Meeting in person in Hannover

After one hybrid and two virtual RE conferences, we hope to meet again in person at RE’23. The conference is planned to be held fully in presence at Hannover, Germany. Of course, we will react to any severe developments, such travel restrictions. However, we hope and we look forward to an in-person gathering of the RE community.

Leibniz Universität Hannover

One of the royal castles (Welfenschloss) is the venue of RE’23. It is now headquarter of Leibniz Universität Hannover, which is named after Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz. Born in 1646, Leibniz was a philosopher and universal scholar. Besides many other achievements, he invented the binary code. Today, the University has about 30.000 students and 350 professors in nine faculties. Computer science is one of its largest study programmes. Requirements engineering classes are offered in the Faculty of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering. Leibniz Universität Hannover was founded in 1831. It is a member of TU9 German Institutes of Technology e. V., nine premier technical universities of Germany.

Explore Hannover

Hannover is the capital city of the German state of Lower Saxony in Northern Germany. The city is well-connected via fast ICE railway lines and motorways in all directions. Hannover Airport connects the city to many European hubs, such as Frankfurt, Munich, Amsterdam, Zurich, and many more.

In former times, the Kings of Hannover shaped the city architecture. Royal parks and gardens contrast with modern downtown shopping and business areas. Hannover is the home of large trade and insurrance companies, and automotive industry.

Get There

Thanks to its central location in the heart of Europe, Hannover Region is ideally integrated in the major European transport connections. This is where the A7 motorway (Munich-Hamburg) and A2 motorway (Ruhr area-Berlin) intersect. The Deutsche Bahn ICE network also ensures fast rail links to and from all major conurbations. Hannover Airport offers direct flights to more than 100 destinations.

In Hannover, you can take the subway (“Stadtbahn” or “U-Bahn”) line 4 (to “Garbsen”) or 5 (to “Stöcken”) from the citiy (e.g. from the stop “Kröpcke”) to the stop “Leibniz Universität Hannover”. You can buy a “Kurzstreckenticket” for 1,60€, as there are only two stops in between.


Welfengarten 1
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