Research paper
Is Secure Coding Education in the Industry Needed? An Investigation Through a Large Scale SurveyJSEET
JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Tiago Espinha Gasiba Siemens AG, Ulrike Lechner Universität der Bundeswehr München, Maria Pinto-Albuquerque Iscte, Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, Portugal, Daniel Mendez Blekinge Institute of Technology
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Experience report
To get good student ratings you should only teach programming courses? Investigation and implications of student evaluations of teaching in a software engineering contextJSEET
JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Antti Knutas LUT University, Timo Hynninen South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences (XAMK), Maija Hujala LUT University
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Research paper
Morning or Evening? An Examination of Circadian Rhythms of CS1 StudentsJSEET
JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Albina Zavgorodniaia Aalto University, Raj Shrestha Utah State University, Juho Leinonen University of Helsinki, Arto Hellas Aalto University, John Edwards Utah State University
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15:05 - 16:25
4.2. Teaching Software Quality IIJSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training at JSEET Room +12h
Chair(s): Ana María Moreno Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Research paper
Finding Anomalies in Scratch AssignmentsJSEET
JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Nina Körber University of Passau, Katharina Geldreich Technical University of Munich, Andreas Stahlbauer University of Passau, Gordon Fraser University of Passau
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Experience report
How do students test software units?JSEET
JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Lex Bijlsma Open Universiteit, Niels Doorn NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences, Harrie Passier Open University of the Netherlands, The Netherlands, Harold Pootjes Open Universiteit, Sylvia Stuurman Open University NL
Link to publication DOI Pre-print Media Attached
Research paper
SQLRepair: Identifying and Repairing Mistakes in Student-Authored SQL QueriesJSEET
JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Kai Presler-Marshall North Carolina State University, Sarah Heckman North Carolina State University, Kathryn Stolee North Carolina State University
DOI Pre-print Media Attached
LitterBox: A Linter for Scratch ProgramsJSEET
JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Gordon Fraser University of Passau, Ute Heuer Universität Passau, Nina Körber University of Passau, Florian Obermüller University of Passau, Ewald Wasmeier University of Passau
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19:30 - 20:30
4.3. Team PracticesJSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training at JSEET Room +12h
Chair(s): Hakan Erdogmus Carnegie Mellon University
Research paper
Who Does What? Work Division and Allocation Strategies of Computer Science Student TeamsJSEET
JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Anna van der Meulen Leiden University, Efthimia Aivaloglou University of Leiden
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Research paper
Assessment of a hybrid software development process for student projects: a controlled experimentJSEET
JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Rafal Wlodarski Lodz University of Technology, Jean-Rémy Falleri Univ. Bordeaux, Bordeaux INP, CNRS, LaBRI. Institut Universitaire de France., Corinne Parvéry Bordeaux INP
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Bluejay: A Cross-Tooling Audit Framework For Agile Software TeamsJSEET
JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
César García University of Sevilla, Alejandro Guerrero University of Seville, Joshua Zeitsoff University of California, Berkeley, Srujay Korlakunta University of California, Berkeley, Pablo Fernandez University of Seville, Armando Fox University of California, Berkeley, Antonio Ruiz-Cortés University of Seville
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22:00 - 23:00
4.1. Institutional Strategies to SE Education IIJSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training at JSEET Room
Research paper
Is Secure Coding Education in the Industry Needed? An Investigation Through a Large Scale SurveyJSEET
JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Tiago Espinha Gasiba Siemens AG, Ulrike Lechner Universität der Bundeswehr München, Maria Pinto-Albuquerque Iscte, Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, Portugal, Daniel Mendez Blekinge Institute of Technology
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Experience report
To get good student ratings you should only teach programming courses? Investigation and implications of student evaluations of teaching in a software engineering contextJSEET
JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Antti Knutas LUT University, Timo Hynninen South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences (XAMK), Maija Hujala LUT University
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Research paper
Morning or Evening? An Examination of Circadian Rhythms of CS1 StudentsJSEET
JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Albina Zavgorodniaia Aalto University, Raj Shrestha Utah State University, Juho Leinonen University of Helsinki, Arto Hellas Aalto University, John Edwards Utah State University
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Sat 29 May

Displayed time zone: Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna change

03:05 - 04:25
Research paper
Finding Anomalies in Scratch AssignmentsJSEET
JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Nina Körber University of Passau, Katharina Geldreich Technical University of Munich, Andreas Stahlbauer University of Passau, Gordon Fraser University of Passau
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Experience report
How do students test software units?JSEET
JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Lex Bijlsma Open Universiteit, Niels Doorn NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences, Harrie Passier Open University of the Netherlands, The Netherlands, Harold Pootjes Open Universiteit, Sylvia Stuurman Open University NL
Link to publication DOI Pre-print Media Attached
Research paper
SQLRepair: Identifying and Repairing Mistakes in Student-Authored SQL QueriesJSEET
JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Kai Presler-Marshall North Carolina State University, Sarah Heckman North Carolina State University, Kathryn Stolee North Carolina State University
DOI Pre-print Media Attached
LitterBox: A Linter for Scratch ProgramsJSEET
JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Gordon Fraser University of Passau, Ute Heuer Universität Passau, Nina Körber University of Passau, Florian Obermüller University of Passau, Ewald Wasmeier University of Passau
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07:30 - 08:30
Research paper
Who Does What? Work Division and Allocation Strategies of Computer Science Student TeamsJSEET
JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Anna van der Meulen Leiden University, Efthimia Aivaloglou University of Leiden
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Research paper
Assessment of a hybrid software development process for student projects: a controlled experimentJSEET
JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Rafal Wlodarski Lodz University of Technology, Jean-Rémy Falleri Univ. Bordeaux, Bordeaux INP, CNRS, LaBRI. Institut Universitaire de France., Corinne Parvéry Bordeaux INP
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Bluejay: A Cross-Tooling Audit Framework For Agile Software TeamsJSEET
JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
César García University of Sevilla, Alejandro Guerrero University of Seville, Joshua Zeitsoff University of California, Berkeley, Srujay Korlakunta University of California, Berkeley, Pablo Fernandez University of Seville, Armando Fox University of California, Berkeley, Antonio Ruiz-Cortés University of Seville
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Accepted Papers

An Inquisitive Code Editor for Addressing Novice Programmers' Misconceptions of Program BehaviorJSEET
JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
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Assessing the Students' Understanding and their Mistakes in Code Review Checklists -An Experience Report of 1,791 Code Review Checklists from 394 StudentsJSEET
JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
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Assessment of a hybrid software development process for student projects: a controlled experimentJSEET
JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
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Bluejay: A Cross-Tooling Audit Framework For Agile Software TeamsJSEET
JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
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Constructive Master's Thesis Work in Industry: Guidelines for Applying Design Science ResearchJSEET
JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
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David Garlan's JSEET Keynote: "Reflections on the Role of Software Architecture in Software Engineering Education"Keynote
JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Media Attached
Effectiveness of Peer Review in Teaching and Learning User Centered Conceptual Design Among Large Cohorts of Information Technology StudentsJSEET
JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
DOI Pre-print Media Attached
Enhancing the Learning of Database Access Programming using Continuous Integration and Aspect Oriented ProgrammingJSEET
JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
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Exponential Competence of Computer Science and Software Engineering Undergraduate StudentsJSEET
JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
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Finding Anomalies in Scratch AssignmentsJSEET
JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
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GitHub-OSS Fixit: Fixing bugs at scale in a Software Engineering CourseJSEET
JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
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Gradeer: An Open-Source Modular Hybrid GraderJSEET
JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
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Grading 600+ students: A Case Study on Peer and Self GradingJSEET
JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
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How do students test software units?JSEET
JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Link to publication DOI Pre-print Media Attached
Improving Concept Learning Through Specialized Digital FanzinesJSEET
JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
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"Is My Mic On?" Preparing SE Students for Collaborative Remote Work and Hybrid Team CommunicationJSEET
JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
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Is Secure Coding Education in the Industry Needed? An Investigation Through a Large Scale SurveyJSEET
JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
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Learning Software Quality Assurance with BricksJSEET
JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
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LitterBox: A Linter for Scratch ProgramsJSEET
JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
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Morning or Evening? An Examination of Circadian Rhythms of CS1 StudentsJSEET
JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
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Mutation testing and self/peer assessment: analyzing their effect on students in a software testing courseJSEET
JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
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Onboarding in Software Product Lines: Concept Maps as Welcome GuidesJSEET
JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
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Qualifying Software Engineers Undergraduates in DevOps - Challenges of introducing technical and non-technical concepts in a project-oriented courseJSEET
JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Reforming Assessment: Challenges Beyond DesignJSEET
JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
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SQLRepair: Identifying and Repairing Mistakes in Student-Authored SQL QueriesJSEET
JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
DOI Pre-print Media Attached
Structuring a Comprehensive Software Security Course Around the OWASP Application Security Verification StandardJSEET
JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
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Supporting Real Demands in Software Engineering with a Four Steps Project-Based Learning ApproachJSEET
JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
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Teaching Model-based Requirements Engineering to Industry Professionals: An Experience ReportJSEETBest Paper JSEET
JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Pre-print Media Attached
Teaching the Scrum Master Role using Professional Agile Coaches and Communities of PracticeJSEET
JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
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The Diversity of Gamification Evaluation in the Software Engineering Education and Industry: Trends, Comparisons and GapsJSEET
JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
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To get good student ratings you should only teach programming courses? Investigation and implications of student evaluations of teaching in a software engineering contextJSEET
JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
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Who Does What? Work Division and Allocation Strategies of Computer Science Student TeamsJSEET
JSEET - Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training
Pre-print Media Attached

Call for Papers

Educating the Next Generation of Software Engineers

In 2021, ICSE’s Software Engineering Education and Training (SEET) Track is joining forces with the Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training (CSEE&T) to bring you the Joint Track on Software Engineering Education and Training (JSEET). To prepare for the future and bring the two communities together, JSEET will focus on “Educating the Next Generation of Software Engineers.”

Millennials and Generation Z have been dominating higher education programs for some time. In a decade, our classes will be hosting Generation Alpha. We have all noticed that these cohorts have unique needs and different learning styles, social behaviors, and skills. With their increasing mobility, our classes will become more and more diverse. Our students will become increasingly collaborative, socially aware, tech-savvy, multi-disciplinary, and interested in emerging technologies. How shall the software industry capitalize on the mix of qualities that the new breed of software engineers will possess? How shall software engineering educators effectively and equitably cater to the students’, society’s, and industry’s evolving and diverse interests while ensuring that the next generation of software engineers learn the timeless principles, have a firm grounding in both software engineering theory and practice, behave responsibly, and make a positive contribution to the society?

JSEET seeks contributions in multiple categories on all aspects of learning and teaching software engineering. We are in particular interested in contributions addressing JSEET’s theme or discussing the implications of their topic on JSEET’s theme. Regardless of their topic, contributions should recognize the distinction between general computer science education and software engineering education, between a programmer and a software engineer, and between writing code and engineering a software system. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Foundational research on software engineering skills
  • Methods of teaching software engineering skills
  • Methods of evaluating, assessing, and measuring software engineering skills
  • Evaluations of teaching and assessment methods in software engineering
  • Empirical studies describing software engineering education contexts
  • Learning technologies and tools that support software engineering education and training
  • Automated evaluation of software engineering skills
  • Role of soft skills (communication, collaboration, teamwork, organization, negotiation, conflict management) for software engineers
  • Studies of equity, diversity, and inclusion in software engineering education and training
  • Onboarding and on-the-job training of software engineers
  • Continuing education of software engineers
  • Extra-curricular training of software engineering students (e.g., through hackathons, bootcamps)
  • Certification of software engineers
  • Software engineering body of knowledge
  • Role of culture and gender in software engineering education and training
  • Use of online sources for software engineering education
  • Encouraging software engineering education in K-12 programs
Submission Categories
  • Research Papers (max 10 pages, plus up to 2 pages for references)—A research paper must address a topic related to software engineering and education using appropriate research techniques and proper scholarly writing. Negative and mixed findings are acceptable. Papers in this category will be evaluated against these criteria:
    • Relevance: to what extent the submission is relevant to JSEET and its theme;
    • Soundness: how well the paper’s contributions are supported by rigorous application of appropriate research methods and whether the paper discusses meaningfully the research methods’ limitations and threats to the validity of the findings;
    • Significance: the extent to which the paper is well-motivated and its contributions are original and important, with respect to the existing literature on software engineering education and training;
    • Verifiability: the extent to which the paper includes sufficient information to support independent verification or replication of the paper’s claimed contributions;
    • Presentation: the extent to which the paper’s organization and quality of writing is up to the standard: the paper is well-structured, employs clear and correct scholarly language, avoids ambiguity, includes clearly readable figures and tables, and is appropriately formatted.
  • Experience Reports (max 9 pages, plus up to 1 page for references)—An experience report provides anecdotal evidence by describing an experience related to software engineering education and training (typically a course, a teaching or training technique or strategy, or an assessment method) and interprets the experience in terms of actionable advice and lessons learned, but does not need to evaluate it or use rigorous research methods to support its claims. Negative and mixed findings are acceptable. Papers in this category will be evaluated against these criteria:
    • Relevance: to what extent the submission is relevant to JSEET and its theme;
    • Significance: the extent to which the described experience is important with respect to the current state of software engineering education and training;
    • Actionability: the extent to which the paper provides actionable advice with clear take-away messages;
    • Lessons: the extent to which the paper meaningfully discusses lessons learned in terms of what went right, what went wrong, and what could be improved if the experience is repeated.
    • Presentation: the extent to which the paper’s organization and quality of writing is up to the standard: the paper is well-structured, employs clear and correct language, avoids ambiguity, includes clearly readable figures and tables, and is appropriately formatted.
  • Idea Papers (max 5 pages, plus 1 page of references)—An idea paper must present a new software engineering education and training idea with a proposed formal evaluation strategy, possibly with some preliminary or informal results. This track gives the authors the opportunity to get feedback on their idea before formally embarking on the proposed research. Papers in this category will be evaluated against these criteria:
    • Relevance: to what extent the submission is relevant to JSEET and its theme;
    • Soundness: to what extent the proposed research methods are appropriate to evaluate the proposed idea, and if present, the preliminary results are meaningful and promising;
    • Significance: the extent to which the idea is original, well-motivated, and has the potential to impact software engineering education and training;
    • Presentation: the extent to which the paper’s organization and quality of writing is up to the standard: the paper is well-structured, employs clear and correct scholarly language, avoids ambiguity, includes clearly readable figures and tables, and is appropriately formatted.
  • Tool Papers (max 5 pages, plus 1 page of references)—A tool paper describes a tool or technology that supports software engineering education and training. Papers in this category should discuss the impact of the tool on the learning process. A tool paper can optionally be accompanied by a short video (not exceeding five minutes) demonstrating the tool’s main functionality (if you use this option, please provide the link at the end of the abstract). Papers in this category will be evaluated against these criteria:
    • Relevance: to what extent the submission is relevant to JSEET and its theme;
    • Significance: the extent to which the tool or technology is original and addressing a real need with respect to the existing technological landscape in software engineering education and training;
    • Maturity: the extent to which the tool or technology is mature enough to be presented at ICSE;
    • Availability: whether the tool or technology is available online, open-sourced, or on a trial basis and the extent to which it can be evaluated by potential users;
    • Presentation: the extent to which the paper’s organization and quality of writing is up to the standard: the paper is well-structured, employs clear and correct language, avoids ambiguity, includes clearly readable figures and tables, and is appropriately formatted.
  • SEENG Workshop Position Papers (max 4 pages containing a position statement, plus a single page with the author’s profile and references)—The Workshop on Software Engineering Education and Training for the Next Generation will be an interactive event intended to specifically support JSEET’s theme. We strongly encourage submitters to other JSEET categories to also submit to the SEENG Workshop. We also encourage stakeholders other than software engineering educators—students, recent graduates, employers, and representatives of STEM education from government and non-government organizations —to submit. Accepted position papers will be published in the ICSE Companion Proceedings. SEENG submissions will follow the ICSE Workshops schedule. Contributions in this category will be evaluated against these criteria:
    • Relevance: extent to which the submission is relevant to JSEET’s theme;
    • Profile: potential of the author to contribute to the workshop’s goals and help it be successful;
    • Significance: potential of the author’s position to impact the education and training of the next generation of software engineers;
    • Clarity: clarity of the author’s position.

JSEET submissions should not exceed their respective category limit, including all text, figures, tables, and appendices. Up to two additional pages containing only references are permitted for certain categories. Please check the category page limits carefully. The page limits are strict and non-compliance will result in a desk reject.

All submissions must conform to the IEEE Conference Proceedings Formatting Guidelines (title in 24pt font and full text in 10pt type, LaTEX users must use \documentclass[10pt,conference]{IEEEtran} without including the compsoc or compsocconf option).

By submitting to this track, authors acknowledge that they are aware of and agree to be bound by the ACM Policy and Procedures on Plagiarism (https://www.acm.org/publications/policies/plagiarism) and the IEEE Plagiarism FAQ (https://www.ieee.org/publications/rights/plagiarism/plagiarism-faq.html). In particular, papers submitted to ICSE 2021 must not have been published elsewhere and must not be under review or submitted for review elsewhere whilst under consideration for ICSE 2021. Contravention of this concurrent submission policy will be deemed a serious breach of scientific ethics, and appropriate action will be taken in all such cases. To check for double submission and plagiarism issues, the chairs reserve the right to (1) share the list of submissions with the PC Chairs of other conferences with overlapping review periods and (2) use external plagiarism detection software, under contract to the ACM or IEEE, to detect violations of these policies. By submitting to this track, authors acknowledge that they conform to the authorship policy of the ACM (https://www.acm.org/publications/policy-on-authorship), and the authorship policy of the IEEE (https://journals.ieeeauthorcenter.ieee.org/become-an-ieee-journal-author/publishing-ethics/definition-of-authorship/).

Accepted contributions will be published in the ICSE 2021 Proceedings and Companion Proceedings, as well as in the ACM and IEEE digital libraries. The official publication date of the proceedings is the date the proceedings are made available in the ACM Digital Library. This date may be up to two weeks prior to the first day of the conference. The official publication date affects the deadline for any patent filings related to published work.

All submissions will follow a single-blinded review process (reviewers will be anonymous to the authors). Therefore submission should not take any precautions to obscure the identities of the authors.

Important Dates—Research Papers, Experience Reports, Idea Papers, Tool Papers
  • JSEET Submissions Deadline: 18 October 2020
  • JSEET Acceptance Notification: 15 January 2021
  • JSEET Camera Ready: 12 February 2021
Important Dates—SEENG Workshop Position Papers
  • SEENG Workshop Website Online: 23 November 2020
  • SEENG Abstracts Deadline: 15 January 2021
  • SEENG Submissions Deadline: 22 January 2021
  • SEENG Acceptance Notification: 22 February 2021
  • SEENG Camera Ready: 12 March 2021

All contributions must be submitted to EasyChair at:


Please make sure to choose the right submission sub-track and category when submitting. All submissions, except SEENG Workshop Position Papers, must be submitted to the ICSE-JSEET 2021 sub-track. SEENG Workshop Position Papers must be submitted to the JSEET 2021 SEENG Workshop sub-track.

Conference Attendance Expectation

If a submission is accepted, at least one author of the paper is required to register for and attend the full 3-day technical conference and present the paper. The presentation is expected to be delivered in person, unless this is impossible due to travel limitations (related to, e.g., health, visa, or COVID-19 prevention).

About Proceedings

  • Your paper must be formatted according to the instructions at https://www.ieee.org/conferences/publishing/templates.html. Validation of the paper formatting will be part of the submission process.
  • The given page limits are strict. It is not possible to buy extra pages.
  • The list of authors (names, emails, affiliations, order) is not allowed to be changed after notification. If a correction is needed (e.g., because the author name was misspelled), the track/event chairs need to approve the change. The authors should also notify the track/event chairs if the author list in HotCrp/EasyChair data about the paper is not identical to the author list in initial-submission pdf (not relevant for tracks with double-blind process).
  • In the next days, you will be contacted by the publisher (IEEE CPS) with the instructions and link where to submit the camera-ready version of your paper (please do not submit it to HotCrp/EasyChair and wait for the instructions). As part of the process, you will also need to submit your IEEE copyright (before you complete your final paper submission). So please read the instructions carefully immediately after it arrives.
  • At least one of the paper's authors must register to the conference by the due date stated in the corresponding track; specifying the unique Paper ID, assigned to each paper by IEEE CPS publishing vendor and sent to you when inviting you to submit the camera ready version of your paper.
Role Type
Committee member
Session chair
New Zealand
Saudi Arabia
United Kingdom
United States

Results (170)

Aivaloglou, Efthimia
University of LeidenNetherlands
Alhammad, Manal
King Saud UniversitySaudi Arabia
Alves, Isaque
University of Brasilia (UnB)Brazil
Aniche, Maurício
Delft University of TechnologyNetherlands
Anvari, Farshid
Macquarie UniversityAustralia
Ardis, Mark
Azanza, Maider
University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU)Spain
Ball, Julian
University of TennesseeUnited States
Barker, Mike
Barroca, Leonor
Bijlsma, Lex
Open UniversiteitNetherlands
Billingsley, William
University of New EnglandAustralia
Bollin, Andreas
Borsotti, Valeria
DIKU, University of CopenhagenDenmark
Bosnić, Ivana
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and ComputingCroatia
Brings, Jennifer
paluno – The Ruhr Institute for Software Technology, University of Duisburg-EssenGermany
Brockmann, Patricia
Buhnova, Barbora
Masaryk UniversityCzechia
Bull, Christopher
Newcastle University, UKUnited Kingdom
Cain, Andrew
Deakin UniversityAustralia
Castro, Renata Xavier
Chenoweth, Steve
Chong, Chun Yong
Monash UniversityMalaysia
Clegg, Benjamin
The University of SheffieldUnited Kingdom
Condori-Fernández, Nelly
University of A Coruña/ Vrije Universiteit AmsterdamSpain
Crnkovic, Ivica
Chalmers University of TechnologySweden
Da Silva Sousa, Leonardo
Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Daun, Marian
University of Duisburg-EssenGermany
de Almeida, Eduardo Santana
Federal University of Bahia
de Boer, Remco
Delgado-Pérez, Pedro
Universidad de CádizSpain
Diaz, Oscar
University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU)Spain
Doorn, Niels
NHL Stenden University of Applied SciencesNetherlands
Edwards, John
Utah State UniversityUnited States
Elder, Sarah
North Carolina State UniversityUnited States
Erdogmus, Hakan
Carnegie Mellon UniversityUnited States
Ericsson, Morgan
Linnaeus University
Espinha Gasiba, Tiago
Siemens AGGermany
Falleri, Jean-Rémy
Univ. Bordeaux, Bordeaux INP, CNRS, LaBRI. Institut Universitaire de France.France
Fernandez, Pablo
University of SevilleSpain
Ford, Denae
Microsoft ResearchUnited States
Fox, Armando
University of California, BerkeleyUnited States
Fraser, Gordon
University of PassauGermany
García, César
University of SevillaSpain
Garlan, David
Carnegie Mellon University, USAUnited States
Geldreich, Katharina
Technical University of MunichGermany
Gimenes, Itana
Goger, Marcel
Schaeffler AGGermany
Guerrero, Alejandro
University of SevilleSpain
Guimaraes, Marice Costa
Hays, Mark
Hazeyama, Atsuo
Tokyo Gakugei UniversityJapan
Hazzan, Orit
Technion - Israel Institute of TechnologyIsrael
Hazzan, Orit
Hebig, Regina
Heckman, Sarah
North Carolina State UniversityUnited States
Hellas, Arto
Aalto UniversityFinland
Henley, Austin
University of TennesseeUnited States
Hermans, Felienne
Leiden UniversityNetherlands
Heuer, Ute
Universität PassauGermany
Hochmüller, Elke
Hochstein, Lorin
NetflixUnited States
Hu, Chunfeng
Southern University of Science and TechnologyChina
Hughes, Janet
Hujala, Maija
LUT UniversityFinland
Hynninen, Timo
South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences (XAMK)Finland
Irastorza, Arantza
University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU)Spain
Jaccheri, Letizia
Norwegian University of Science and TechnologyNorway
Jenkins, Marcelo
Julien, Christine
University of Texas at AustinUnited States
Kang, Sungwon
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Klappholz, David
Klein, Benjamin
University of TennesseeUnited States
Knauss, Eric
Chalmers | University of GothenburgSweden
Knutas, Antti
LUT UniversityFinland
Koch, Walter
Schaeffler AGGermany
Korlakunta, Srujay
University of California, BerkeleyUnited States
Kozarev, Val
North Carolina State UniversityUnited States
Krusche, Stephan
Technische Universität MünchenGermany
Kuhrmann, Marco
University of PassauGermany
Körber, Nina
University of PassauGermany
Lechner, Ulrike
Universität der Bundeswehr MünchenGermany
Lee, Dylan
University of TennesseeUnited States
Leinonen, Juho
University of HelsinkiFinland
Levy, Nicole
Conservatoire National des Arts et MétiersFrance
Li, Ziqiang
Southern University of Science and TechnologyChina
Lobato, Cesar
UFPA - Federal University of ParáBrazil
Margaria, Tiziana
University of Limerick and Lero - The Irish Software Research Centre Ireland
Marques Samary, Maíra
McMinn, Phil
The University of SheffieldUnited Kingdom
Mead, Nancy
Carnegie Mellon UniversityUnited States
Medeiros, Raul
University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU)Spain
Medina-Bulo, Inmaculada
Universidad de CádizSpain
Mendez, Daniel
Blekinge Institute of TechnologySweden
Menzies, Tim
North Carolina State UniversityUnited States
Monteiro, Rodrigo
UFPA - Federal University of ParáBrazil
Morales Trujillo, Miguel Ehécatl
University of CanterburyNew Zealand
Moreno, Ana María
Universidad Politécnica de MadridSpain
Moster, Makayla
Clemson UniversityUnited States
Mottok, Juergen
Mulder, Frank
Delft University of TechnologyNetherlands
Navarro, Emily
University of California, IrvineUnited States
Obermüller, Florian
University of PassauGermany
Oliveira, Sandro
UFPA - Federal University of ParáBrazil
Oquendo, Flavio
IRISA (UMR CNRS) - Univ. Bretagne-Sud (UBS)France
Paasivaara, Maria
LUT University, Finland & IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark & Aalto University, FinlandFinland
Paasivaara, Maria
Parvéry, Corinne
Bordeaux INPFrance
Passier, Harrie
Open University of the Netherlands, The NetherlandsNetherlands
Paulk, Mark
University of Texas at DallasUnited States
Peraire, Cecile
Carnegie Mellon University Silicon Valley
Pinto, Gustavo
Federal University of Pará
Pinto-Albuquerque, Maria
Iscte, Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, PortugalPortugal
Pootjes, Harold
Open UniversiteitNetherlands
Port, Daniel
University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa
Portela, Carlos
UFPA - Federal University of ParáBrazil
Presler-Marshall, Kai
North Carolina State UniversityUnited States
Pérez, Beatriz
Universidad de La RiojaSpain
Rajapakse, Damith
Ranaweera, Chathu
Deakin UniversityAustralia
Redondo López, José Manuel
Universidad de OviedoSpain
Richards, Deborah
Macquarie UniversityAustralia
Rodeghero, Paige
Clemson UniversityUnited States
Ruiz-Cortés, Antonio
University of SevilleSpain
Rutter, Aiden
University of TennesseeUnited States
Sanchez-Segura, Maria-Isabel
University Carlos III of MadridSpain
Schneider, Jean-Guy
Deakin UniversityAustralia
Sedelmaier, Yvonne
SRH Wilhelm Löhe Hochschule in Fürth / Hochschule Coburg
Serebrenik, Alexander
Eindhoven University of TechnologyNetherlands
Shrestha, Raj
Utah State UniversityUnited States
Shu, Rui
North Carolina State UniversityUnited States
Silva Rocha Aguiar, Carla
Silva, Leonardo Humberto
Souza, Mauricio
UFLA - Federal University of LavrasBrazil
Stahlbauer, Andreas
University of PassauGermany
Stevens, Perdita
University of EdinburghUnited Kingdom
Stolee, Kathryn
North Carolina State UniversityUnited States
Stuurman, Sylvia
Open University NLNetherlands
Szabo, Claudia
The University of AdelaideAustralia
Tafliovich, Anya
Tan, Shin Hwei
Southern University of Science and TechnologyChina
Tantithamthavorn, Kla
Monash UniversityAustralia
Tenbergen, Bastian
State University of New York at OswegoUnited States
Teniente, Ernest
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain
Thiruvady, Dhananjay
Deakin UniversityAustralia
Thongtanunam, Patanamon
University of MelbourneAustralia
Tran, Hien Minh Thi
Minh Hien Pty LtdAustralia
Tubino, Laura
Deakin UniversityAustralia
Tüzün, Eray
Bilkent UniversityTurkey
Valle-Gómez, Kevin Jesús
Universidad de CádizSpain
Vallecillo, Antonio
University of Málaga, SpainSpain
van der Meulen, Anna
Leiden UniversityNetherlands
Verdecchia, Roberto
Vrije Universiteit AmsterdamNetherlands
Villa-Uriol, Maria-Cruz
University of SheffieldUnited Kingdom
Vizcaíno, Aurora
Universidad de Castilla - La ManchaSpain
von Frankenberg, Nadine
Technical University of MunichGermany
Washizaki, Hironori
Waseda UniversityJapan
Wasmeier, Ewald
University of PassauGermany
Werneck, Vera
Werner, Claudia
Federal University of Rio de JaneiroBrazil
Weyer, Thorsten
University of Duisburg-EssenGermany
Williams, Laurie
North Carolina State UniversityUnited States
Wlodarski, Rafal
Lodz University of TechnologyPoland
Young, Michal
University of Oregon
Zahan, Nusrat
North Carolina State UniversityUnited States
Zavgorodniaia, Albina
Aalto UniversityFinland
Zeitsoff, Joshua
University of California, BerkeleyUnited States
Zhang, Xiaowen
Southern University of Science and TechnologyChina
Zhou, Ying
Southern University of Science and TechnologyChina
Álvarez-García, Miguel Ángel
Universidad de CádizSpain