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Requirements Engineering 2021
Mon 20 - Fri 24 September 2021
RE’21 workshops provide opportunities for small-group discussions on topics in requirements engineering research and practice. Workshops also provide opportunities for researchers to exchange and discuss scientific and engineering ideas at an early stage, before they have matured to warrant conference or journal publication.
Mon 20 Sep 2021
Tue 21 Sep 2021
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Mon 20 Sep

Displayed time zone: Eastern Time (US & Canada) change

08:00 - 15:00
Day opening
Opening and Welcome

Model-based Method to Utilize a Catalogue of Quality Requirements in Software Development
Lukas Strey Fraunhofer, Christian Hein Fraunhofer, Tom Ritter Fraunhofer
Automated Glossary Extraction from Requirements Models
Salih Göktuğ Köse Boğaziçi University, Fatma Başak Aydemir Boğaziçi University
A Model-based Conceptualization of Requirements for Compliance Checking of Data Processing against GDPR
Orlando Amaral University of Luxembourg, Sallam Abualhaija University of Luxembourg, Mehrdad Sabetzadeh University of Ottawa, Lionel Briand University of Luxembourg; University of Ottawa

Dash+: Extending Alloy with Hierarchical States and Replicated Processes for Modelling Transition Systems
Tamjid Hossain University of Waterloo, Nancy Day University of Waterloo, Canada
Towards Efficient Use Case Modeling with Automated Domain Classification and Term Recommendation
Zewen Qi Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Tiexin Wang Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Tao Yue Simula Research Laboratory
Generating Sequence Diagrams from Natural Language Requirements
Munima Jahan University of Calgary, Zahra Shakeri University of Calgary, Behrouz Far University of Calgary

Resilience via socio-technical systems: Projecting sustainability impacts during RE
Day closing

08:00 - 11:00
Workshop: COREWorkshops at Fitzpatrick-3

Tue 21 Sep

Displayed time zone: Eastern Time (US & Canada) change

08:00 - 15:00
Day opening
Welcome & CrowdRE’21 overview

Keynote: “On the Value of CrowdRE in Research and Practice”
Fabiano Dalpiaz Utrecht University
File Attached
Short Break

The Use of Sub-forums in Software Product Forums
Hechen Wang University of Auckland, Peter Devine University of Auckland, James Tizard University of Auckland, Seyed Reza Shahamiri , Kelly Blincoe University of Auckland
The Potential of Using Vision Videos for CrowdRE: Video Comments as a Source of Feedback
Oliver Karras TIB - Leibniz Information Centre for Science and Technology, Eklekta Kristo Leibniz University Hannover, Jil Klünder Leibniz Universität Hannover
Pre-print Media Attached
Viewing Vision Videos Online: Opportunities for Distributed Stakeholders
Lukas Nagel Leibniz University Hannover, Jianwei Shi , Melanie Schmedes Leibniz University Hannover
Long Break

When the Developers Become the (Micro) Crowd: An Educational Case Study on Multidisciplinary Requirements Engineering
Meira Levy Shenkar College of Engineering, Design and Art, Irit Hadar University of Haifa, Assaf Krebs Shenkar College of Engineering, Design and Art, Idit Barak Shenkar College of Engineering, Design and Art
Researcher or Crowd Member? Why not both! The Open Research Knowledge Graph for Applying and Communicating CrowdRE Research
Oliver Karras TIB - Leibniz Information Centre for Science and Technology, Eduard C. Groen Fraunhofer IESE, Javed Ali Khan University of Science and Technology Bannu, Sören Auer TIB - Leibniz Information Centre for Science and Technology
Pre-print Media Attached
Voice of the Users: A study of software feedback differences between Germany and China
James Tizard University of Auckland, Tim Rietz Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Xuanhui Liu Zhejiang University, Kelly Blincoe University of Auckland
Long Break

Requirements for Online User Feedback Management in RE Tasks
Maurizio Astegher Delta Informatica SpA, Paolo Busetta Delta Informatica SpA, Anna Perini Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Angelo Susi Fondazione Bruno Kessler
Towards Trust in Complex Cloud-based ERP Systems by Informing Users about the System Status
Markus Noebauer insideAx GmbH, Norbert Seyff FHNW & University of Zurich
Applying Transfer Learning to Sentiment Analysis in Social Media
Ariadna de Arriba Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Marc Oriol Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Xavier Franch Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Short Break

Interactive Session: “Crowdsourcing a Knowledge Graph on CrowdRE Research”
Oliver Karras TIB - Leibniz Information Centre for Science and Technology, Eduard C. Groen Fraunhofer IESE
Day closing
Discussion & Wrap Up

08:00 - 12:00
Day opening
Opening and Wellcome

Keynote by Panagiotis Katsaros from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki: Formalisation and analysis of natural language system requirements


A Natural Language Processing Technique for Formalization of Systems Requirement Specifications
Viktoria Koscinski Rochester Institute of Technology, Celeste Gambardella Rochester Institute of Technology, Estey Gerstner Rochester Institute of Technology, Mark Zappavigna Air Force Research Laboratory, Jennifer Cassetti Air Force Research Laboratory, Mehdi Mirakhorli Rochester Institute of Technology
Security requirements classification into groups using NLP Transformers
Vasily Varenov Innopolis Universily, Aydar Gabdrahmanov Innopolis Universily
Security Requirements as Code: Example from VeriDevOps Project
Alexandr Naumchev Schaffhausen Institute of Technology, Andrey Sadovykh Softeam, Khaled Ismaeel Innopolis University, Dragos Truscan Åbo Akademi University, Eduard Paul Enoiu Mälardalen University, Cristina Seceleanu Mälardalen University
Survey and Consistency Checking of Formal Requirements Animations
Day closing
Wrap-up and closure

Unscheduled Events

Not scheduled

Call for Workshop Proposals

We invite proposals for workshops to be held in conjunction with the 29th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE’21).

RE’21 workshops will facilitate the exchange of new ideas in all areas related to requirements engineering research and practice. A variety of formats can be considered, ranging from traditional research paper presentations to extremely interactive and participatory sessions that do not require paper selection. We particularly invite proposals that cover controversial viewpoints, emerging technology drivers or transformative ideas aimed at changing basic assumptions about requirements engineering, where a focused dialogue among participants may lead to interesting follow-on research, empirical investigations or industrial practice improvement. Proposers are encouraged to consider topics in-line with the five research themes of RE 2021.

Rules for Workshop Organizers

RE workshop organizers are responsible for:

creating a website for their workshop and publicizing the workshop,
establishing a program committee (please consider diversity and geographic coverage),
collecting and evaluating submissions, and notifying authors of acceptance or rejection in due time,
ensuring a transparent and fair selection process, including proper handling of conflicts of interest,
creating the workshop program, including organizing selected papers into sessions, and assigning session chairs,
responding to requests by the RE’21 Workshop Co-Chairs in due time.

An RE workshop can be a half-day, full-day or two-day event and will take place on September 20th, 2021 (Monday) and September 21st, 2021 (Tuesday), the first two days of RE’21.

The following conditions apply for all accepted workshops:

Deadlines: All accepted workshops will have to stick to the following deadlines listed under the heading “key dates” below.

Registration: All workshop participants, including organizers and keynote speakers or invited speakers, must register for the workshop at regular rates. Workshop organizers are not allowed to grant any complimentary workshop attendance (unless explicitly negotiated with the RE’21 General Co-Chairs).

Cancellation: RE’21 reserves the right to cancel workshops that fail to come up with a reasonable program or have insufficient registrations at the early registration deadline.

Evaluation Criteria

All workshop proposals will be reviewed by three members of the Workshop Selection Committee. Acceptance will be based on:

Evaluation of the workshop’s potential to advance the state of requirements engineering research and/or practice.
Relevance to requirements engineering and topics targeted for RE’21.
Potential for attracting a sufficient number of participants.
Organizers ability to lead a successful workshop.

Formatting Guidelines

Workshop proposals must not exceed four pages in length and must be submitted electronically in Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF).
Proposals should contain the following six sections as titled and address these questions clearly:

Motivation and Objectives:
2-3 sentences with the motivation and objectives of the workshop topic. If your workshop is accepted, then this description will be used as early publicity for the workshop. What is the relation between the workshop’s topic and the conference’s main theme? What are the anticipated outcomes of the workshop? (e.g., open research problems to pursue, validation objectives, empirical studies, etc.)

Format and Services:
What will be the format for the workshop, e.g., paper presentations, keynotes, breakout sessions, panel-like discussions, combination thereof? There are four 1.5-hour sessions in a typical full day workshop. How many days? (1 or 2) What special services are needed? Standard services include a room, projector and a student volunteer to assist with the room.

Target Audience:
What type of background should the workshop attendees have? What mix of industry and research participants is being sought? What is the range of attendees desired for the workshop (minimum and maximum)? Is the workshop open to the public or by invitation only?

How many and what type of papers will be solicited? (number of pages and type: extended abstracts, position and/or research papers, etc.) What type of evaluation process will be used to decide on accepted papers? How many people will be on the program committee? Please list the names of PC members if the committee has been tentatively invited. As in previous years, we are planning to publish the workshop proceedings in the IEEE Digital Library and each workshop is referenced separately. If you wish to use a different publishing plan, then describe how you intend to disseminate the workshop proceedings.

Workshop History:
Have you offered this workshop before? If so, please provide a history of the venues, dates, approximate attendance numbers, and link to the website (if still available).

Organizers’ Bios:
Please provide a brief 2-3-sentence biography for each of the workshop organizers that highlight their qualifications with respect to the workshop. Mention also the experience in organizing scientific events and workshops in particular.

Workshop paper Submission deadline:
Please see individual Workshop websites for submission dates

Acronym Full Name Website
MoDRE 11th International Model-Driven Requirements Engineering Workshop website
CrowdRE 2021 Fifth International Workshop on Crowd-Based Requirements Engineering website
RE4SuSy 10th International Workshop on Requirements Engineering for Sustainable Systems website
RESET1st Workshop on Requirement Engineering for Software startups and Emerging Technologies website
REWBAH 2nd International Workshop on Requirements Engineering for Well-Being, Aging, and Health website
AIRE 2021 8th International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Requirements Engineering website
D4RE 5th International Workshop on Learning from Other Disciplines for Requirements Engineering website
EnviRE Workshop on Environment-Driven Requirements Engineering website
FormReq Formal Requirements website
RE4ES First International Workshop on Requirements Engineering for Explainable Systems website
CORE Crowdsourcing an Ontology of Requirements Engineering approaches website
AffectRE’21 Fourth International Workshop on Affective Computing for Requirements Engineering website
ESPRE 8th International Workshop on Evolving Security and Privacy Requirements Engineering website

11th International Model-Driven Requirements Engineering Workshop

The 11th International Model-Driven Requirements Engineering (MoDRE) workshop continues to provide a forum to discuss the challenges of Model-Driven Development (MDD) for Requirements Engineering (RE). Building on the interest of MDD for design and implementation, RE may benefit from MDD techniques when properly balancing flexibility for capturing varied user needs with formal rigidity required for model transformations as well as high-level abstraction with information richness. MoDRE seeks to explore those areas of RE that have not yet been formalized sufficiently to be incorporated into an MDD environment as well as how RE models can benefit from emerging topics in the model-driven community, such as flexible, collaborative, and AI-enabled modeling. We would like to explore how MoDRE can help consider human values and ethics, how MoDRE can be integrated with DevOps and iterative development, and how MoDRE can contribute to develop AI applications. We look forward to identifying new challenges for MoDRE, discussing on-going work and potential solutions, analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of MDD approaches for RE, fostering stimulating discussions on the topic, and providing opportunities to apply MDD approaches for RE.

Workshop Website: http://www.modre2021.ece.mcgill.ca

CrowdRE 2021:
Fifth International Workshop on Crowd-Based Requirements Engineering

Traditional requirements engineering (RE) techniques have difficulties scaling up to settings with thousands up to millions of users of a (software) product. Now that these users can easily interact among themselves and with the development company, they form a large and heterogeneous group that can be denoted as a ‘crowd’. Researchers have identified several issues with applying RE in the new crowd paradigm. Methods and tools are being investigated, but we see the need for more tailored and holistic approaches focusing on Crowd-Based Requirements Engineering. The International Workshop on Crowd-Based Requirements Engineering (CrowdRE) aims to attract papers with novel and innovative ideas on involving the crowd and collecting, harmonizing, analyzing and interpreting their user feedback. In this regard, CrowdRE intends to facilitate interactive discussions between scientists and representatives of industry in order to analyze the state of the art and to inspire each other in ways to move forward together.

Workshop Website: https://crowdre.github.io/ws-2021

10th International Workshop on Requirements Engineering for Sustainable Systems

The RE4SuSy workshop series has established a strong and growing research community around the different aspects of sustainability and how to support them in requirements engineering. Since requirements define how and what a software will do, we maintain that requirements engineering is the key point in software engineering through which sustainability can be fostered. Thus, the RE4SuSy workshop series is concerned with research on techniques, tools, and processes for sustainability through requirements engineering. Last year the workshop explored how to best visualize the impacts that software systems can create, and communicate to software developers in different application domains as well as how to improve sustainability education by stronger weaving it into software engineering courses. This year, we continue this line of work as well as looking into continued assessment of impacts over time. RE4SuSy is an interactive workshop: the contributors and prospective participants will engage well before the workshop date through on-line collaborative writing, discussion, and peer feedback. The workshop aims to foster community growth by supporting new collaborations, holding preliminary case studies, discussions, and birds-of-a-feather group work.

Workshop Website: http://birgit.penzenstadler.de/re4susy

1st Workshop on Requirement Engineering for Software startups and Emerging Technologies

Software startups, defined as recently established companies developing and software-intensive products/ services and aiming at scalable business models, has gained popularity as a particular context where software engineering activities, processes, and practices should be revisited, adjusted, and validated. Recently, there are a significant number of software startups exploring opportunities with emerging technologies. Emerging technologies including AI (artificial intelligence), 5G, IoT (Internet of Things), serverless computing, biometrics, AR (augmented reality)/VR (virtual reality), blockchain, robotics, and quantum computing, whose development, practical applications, or both are still largely unrealized. The uncertainty in both business environment and technology affects requirements processes and applicability of requirement specification, analysis, validation and traceability approaches. The goal of this workshop is to bring together requirements engineering researchers and practitioners to discuss the need for adapting conventional requirement engineering artifacts (i.e. requirement definition, metric), processes, and practices to software projects in startup context and/or dealing with emerging technologies. One key outcome of the workshop will be a discussion on the needs of new RE techniques, methods, processes, and tools for software startups and emerging technologies and a research roadmap.

Workshop Website: https://resetworkshop.wordpress.com

2nd International Workshop on Requirements Engineering for Well-Being, Aging, and Health

The Second International on Workshop on REWBAH fosters discussion related to requirements engineering resulting from the need to build software systems that not only support healthcare, but also promote well-being, encourage patients and the population in general to live according to healthy lifestyle recommendations, and address the specific needs of an aging population. This multi-disciplinary workshop will bring together practitioners and researchers from Software and Requirements Engineering, Medicine, Health Sciences, Psychology, and other relevant disciplines. Among other objectives, REWBAH aims to i) develop RE approaches that support multiple perspectives of well-being, aging, and health; ii) develop methods for defining and monitoring requirements of systems and services that promote well-being or health; and iii) identify open research and industry challenges, as well as validation objectives for proposed solutions.

Workshop Website: https://sites.google.com/view/rewbah2021

AIRE 2021:
8th International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Requirements Engineering

The primary purpose of this workshop is to explore synergies between AI and RE in order to identify complex RE problems that could benefit from the application of AI techniques and the other way round. AIRE also aims to strengthen the links in the community and foster the communication between industry and academia, as well as between researchers in this field. In addition, this workshop aims to build and share standard datasets that can help the community develop state of the art systems for RE. These datasets can also be used to compare different systems and approaches as in other communities like Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning. Finally, the workshop aims to make researchers showcase and compare their work through informal tool demonstrations. This way, we can interactively compare the state of the art, understand research gaps, and inspire new work.

Workshop Website: https://aire-ws.github.io/aire21

5th International Workshop on Learning from Other Disciplines for Requirements Engineering

The D4RE workshops brings together a diversity of people who are interested in discussing the question “What can requirements engineering learn from other disciplines?” The overall goal of the workshop is to develop a body of best practices from these disciplines and identify possible synergies with RE. In this fifth edition, we aim to further enrich our existing body of valuable synergy ideas that we elaborated in the previous successful workshop editions. Moreover, as a special issue of this fifth edition, we aim to collaboratively work with input from real experts to get inspired by completely new disciplines such as sports, medicine and psychology. The workshop results are intended to serve as “inspiration” for the development of new RE methods when it comes to addressing current RE-related challenges and to foster future collaborations across the boundaries of RE with other disciplines.

Workshop Website: http://d4re.iese.fraunhofer.de

Environment-Driven Requirements Engineering

With the rising influence of AI-based systems, we believe it is important and timely for our community to revisit one of the RE cornerstones, "requirements are located in the environment". In the days of AI, IoT, and cyber-physical systems, the environment, in which the software operates, becomes more open and evolves rapidly with stakeholders' changing needs. This workshop is aimed at bringing the interested researchers and practitioners together, exchanging ideas and visions, and exploring a set of open problems to pursue in the years to come.

Workshop Website: https://homepages.uc.edu/~niunn/EnviRE

Formal Requirements

While the importance of requirements formalization has often been highlighted, the way to support this activity in industrial context has not been sufficiently addressed in current research. The goal of this workshop is to bring together practitioners and academics that aim at contributing towards requirements formalization.

Workshop Website: https://www.irit.fr/FORMREQ21

First International Workshop on Requirements Engineering for Explainable Systems

Explainability has become a hot topic and communities from different areas of knowledge (e.g., machine learning, hci, philosophy, psychology, cyber-physical and recommender systems) have been researching it actively. Yet, the requirements engineering (RE) research community seems to be less concerned with the issue. At the same time, our community is extremely rich in methods and techniques that facilitate software development. This would add a lot of value to the explainability research and also ensure that we develop such techniques in parallel to the needs of other communities. Based on this motivation, we want to offer a workshop with three objectives: advancing RE for explainable systems, community building, and interdisciplinary exchange.

Workshop Website: https://re4es.se.uni-hannover.de

Crowdsourcing an Ontology of Requirements Engineering approaches

The second IEEE Requirements (RE) Engineering CORE (Crowd-sourcing an Ontology of Requirements Engineering approaches) workshop aims to engage participants to further develop and extend an emerging ontology of requirements engineering approaches. This working workshop actively seeks both research and industry participation to harness the full breadth and depth of knowledge and experience of the RE community. Approaches will be mapped onto a two-dimensional chart; RE life-cycle and ``maturity" of the approach (similar to Technology Readiness Level or ``TRL"). Participants will propose approaches to be added to the chart and will collectively determine where each approach fits in the ontology. We will also identify the inputs to and outputs from each approach. This will allow us to show how approaches are related to one another. Attendees will benefit in a number of ways, both tangible and intangible. The session will be a rich learning environment in which ideas will be shared, and new perspectives will emerge. The ontology itself will be a significant tangible asset that will provide a holistic overview of the RE domain. Participants will be able to identify approaches they can use, see areas ripe for new research and opportunities for collaboration. The session will be participatory, engaging and fun.

Website: Core Event

Fourth International Workshop on Affective Computing for Requirements Engineering

Abstract. Affective computing spans a broad research field from the recognition to the expression of emotions, which is of interest for software systems as they are designed and used by humans. For requirements engineering (RE), understanding and utilizing personality traits, attitudes, moods, and emotions plays a crucial role in various facets, reaching from the consideration of individual professionals and team performance during RE activities to the utilization of end-user emotions as a means to validate requirements. The AffectRE workshop aims at creating an international, sustainable community where researchers and practitioners can meet, present, and discuss their current work to affect the RE community with ideas from affective computing. In its fourth edition, this workshop fosters high-quality contributions about empirical studies, theoretical models, and tools that raise emotion awareness in RE.

Workshop Website: https://affectre2021.se.uni-hannover.de

8th International Workshop on Evolving Security and Privacy Requirements Engineering

When specifying a system, security and privacy needs to be addressed as early as possible, yet stakeholders find doing so difficult in the face of conflicting priorities. When these concerns are addressed, we discover how intrinsically difficult specifying usable security and privacy can be towards meeting business and developmental needs, and the subsequent blurred distinction between requirements and security and privacy concepts. The Evolving Security and Privacy Requirements Engineering (ESPRE) Workshop provides for a multi-disciplinary one-day online workshop, bringing together practitioners and researchers from across the world interested in evolving security and privacy requirements engineering practice. The workshop will include an invited keynote talk, paper presentations and discussions, and a facilitated roadmap discussion session towards future Security and Privacy Requirements Engineering activities.

Workshop Website: https://cybersecurity.bournemouth.ac.uk/espre2021

Workshop proposals due: Monday, February 15, 2021
Notification of Workshop submitters: Friday, March 12, 2021
Organizers of accepted workshops send workshop summary and URL of workshop website to Workshop Co-Chairs: Friday, March 26, 2021

(*) A deadline extension may be granted at the expense of the length of the reviewing period.

All deadlines are 23:59 Anywhere on Earth (Standard Time).
