Requirements Engineering 2023 (series) /
Requirements Engineering 2023 Program
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Sun 3 SepDisplayed time zone: Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna change
Sun 3 Sep
Displayed time zone: Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna change
10:00 - 18:00 | |||
10:00 8hOther | iStar Celebratory Symposium'23Workshop Workshops O: Julio Cesar Leite Federal University of Bahia (UFBA), O: Gunter Mussbacher McGill University, O: Anna Perini Fondazione Bruno Kessler |
Mon 4 SepDisplayed time zone: Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna change
Mon 4 Sep
Displayed time zone: Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna change
09:00 - 18:00 | |||
09:00 9hOther | SST: Software and Systems TraceabilityWorkshop Workshops Link to publication |
09:00 - 13:00 | |||
09:00 4hTutorial | Towards Facilitating Replication in NLP4RE Tutorials O: Sallam Abualhaija University of Luxembourg, O: Fatma Başak Aydemir Utrecht University, O: Davide Dell'Anna Utrecht University, O: Alessio Ferrari CNR-ISTI, O: Xavier Franch Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, O: Davide Fucci Blekinge Institute of Technology |
09:00 - 09:30 | |||
09:00 - 18:00 | |||
09:00 9hOther | iStar: i* WorkshopWorkshop Workshops O: Sotirios Liaskos York University, O: Alejandro Mate Universidad de Alicante, O: Roxana L. Q. Portugal |
09:00 - 18:00 | |||
09:00 9hOther | REFrame: Requirements Engineering FrameworksWorkshop Workshops O: Andrea Wohlgemuth Swisslog, O: Andrea Herrmann Herrmann & Ehrlich, O: Andreas Birk Software.Process.Management |
09:00 - 18:00 | |||
09:00 9hOther | RE4ES: Requirements Engineering for Explainable SystemsWorkshop Workshops O: Verena Klös Technische Universität Dresden, O: Maike Schwammberger , O: Mersedeh Sadeghi University of Cologne, O: Timo Speith University of Bayreuth, O: Jakob Droste Leibniz Universität Hannover |
09:00 - 13:00 | |||
09:00 4hTutorial | Speculative Design and Requirements Engineering Tutorials O: Andrew Darby Lancaster University, O: Peter Sawyer Aston University, O: Nelly Bencomo Durham University |
09:00 - 18:00 | |||
09:00 9hOther | ESPRE: Evolving Security and Privacy Requirements EngineeringWorkshop Workshops O: Duncan Ki-Aries Bournemouth University, O: Seok-Won Lee Ajou University, O: Mattia Salnitri University of Bergamo |
09:30 - 10:30 | |||
09:30 60mKeynote | Best (and Worst) Practices for a PhD Project in Software Engineering Doctoral Symposium Elmar Juergens CQSE GmbH |
11:00 - 12:30 | |||
11:00 30mPaper | Enhancing Requirements Elicitation through App Stores Mining: Health Monitoring App Case Study Doctoral Symposium | ||
11:30 30mPaper | Leveraging User Feedback for Requirements Through Trend and Narrative Analysis Doctoral Symposium | ||
12:00 30mPaper | Enhancing Startup Success Rates: Towards a Pragmatic Framework for Product Managers (PFPM) Doctoral Symposium |
14:00 - 18:00 | |||
14:00 4hTutorial | Requirements Analysis and Decomposition for Distributed Systems based on Deep Learning Tutorials O: Eric Knauss Chalmers | University of Gothenburg, O: Hans-Martin Heyn University of Gothenburg & Chalmers University of Technology DOI |
14:00 - 15:30 | |||
14:00 30mPaper | Requirements Engineering for Explainable AI Doctoral Symposium File Attached | ||
14:30 30mPaper | An Investigation of Requirements Engineering Teaching in Higher Education in Switzerland Doctoral Symposium A: Anthea Moravánszky University of Szeged, Hungary; University of Applied Sciences of the Grisons, Switzerland File Attached | ||
15:00 30mPaper | A Requirements-Driven Agent- and Goal-Oriented Conceptual Modeling Framework for Responsible AI Doctoral Symposium |
14:00 - 18:00 | |||
14:00 4hOther | RESET: Requirements Engineering for Software startups and Emerging Technologies Workshop Workshops O: Anh Nguyen Duc University College of Southeast Norway, O: Chetan Arora Monash University, O: Pekka Abrahamsson University of Jyväskylä |
14:00 - 18:00 | |||
14:00 4hTutorial | Comparing Products using Feature Similarity Matching Tutorials |
16:00 - 17:00 | |||
16:00 60mPanel | PhD advisors at your disposal Doctoral Symposium Travis Breaux Carnegie Mellon University, Markus Borg CodeScene, Zhi Jin Peking University, Barbara Paech Heidelberg University |
17:00 - 17:30 | |||
Tue 5 SepDisplayed time zone: Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna change
Tue 5 Sep
Displayed time zone: Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna change
09:00 - 18:00 | |||
09:00 9hOther | AffectRE: Affective Computing in Requirements EngineeringWorkshop Workshops O: Marc Herrmann Leibniz Universität Hannover, O: Tahira Iqbal University of Tartu, O: Kuldar Taveter University of Tartu, Estonia, O: Jil Klünder Leibniz Universität Hannover |
09:00 - 18:00 | |||
09:00 9hOther | EmpiRE: Empirical Requirements Engineering Workshop Workshops O: Maya Daneva University of Twente, O: Vincenzo Gervasi University of Pisa, O: Alessandro Marchetto Università di Trento |
09:00 - 18:00 | |||
09:00 9hOther | MODRE: Model-Driven Requirements EngineeringWorkshop Workshops O: Ana Moreira NOVA University of Lisbon and NOVA LINCS, O: Gunter Mussbacher McGill University, O: João Araújo NOVA LINCS, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, O: Pablo Sánchez Universidad de Cantabria |
09:00 - 18:00 | |||
09:00 9hTutorial | Writing Effective Requirements Tutorials |
09:00 - 18:00 | |||
09:00 9hOther | EnviRE: Environment-Driven Requirements EngineeringWorkshop Workshops |
09:00 - 18:00 | |||
09:00 9hOther | AIRE: Artificial Intelligence and Requirements EngineeringWorkshop Workshops O: Sallam Abualhaija University of Luxembourg, O: Mehrdad Sabetzadeh University of Ottawa, Juan Trujillo |
09:00 - 18:00 | |||
09:00 9hOther | REWBAH: Requirements Engineering for Well-Being, Aging, and HealthWorkshop Workshops O: Lin Liu Tsinghua University, China, O: Daniel Amyot University of Ottawa, O: Meira Levy Shenkar College of Engineering, Design, Art, O: Eric Yu University of Toronto Pre-print |
09:00 - 12:30 | |||
09:00 3h30mOther | CrowdRE: Crowd-Based Requirements EngineeringWorkshop Workshops O: Oliver Karras TIB - Leibniz Information Centre for Science and Technology, O: Irit Hadar University of Haifa, O: Muneera Bano CSIRO's Data61, James Tizard University of Auckland |
09:00 - 18:00 | |||
09:00 9hTutorial | Modern Requirements and Business Analysis Tutorials |
Wed 6 SepDisplayed time zone: Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna change
Wed 6 Sep
Displayed time zone: Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna change
08:45 - 10:15 | Opening + Keynote 1Keynotes at f102 Chair(s): Kurt Schneider Leibniz Universität Hannover, Software Engineering Group | ||
08:45 15mTalk | Conference Opening Keynotes | ||
09:00 75mKeynote | Keynote 1: Claes Wohlin - Do We Publish Credible Evidence? Keynotes File Attached |
10:45 - 12:15 | User RequirementsRE@Next! Papers / Journal-First / Research Papers at f128 Chair(s): Frank Houdek Mercedes-Benz AG | ||
10:45 30mTalk | User Driven Functionality Deletion for Mobile Apps Research Papers A: Maleknaz Nayebi Polytechnique Montréal, A: Konstantin Kuznetsov DFKI, Germany, A: Andreas Zeller CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security, A: Guenther Ruhe University of Calgary | ||
11:15 30mTalk | A Quality Framework for Measuring User Experience in Industrial IoT Systems Journal-First A: Adam Trendowicz , A: Eduard C. Groen Fraunhofer IESE, A: Jens Henningsen Fraunhofer IESE, A: Julien Siebert Fraunhofer IESE, A: Nedo Alexander Bartels Fraunhofer IESE, A: Sven Storck Fraunhofer IESE, A: Thomas Kuhn | ||
11:45 30mPaper | Boosting GUI Prototyping with Diffusion Models RE@Next! Papers A: Jialiang Wei EuroMov DHM, Univ Montpellier & IMT Mines Ales, A: Anne-Lise Courbis IMT Mines Alès, A: Thomas Lambolais IMT Mines Alès, A: Binbin Xu IMT Mines Alès, A: Pierre Louis Bernard University of Montpellier, A: Gerard Dray IMT Mines Alès Pre-print |
10:45 - 12:15 | Formal RequirementsJournal-First / Industrial Innovation Papers / RE@Next! Papers at f142 Chair(s): Paola Spoletini Kennesaw State University | ||
10:45 30mPaper | Requirements Analysis of Variability Constraints in a Configurable Flight Software System Industrial Innovation Papers Pre-print | ||
11:15 30mTalk | The Role of Formalism in System Requirements Journal-First Link to publication DOI | ||
11:45 30mResearch paper | Understanding Fairness Requirements for ML-based Software RE@Next! Papers A: Luciano Baresi Politecnico di Milano, A: Chiara Criscuolo Politecnico di Milano, A: Carlo Ghezzi Politecnico di Milano File Attached |
12:15 - 13:45 | |||
13:15 30mDemonstration | History of Computer Science (at InfoLAB) Catering |
13:45 - 15:15 | Panel: Are we ready for the future? - Redefining RE to strengthen and sustain our community in the light of emerging topics and challenges Research Papers at b305 Chair(s): Anne Hess Technical University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt | ||
13:45 90mPanel | Panel: Are we ready for the future? - Redefining RE to strengthen and sustain our community in the light of emerging topics and challenges Research Papers M: Anne Hess Technical University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt, P: Jane Cleland-Huang University of Notre Dame, P: Bashar Nuseibeh The Open University, UK, P: Alistair Sutcliffe University of Manchester, P: Marcus Trapp , P: Irit Hadar University of Haifa |
13:45 - 15:15 | SustainabilityIndustrial Innovation Papers / RE@Next! Papers at f142 Chair(s): Martin Glinz University of Zurich | ||
13:45 30mPaper | Digital Design - Shaping a Sustainable Digital Future Requires a New Holistic Design Approach Industrial Innovation Papers | ||
14:15 30mPaper | Application of the Sustainability Awareness Framework in Agile Software Development Industrial Innovation Papers A: Peter Bambazek Johannes Kepler University Linz, A: Iris Groher Johannes Kepler University, Linz, A: Norbert Seyff University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland FHNW File Attached | ||
14:45 30mPaper | Requirements Engineering Knowledge as a Foundation for a Sustainability-Aware Scrum Framework RE@Next! Papers A: Peter Bambazek Johannes Kepler University Linz, A: Iris Groher Johannes Kepler University, Linz, A: Norbert Seyff University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland FHNW File Attached |
15:45 - 17:15 | Agile & User StoriesResearch Papers / RE@Next! Papers / Journal-First at b305 Chair(s): Jean-Michel Bruel IRIT (CNRS and Univ. of Toulouse) | ||
15:45 30mPaper | Quantifying Requirements Technical Debt: A Systematic Mapping Study and a Conceptual Model Research Papers A: Judith Perera University of Auckland, A: Ewan Tempero The University of Auckland, A: Yu-Cheng Tu , A: Kelly Blincoe University of Auckland Pre-print Media Attached File Attached | ||
16:15 30mTalk | An Impact-Driven Approach to Predict User Stories Instability Journal-First A: Yarden Levy Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, A: Roni Stern , A: Arnon Sturm Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, A: Argaman Mordoch , A: Yuval Yarom File Attached | ||
16:45 30mPaper | Handling Uncertainty in the Development of Conversational Assistants with RELAXed User Stories RE@Next! Papers A: Mariana Bonito Universidade Nova de Lisboa, A: João Araújo Universidade Nova de Lisboa - Portugal, A: Joao Magalhaes Universidade NOVA de Lisboa |
15:45 - 16:45 | |||
15:45 30mPaper | Mobile Application Privacy Risk Assessments from User-authored Scenarios Research Papers A: Tianjian Huang Carnegie Mellon University, A: Vaishnavi Kaulagi Carnegie Mellon University, A: Mitra Bokaei Hosseini University of Texas at San Antonio, A: Travis Breaux Carnegie Mellon University Pre-print | ||
16:15 30mTalk | The Importance of Security is in the Eye of the Beholder: Cultural, Organizational, and Personal Factors Affecting the Implementation of Security by Design Journal-First A: Renana Arizon-Peretz University of Haifa, A: Irit Hadar University of Haifa, A: Gil Luria University of Haifa |
17:30 - 18:00 | Serapion: Nightmares of RE - A SurpriseResearch Papers / Industrial Innovation Papers / Journal-First / Artifacts / RE@Next! Papers at b305 | ||
18:00 - 18:45 | Townhall DiscussionResearch Papers / Industrial Innovation Papers / Journal-First / Artifacts / RE@Next! Papers at b305 | ||
Thu 7 SepDisplayed time zone: Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna change
Thu 7 Sep
Displayed time zone: Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna change
09:00 - 10:15 | |||
09:00 75mKeynote | Keynote 2: Rainer Dammers - A paradigm shift in the automotive industry and it's requirements Keynotes File Attached |
10:45 - 12:15 | Human AspectsJournal-First / RE@Next! Papers at b305 Chair(s): João Araújo Universidade Nova de Lisboa - Portugal | ||
10:45 30mTalk | Requirements Engineering Framework for Human-centered Artificial Intelligence Software Systems Journal-First A: Khlood Ahmad Deakin University, A: Mohamed Abdelrazek Deakin University, Australia, A: Chetan Arora Monash University, A: Arbind Agrahari Baniya Deakin University, A: Muneera Bano Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, A: John Grundy Monash University Pre-print | ||
11:15 30mPaper | Multi-Modal Emotion Recognition for Enhanced Requirements Engineering: A Novel Approach RE@Next! Papers A: Ben Cheng School of Information Technology, Deakin University, A: Chetan Arora Monash University, A: Xiao Liu School of Information Technology, Deakin University, A: Thuong Hoang School of Information Technology, Deakin University, A: Yi Wang School of Information Technology, Deakin University, A: John Grundy Monash University Pre-print | ||
11:45 30mPaper | Accountable Design for Individual, Societal, and Regulated Values in the UAV Domain RE@Next! Papers A: Agnieszka Marczak-Czajka , A: Jarek Nabrzyski University of Notre Dame, A: Jane Cleland-Huang University of Notre Dame |
10:45 - 12:15 | State of the PracticeIndustrial Innovation Papers / Journal-First / Research Papers at f128 Chair(s): Tong Li Beijing University of Technology | ||
10:45 30mPaper | Standardising and Coaching Requirements Engineering Methods at Fresenius Medical Care​ Industrial Innovation Papers File Attached | ||
11:15 30mTalk | The State-of-Practice in Requirements Specification: An Extended Interview Study at 12 Companies Journal-First A: Xavier Franch Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, A: Cristina Palomares Polytechnic University of Catalonia, A: Carme Quer Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, A: Panagiota Chatzipetrou , A: Tony Gorschek Blekinge Institute of Technology / DocEngineering File Attached | ||
11:45 30mPaper | Eliciting the Double-edged Impact of Digitalisation: a Case Study in Rural Areas Research Papers A: Alessio Ferrari CNR-ISTI, A: Fabio Lepore University of Pisa, A: Livia Ortolani University of Pisa, A: Gianluca Brunori University of Pisa Pre-print File Attached |
10:45 - 12:15 | |||
10:45 30mPaper | Prompting Creative Requirements via Traceable and Adversarial Examples in Deep Learning Research Papers A: Hemanth Gudaparthi Governors State University, A: Nan Niu University of Cincinnati, A: Boyang Wang University of Cincinnati, A: Tanmay Bhowmik Mississippi State University, A: Hui Liu Beijing Institute of Technology, A: Jianzhang Zhang , A: Juha Savolainen Danfoss, A: Glen Horton University of Cincinnati, A: Sean Crowe University of Cincinnati, A: Thomas Scherz University of Cincinnati, A: Lisa Haitz University of Cincinnati | ||
11:15 30mPaper | Zero-shot Learning for Named Entity Recognition in Software Specification Documents Research Papers A: Souvick Das , A: Novarun Deb Assistant Professor, Indian Institute of Information Technology, Vadodara, A: Agostino Cortesi Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, A: Nabendu Chaki | ||
11:45 30mPaper | Inconsistency Detection in Natural Language Requirements using ChatGPT: a Preliminary Evaluation} RE@Next! Papers A: Alessandro Fantechi University of Florence, A: Stefania Gnesi Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologie dell'Informazione "Alessandro Faedo" , A: Lucia Passaro University of Pisa, A: Laura Semini Università di Pisa - Dipartimento di Informatica File Attached |
12:15 - 13:45 | |||
13:15 30mDemonstration | History of Computer Science (at InfoLAB) Catering |
13:45 - 15:15 | TraceabilityIndustrial Innovation Papers / Research Papers at b305 Chair(s): Jane Cleland-Huang University of Notre Dame | ||
13:45 30mPaper | All Eyes on Traceability: An Interview Study on Industry Practices and Eye Tracking Potential Research Papers File Attached | ||
14:15 30mTalk | Taming Cross-Tool Traceability in the Wild Industrial Innovation Papers A: Cosmina-Cristina Ratiu Johannes Kepler University Linz, A: Christoph Mayr-Dorn JOHANNES KEPLER UNIVERSITY LINZ, A: Wesley Assunção North Carolina State University, A: Alexander Egyed Johannes Kepler University Linz Pre-print Media Attached | ||
14:45 30mPaper | Traceability Evaluation in Requirements Engineering According to Automotive SPICE Industrial Innovation Papers A: Vishakha Rathod Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt, A: Thomas Cebulla AUDI AG, A: Stefan Kugele Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt |
13:45 - 15:15 | |||
13:45 90mPoster | Towards Locating Requirements within Agile Development Artifacts (Student Poster) Posters and Tool Demos | ||
13:45 90mDemonstration | AutoReco: A Tool for Recommending Requirements for their Non-Conformance with Requirement Templates (RTs) Posters and Tool Demos A: Shivani Balwani DA-IICT Gandhinagar, A: Saurabh Tiwari DA-IICT Gandhinagar, A: Sourish Dasgupta DA-IICT Gandhinagar, A: Akhilesh Sharma SAC ISRO, Govt of India | ||
13:45 90mDemonstration | NL2PD: A Tool for Problem Diagram Generation from Requirements in Natural Language Posters and Tool Demos A: Xuan Chen School of Computer Science and Engineering, Guangxi Normal University, A: Yajun Deng School of Computer Science and Engineering, Guangxi Normal University, A: Hongbin Xiao , A: Zhi Li Guangxi Normal University | ||
13:45 90mPoster | PersonaGen: A Tool for Generating Personas from User Feedback Posters and Tool Demos A: Xishuo Zhang College of Computer Science and Technology, Inner Mongolia Normal University, Lin Liu College of Computer Science and Technology, Inner Mongolia Normal University, A: Yi Wang School of Information Technology, Deakin University, A: Xiao Liu School of Information Technology, Deakin University, A: Hailong Wang College of Computer Science and Technology, Inner Mongolia Normal University, A: Anqi Ren College of Computer Science and Technology, Inner Mongolia Normal University, A: Chetan Arora Monash University | ||
13:45 90mDemonstration | A Tool for Security Risk Assessment for APT Attacks: using Scenarios, Security Requirements, and Evidence Posters and Tool Demos Pre-print | ||
13:45 90mPoster | NFRNet-LT: Improving Accuracy in Extracting Long-tailed Non-functional Requirements Posters and Tool Demos A: Jiaqing Deng , A: Zhi Li Guangxi Normal University, A: Xiayu Zhou School of Computer Science and Engineering, Guangxi Normal University, A: Hongbin Xiao | ||
13:45 90mDemonstration | ModeLLer – a Prototype to Support Requirements Elicitation in Co-design Environments Posters and Tool Demos A: Chiara Mannari , A: Alessio Ferrari CNR-ISTI, A: Manlio Bacco , A: Tommaso Turchi University of Pisa, A: Alessio Malizia Molde University College, A: Elisa Anichini University of Pisa | ||
13:45 90mDemonstration | PF4MD: A Microservice Decomposition Tool Combining Problem Frames Posters and Tool Demos A: Yulong Li , A: Zhi Li Guangxi Normal University, A: Yitao Bu School of Computer Science and Engineering, Guangxi Normal University, A: Hongbin Xiao , A: Yajun Deng School of Computer Science and Engineering, Guangxi Normal University |
13:45 - 15:15 | |||
13:45 30mPaper | Analysis and optimisation of SPL products using goal models Research Papers A: Inmaculada Ayala Universidad de Málaga, A: Mercedes Amor Universidad de Málaga, A: Lidia Fuentes Universidad de Málaga, Spain Pre-print File Attached | ||
14:15 30mPaper | Discovering runtime requirements from user interactions: ideas and preliminary studies RE@Next! Papers A: Tong Li Beijing University of Technology, A: Xinran Zhang Beijing University of Technology, A: Yiting Wang Media Attached File Attached | ||
14:45 30mPaper | Visualizations for User-supported State Space Exploration of Goal Models RE@Next! Papers A: Yesugen Baatartogtokh University of Massachusetts Amherst, A: Irene Foster Smith College, A: Alicia M. Grubb Smith College Pre-print |
15:45 - 17:15 | Panel: Requirements Engineering and Large Language Models: Best of Friends or Worst of Enemies?Research Papers at b305 Chair(s): Neil Ernst University of Victoria | ||
15:45 90mPanel | Panel: Requirements Engineering and Large Language Models: Best of Friends or Worst of Enemies? Research Papers M: Neil Ernst University of Victoria, P: Fatma Başak Aydemir Utrecht University, P: Alessio Ferrari CNR-ISTI, P: Markus Borg CodeScene, P: Henning Wachsmuth Leibniz Universität Hannover, P: Walid Maalej University of Hamburg Pre-print |
15:45 - 17:15 | Experimentation & EvaluationResearch Papers / RE@Next! Papers at f128 Chair(s): Travis Breaux Carnegie Mellon University | ||
15:45 30mPaper | An Experiment on the Effects of using Color to Visualize Requirements Analysis Tasks Research Papers A: Yesugen Baatartogtokh University of Massachusetts Amherst, A: Irene Foster Smith College, A: Alicia M. Grubb Smith College Pre-print | ||
16:15 30mPaper | Can Videos be Used to Communicate Non-functional Requirements? An Early Empirical Investigation RE@Next! Papers | ||
16:45 30mPaper | A Comparative Evaluation of Requirement Template Systems Research Papers A: Katharina Großer University of Koblenz, A: Marina Rukavitsyna University of Koblenz, A: Jan Jürjens University of Koblenz-Landau DOI Pre-print File Attached |
18:00 - 19:15 | Drinks at the terrasse of Neues RathausCatering | ||
18:15 - 19:15 | Walk by the Lake (at Neues Rathaus)Catering | ||
19:15 - 23:00 | |||
Fri 8 SepDisplayed time zone: Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna change
Fri 8 Sep
Displayed time zone: Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna change
09:00 - 10:15 | |||
09:00 75mKeynote | Keynote 3: Federica Sarro - Search-Based Software Engineering in the Era of Modern Software Systems Keynotes |
10:45 - 12:15 | |||
10:45 30mPaper | A Transformer-based Approach for Abstractive Summarization of Requirements from Obligations in Software Engineering Contracts Research Papers A: Chirag Jain TCS Research, A: Preethu Rose Anish TCS Research, A: Amrita Singh TCS Research, A: Smita Ghaisas Independent Researcher and Consultant File Attached | ||
11:15 30mPaper | ML-based Compliance Verification of Data Processing Agreements against GDPR Research Papers A: Orlando Amaral University of Luxembourg, A: Sallam Abualhaija University of Luxembourg, A: Lionel Briand University of Ottawa, Canada; Lero centre, University of Limerick, Ireland Pre-print File Attached | ||
11:45 30mPaper | Towards Legal Contract Formalization with Controlled Natural Language Templates RE@Next! Papers A: Regan Meloche University of Ottawa, A: Daniel Amyot University of Ottawa, A: John Mylopoulos University of Ottawa Pre-print |
10:45 - 12:15 | DataResearch Papers / Industrial Innovation Papers at f128 Chair(s): Sylwia Kopczyńska Poznan University of Technology | ||
10:45 30mPaper | A Data-Driven Approach for Finding Requirements Relevant Feedback from TikTok and YouTube Research Papers A: Manish Sihag University of Victoria, A: Ze Shi Li University of Victoria, A: Amanda Dash University of Victoria, A: Nowshin Nawar Arony University of Victoria, A: Kezia Devathasan University of Victoria, A: Neil Ernst University of Victoria, A: Alexandra Albu University of Victoria, A: Daniela Damian University of Victoria | ||
11:15 30mPaper | Synthesized data quality requirements and roadmap for improving reusability of in-situ marine data Research Papers A: Ngoc-Thanh Nguyen Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, A: Keila Lima Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, A: Astrid Marie Skalvik University of Bergen, Norway, A: Rogardt Heldal Western Norway University of Applied Science, A: Eric Knauss Chalmers | University of Gothenburg, A: Tosin Daniel Oyetoyan Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, A: Patrizio Pelliccione Gran Sasso Science Institute, L'Aquila, Italy, A: Camilla Sætre University of Bergen File Attached | ||
11:45 30mPaper | Shaping a GAIA-X Data Ecosystem through Innovation Modeling Industrial Innovation Papers A: Ali Shakeri German Aerospace Center (DLR), A: Oliver Klemp German Aerospace Center (DLR), A: Bernd Westphal German Aerospace Center (DLR) File Attached |
12:15 - 13:45 | |||
13:15 30mDemonstration | History of Computer Science (at InfoLAB) Catering |
13:45 - 14:45 | |||
13:45 60mTalk | User feedback in the AppStore: An empirical study Research Papers DOI Pre-print |
14:45 - 15:30 | |||
14:45 45mTalk | Conference Closing + RE Cares + Announcement for RE'24 Keynotes |