Instructions for Authors
All presentations will be given live during the conference. However, the video will become the permanent record of your presentation and will also be used in case of emergency during your talk. Your video will be made publicly available after the conference ends.
Depending on the track your video should be either:
- up to 20 minutes for the Research, Journal First, and Industry track,
- up to 10 minutes for the Posters and Demonstrations track.
- up to 13 minutes for the RE@Next track
- up to 15 minutes for the Doctoral Symposium
The video needs to be recorded in up to 1080p (i.e. not 2K/4K).
Video Upload
All videos will be uploaded to the Clowdr platform. Authors will receive an email with instructions on how to upload the video once the upload is available. This will be most likely between September 4th and September 11th
In addition, to make the video more accessible for the audience, Clowdr will automatically generate subtitles for your presentation. We strongly encourage you to review these generated transcripts and correct them when necessary (following the instructions from the tutorial). Clowdr will let you know when your video subtitles are ready for checking.
Useful video recording practices:
Be aware of your light sources: Put a light source in front of you, so your face is well lit.
Do not have a bright light source in your back, like a window. You will look like a dark shadow. -
Video: Place your camera above eye-level, e.g., by putting your laptop on top of a few books.
When presenting, look into the camera, not at any other windows, as the viewer will think you are not speaking to them.
Clean-up your background. People are distracted from chaotic rooms or beautiful art pieces. -
Audio/Sound: Please pay attention to the audio quality of your recording and make sure that you are easy to understand.
Avoid being too quiet (hard to hear) or too loud (cracking), both makes it exhausting to follow.
Try to minimize external noises such as pets, TV, lawnmowers, or other individuals in the house. -
Presentation: When recording the video, it is recommended to actually switch the screen resolution to 1920x1080.
Many screens have a different aspect ratio, especially laptops often have 19:10, and scaling always causes (severe) quality loss.
Please note that, as a result, the presentation might look blurry on your monitor during the recording, but this does not affect the recording.