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Requirements Engineering 2021
Mon 20 - Fri 24 September 2021
The objective of the RE 2021 Posters and Tool Demonstrations Track is to demonstrate and discuss the very early methods and new or mature tools that advance RE research and practice. This is a highly interactive track, which gives an opportunity to researchers and practitioners to practically demonstrate and try out their methods and tools with the attendees.
Wed 22 Sep 2021
Thu 23 Sep 2021
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Wed 22 Sep

Displayed time zone: Eastern Time (US & Canada) change

09:20 - 09:30
Coffee break

09:30 - 10:30
Zoom4PF: A Tool for Refining Static and Dynamic Domain Descriptions in Problem FramesDemonstration
Posters and Tool Demos
shangfengWei School of Computer Science and Engineering, GXNU, Zhi Li Guangxi Normal University, Yilong Yang Beihang University, Hongbin Xiao School of Computer Science and Engineering, GXNU
Putting software requirements under the microscope: automated extraction of their semantic elementsPoster
Posters and Tool Demos
Weize Guo State Key Laboratory of Software Development Environment, Beihang University, Li Zhang Beihang University, Xiaoli Lian Beihang University, China
SusAF Welcomes SusApp: Tool Support for the Sustainability Awareness FrameworkDemonstration
Posters and Tool Demos
Maike Basmer Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Timo Kehrer Humboldt University of Berlin, Birgit Penzenstadler Chalmers
The MobSTr Dataset – An Exemplar for Traceability and Model-based Safety AssessmentDemonstration
Posters and Tool Demos
Jan-Philipp Steghöfer Chalmers | University of Gothenburg, Björn Koopmann OFFIS e.V, Jan Steffen Becker OFFIS e.V, Ingo Stierand OFFIS e.V., Marc Zeller Siemens AG, Maria Bonner Siemens AG, David Schmelter Fraunhofer IEM, Salome Maro
How to Collect Factories’ Requirements for Smart Manufacturing in Context of Quality Control: a New Approach Poster
Posters and Tool Demos
Anastasios Karakostas Centre for Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH-ITI), Georgia Apostolou Centre for Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH-ITI), Raul Poler Escuela Politécnica Superior de Alcoy, Universitat Politècnica de València, Beatriz Andrés Escuela Politécnica Superior de Alcoy, Universitat Politècnica de València, Robert Trevino Technische Universität Berlin, Anna M. Nowak-Meitinger Technische Universität Berlin, Roland Jochem Technische Universität Berlin, Stefanos Vrochidis Centre for Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH-ITI)
Co-AI: A Colab-Based Tool for Abstraction IdentificationDemonstration
Posters and Tool Demos
Zedong Peng University of Cincinnati, Nan Niu University of Cincinnati
Smart3E: Enabling End Users to Express Their Needs for Smart HomesPoster
Posters and Tool Demos
Han Bian East China Normal University, Xiaohong Chen ECNU, Zhi Jin Peking University, Lin Liu Tsinghua University, China
DBRG: Description-based Non-quality Requirements GeneratorDemonstration
Posters and Tool Demos
Mohamed Osama Deakin University, Aya Zaki Ismail Deakin University, Mohamed Abdelrazek Deakin University, Australia, John Grundy Monash University, Amani Ibrahim Deakin University
Impact of Organisational Culture on the Requirement Engineering ActivitiesDemonstration
Posters and Tool Demos
Maria Spichkova RMIT University, Australia, Tawfeeq alsanoosy RMIT university, James Harland RMIT university
10:30 - 10:40
Coffee break

Thu 23 Sep

Displayed time zone: Eastern Time (US & Canada) change

09:20 - 09:30
09:30 - 10:30
Posters & Demonstrations 2Posters and Tool Demos at Posters&Demonstrations
DoMoBOT: A Modelling Bot for Automated and Traceable Domain ModellingDemonstration
Posters and Tool Demos
Rijul Saini McGill University, Gunter Mussbacher McGill University, Canada, Jin L.C. Guo McGill University, Jörg Kienzle McGill University, Canada
Analysing Privacy Conflicts in Web-Based SystemsPoster
Posters and Tool Demos
Peter Inglis University of Glasgow, Inah Omoronyia School of Computing Science, University of Glasgow
Human-Centric Elicitation of Context-Oriented Personal Data categories: An Exploratory Study in an Educational InstitutionPoster
Posters and Tool Demos
Deepti Balaji Raykar International Institute of Information Technology, V Sridhar International Institute of Information Technology Bangalore
NFRNet: A Deep Neural Network for Automatic Classification of Non-Functional RequirementsPoster
Posters and Tool Demos
Bing Li Guangxi Normal University, Zhi Li Guangxi Normal University, Yilong Yang Beihang University
ArTu: A Tool for Generating Goal Models from User StoriesDemonstration
Posters and Tool Demos
Tuğçe Güneş Boğaziçi University, Cahid Arda Öz Boğaziçi University, Fatma Başak Aydemir Boğaziçi University
A Tool for Security Requirements Recommendation using Case-Based Problem Domain OntologyDemonstration
Posters and Tool Demos
Ji-Wook Jung Dept. of Artificial Intelligence, Ajou University, Sihn-Hye Park Dept. of Artificial Intelligence, Ajou University, Seok-Won Lee Ajou University
Unifying Behavior Driven Development TemplatesPoster
Posters and Tool Demos
10:30 - 10:40
11:50 - 12:00
12:00 - 13:00
Posters & Demonstrations 3Posters and Tool Demos at Posters&Demonstrations
ARF: Automatic Requirements Formalisation ToolDemonstration
Posters and Tool Demos
Aya Zaki Ismail Deakin University, Mohamed Osama Deakin University, Mohamed Abdelrazek Deakin University, Australia, John Grundy Monash University, Amani Ibrahim Deakin University
CARO: A Conflict Aware Requirement Ordering Tool for DevOpsDemonstration
Posters and Tool Demos
MANDIRA ROY UNIVERSITY OF CALCUTTA, Novarun Deb Indian Institute of Information Technology, Vadodara, Agostino Cortesi Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, Rituparna Chaki UNIVERSITY OF CALCUTTA, Nabendu Chaki UNIVERSITY OF CALCUTTA
MRDQA: A Deep Multimodal Requirement Document Quality AnalyzerDemonstration
Posters and Tool Demos
yeming ZTE, Jicheng Cao ZTE Corporation, Shengyu Cheng ZTE Corporation, Dong Liu ZTE, Shenghai Xu ZTE, Jinning He ZTE
Enhancing NL Requirements Formalisation using A Quality Checking ModelPoster
Posters and Tool Demos
Mohamed Osama Deakin University, Aya Zaki Ismail Deakin University, Mohamed Abdelrazek Deakin University, Australia, John Grundy Monash University, Amani Ibrahim Deakin University
Pri-AwaRE: Tool Support for priority-aware decision-making under uncertaintyDemonstration
Posters and Tool Demos
Huma Samin Aston University, Nelly Bencomo Durham University, Peter Sawyer Aston University
RV-SLC: A Tool for Regression Validation of Safety and Liveness Constraints on Goal Models in DevOps EnvironmentDemonstration
Posters and Tool Demos
Palak Ambade Indian Institute of Information Technology, Vadodara, Diptiben Solanki Indian Institute of Information Technology, Vadodara, Novarun Deb Indian Institute of Information Technology, Vadodara

Accepted Posters & Demos

Analysing Privacy Conflicts in Web-Based SystemsPoster
Posters and Tool Demos
ARF: Automatic Requirements Formalisation ToolDemonstration
Posters and Tool Demos
ArTu: A Tool for Generating Goal Models from User StoriesDemonstration
Posters and Tool Demos
A Tool for Security Requirements Recommendation using Case-Based Problem Domain OntologyDemonstration
Posters and Tool Demos
CARO: A Conflict Aware Requirement Ordering Tool for DevOpsDemonstration
Posters and Tool Demos
Co-AI: A Colab-Based Tool for Abstraction IdentificationDemonstration
Posters and Tool Demos
DBRG: Description-based Non-quality Requirements GeneratorDemonstration
Posters and Tool Demos
DoMoBOT: A Modelling Bot for Automated and Traceable Domain ModellingDemonstration
Posters and Tool Demos
Enhancing NL Requirements Formalisation using A Quality Checking ModelPoster
Posters and Tool Demos
How to Collect Factories’ Requirements for Smart Manufacturing in Context of Quality Control: a New Approach Poster
Posters and Tool Demos
Human-Centric Elicitation of Context-Oriented Personal Data categories: An Exploratory Study in an Educational InstitutionPoster
Posters and Tool Demos
Impact of Organisational Culture on the Requirement Engineering ActivitiesDemonstration
Posters and Tool Demos
MRDQA: A Deep Multimodal Requirement Document Quality AnalyzerDemonstration
Posters and Tool Demos
NFRNet: A Deep Neural Network for Automatic Classification of Non-Functional RequirementsPoster
Posters and Tool Demos
Pri-AwaRE: Tool Support for priority-aware decision-making under uncertaintyDemonstration
Posters and Tool Demos
Putting software requirements under the microscope: automated extraction of their semantic elementsPoster
Posters and Tool Demos
RV-SLC: A Tool for Regression Validation of Safety and Liveness Constraints on Goal Models in DevOps EnvironmentDemonstration
Posters and Tool Demos
Smart3E: Enabling End Users to Express Their Needs for Smart HomesPoster
Posters and Tool Demos
SusAF Welcomes SusApp: Tool Support for the Sustainability Awareness FrameworkDemonstration
Posters and Tool Demos
The MobSTr Dataset – An Exemplar for Traceability and Model-based Safety AssessmentDemonstration
Posters and Tool Demos
Unifying Behavior Driven Development TemplatesPoster
Posters and Tool Demos
Zoom4PF: A Tool for Refining Static and Dynamic Domain Descriptions in Problem FramesDemonstration
Posters and Tool Demos

Submission Instructions

Poster and Demos authors are invited to submit:

1 - Original extended abstract (max 2 pages)
that has not been submitted for review or publication elsewhere. Detailing:
the intended users of the tool/method;
the RE challenge addressed;
the methodology (and tool) that underpins it;
Any method validation or tool evaluation pilots/studies conducted to date, and how the work relates to other industrial or research efforts.


2 - An annex (max 2 pages)
explaining clearly how the work described in the extended abstract is to be presented at the conference. The annex should emphasize interaction potential and explaining how an engaging participant experience will be achieved. It may contain images of screenshots, URLs leading to more information about the work, e.g., a preliminary version of a 1-minute video clip for a poster or demo.

Extended abstracts for both posters and demos must be written in English and conform to the IEEE formatting instructions. The extended abstract may include a small number of references and helpful figures. The extended abstract and its annex must be submitted as one file in pdf format via Easy Chair, the total length of which must not exceed 2 + 2 pages.

At least one author of each accepted paper must register to and attend the conference in order to present their paper.

Accepted Posters and Demos

Given the health-related concerns and uncertainty around conference travel, RE’21 will support fully virtual participation (even if normal travel is restored in time for the conference itself). Thus, all accepted posters and demos will be required to:
1- Submit 10 min. video of the tool/method demonstration.
This video will be made available for RE’21 attendees (as virtual participation and time zone differences may impede all interested participants from session attendance).

2- Carry out at least two live demonstrations with the attendees.
At least one of the demonstrations will be organised for the fully on-line participants. These demonstrations will NOT use the above-mentioned video recordings, but will require the presenters to demonstrate the methods/tools (e.g., either through a shared screen, or common online interface) and discuss the presented solution with attendees in live settings.

  Submission Instructions in a Nutshell  

Submit an Extended Abstract (2 pages) and an Annex (2 pages) by June 24th, 2021

Submissions are SINGLE-Blind

Submissions must be English, in IEEE format

Submit via EasyChair (select Poster and Tool Demos option)

Call for Posters & Tool Demos

We seek demos that explicitly give the audience the opportunity to gain interactive experience on how a requirements engineering tool, method or technique can be applied (e.g., participants may try out the tools in an experiment-like and role-playing setting).
This track also allows the authors to share more technical and practical details, such as the tool’s implementation and usage issues, data models and representations, APIs for tool and data access. For the method demonstrations, such issues as challenges of validation design, user engagement and training, skill shortages and alike can be discussed.

We invite two kinds of submissions:

Method/approach demonstrations and
Tool demonstrations

Both submissions must describe novel aspects of early the proposed methods or tools.

The submissions must convey the following:

the intended users of the tool/method;
the RE challenge addressed;
the methodology (and tool) that underpins it; and
Any method validation or tool evaluation pilots/studies conducted to date.

We welcome submissions that incorporate engaging media, including (but not limited to) for instance:

A hands on (online) live demo of proposed requirements engineering tools for attendees to try out;
Video samples from the industrial or educational application of requirements engineering techniques;
Games exploring the main concepts of the requirement engineering tool, method, or technique; or
Examples of the use of rich media in requirements engineering, including requirements visualizations, multimedia requirements documents, scenarios, storyboards, and vision/concept materials.
