Requirements Engineering 2021 (series) /
Submission InstructionsRequirements Engineering 2021
The format of your paper must strictly adhere to the IEEEtran Proceedings Format.
LaTeX users: please use the LaTeX class file IEEEtran v1.8 and the following configuration (without option ‘compsoc’ or ‘compsocconf’):
Word users: please use this Word template (official IEEE Templates page for more information).
Please make sure that your submission
Accepted papers will be published as IEEE Xplore Digital Library Proceedings. All authors of all accepted contributions will be asked to complete an electronic IEEE Copyright form and will receive further instructions for preparing their camera-ready versions from Conference Publishing Services (CPS).
Acceptance of a paper implies that one of the authors registers for the conference to present the submission; failure to do so by the early registration date will result in the paper being withdrawn from the conference proceedings.
Conference proceedings will be submitted for inclusion into the IEEE Xplore Digital Library. IEEE reserves the right to exclude a paper from distribution after the conference (e.g., by not placing it into the IEEE Xplore Digital Library) if the paper is not presented at the conference.
Conflict of Interest Policy
A PC member (including the PC Chairs) is considered to have a conflict of interest on a submission that has an author in any of the following categories:
For more information, please visit the SIGSOFT Policy on Program Committees website