ICST 2025
Mon 31 March - Fri 4 April 2025 Naples, Italy

Please read the registration information carefully before beginning the online registration.

All accepted papers must be covered by a full or life member registration by at least one co-author (not a student registration) for the main conference or workshop they appear in. However, each full or life member registration for an event may cover more than one paper co-authored for that event.

The registration process involves the following steps:

  1. Each author or participant must complete the registration form before the corresponding deadline. In this step, you will select the type of registration (see below) and you will be assigned a registration ID. You will receive a copy of the response to the registration form by email.
  2. Once you complete the form, you will receive an invoice by email with the details of your registration,the amount to be paid, and the payment instructions. Make sure you fill in the billing information that should appear in the invoice. The deadline for payment is the same as for registration regardless of the payment method:
    • Credit card: The invoice contains a payment link that will automatically specify the amount to be paid. In the accompanying text, please enter the registration ID, the reference of your paper (if you have one), and your name and surname.
    • Bank transfer: The information for making the bank transfer will be provided in the email. In the accompanying text, please enter the registration ID, the reference of your paper (if you have one), and your name and surname.
  3. Any author or participant can purchase additional tickets for social events at or after the registration deadline. If you do so after registering, you will receive instructions for making the new payment.

Please note that the registration process is not complete until the invoice is generated, which can take 1-2 days, and payment is received, for which you must receive the invoice first. Therefore, please try to submit the form a few days before the deadline to ensure the process is completed on time.

Spam warning: We have been notified that some authors are receiving spam emails requesting details about their travel arrangements to Naples for the conference. These messages are fraudulent; the organizers do not request any information about travel dates or accommodation for conference attendees. Travel arrangements are entirely the responsibility of the participants.

Author Registration

All accepted papers must be covered by the Author registration option (Conference/Workshop Registration - Author) by at least one co-author for the main conference or workshop they appear in, as appropriate. However, each Author registration for an event may cover more than one paper co-authored for that event.

ICST2025 is an in-person event and papers are expected to be presented in person. In exceptional circumstances (such as visa or health issues), if any co-author of a paper is attending in person, they will need to present the paper.

Authors must register using the author registration option by 12th February 2025.

Main Conference Days registration entitlements include:

  • Access to all main conference sessions on Wednesday, 2nd – Friday, 4th April 2025
  • Morning coffee, lunch, and afternoon coffee on Wednesday, 2nd – Friday, 4th April 2025
  • A ticket to the Social Dinner at Royal Continental (Wednesday, 2nd April 2025)
  • A ticket to the Guided Tour and Reception (Thursday, 3rd April 2025)
  • Full or life member registration covers one or more co-authored ICST main conference track papers (any main conference track); papers in the workshop(s) need separate registration by at least one co-author for the corresponding workshop day(s).

Workshop registration entitlements include:

  • Access to the workshop sessions for the registered day(s): Monday, 31th March and/or Tuesday, 1st April 2025
  • Morning tea, lunch, and afternoon tea on day/s of the workshop: Monday, 31th March and/or Tuesday, 1st April 2025
  • Full member registration covers one or more workshop-co-authored papers (for each specific registered workshop day); however, papers in different workshops held on different days, need a full member registration by at least one co-author for each workshop day.

The workshop schedule is:

  • Day 1 (March, 31): A-MOST, NEXTA, ITEQS, IWCT, InSTA
  • Day 2 (April, 1): SAFE-ML, AIST, Mutation, A-TEST, CCIW

Registration fees

All fees are quoted in Euros (EUR) and include all taxes.

Authors (12th February 2025) and Early Bird Rate (12th February 2025)

Registration Type       Main Conference    Workshop (1 day) (c)    Workshop (2 days) (c)   
Regular IEEE Member (a)    750 EUR 350 EUR 400 EUR
Regular Non-Member    900 EUR 420 EUR 480 EUR
Student IEEE Member (a,b)     525 EUR 245 EUR 280 EUR
Student Non-Member    630 EUR 295 EUR 340 EUR
Life IEEE Member (a)    415 EUR 350 EUR 400 EUR

Students registered for the PhD Symposium, student volunteers, and keynote speakers have a special fee. Please contact the registration chairs for the discount code that will be requested on the form.

Standard Rate (Late/On-site registration)

Registration Type       Main Conference    Workshop (1 day) (c)    Workshop (2 days) (c)   
Regular IEEE Member (a)    900 EUR 420 EUR 480 EUR
Regular Non-Member    1080 EUR 505 EUR 580 EUR
Student IEEE Member (a,b)    630 EUR 295 EUR 340 EUR
Student Non-Member    760 EUR 355 EUR 410 EUR
Life IEEE Member (a)    495 EUR 420 EUR 480 EUR

(a) Only current IEEE members are eligible for the member rate. Members will be asked to provide their membership number during the registration process.
(b) A student is defined as a holder of a student identification card from a recognized tertiary or secondary educational institution or an international student card. Students must be currently enrolled in part or full-time studies to qualify for the discounted rate. Students will be asked to provide proof of student status during the registration process.
(c) You will have access to all workshops on that date. For further information about Workshops please visit the workshops page.

Additional Registration Options and Add-ons

Additional tickets may be purchased for guests wishing to attend social events (conference banquets and guided tours). For further information about these events, please visit the social events page.

Event        Standard Rate
Social Dinner (2nd April)
additional guest ticket        
100 EUR
Guided Tour and
Reception (3rd April)
additional guest ticket        
50 EUR

Important information regarding extra tickets for the Social Dinner and the Guided Tour:

  • Social Dinner: The deadline for requesting extra tickets is March 1.
  • Guided Tour: Please note that extra tickets for the Guided Tour are available in limited quantities. Requests for these tickets will be processed on a first-come, first-served basis, and only while supplies last.

Important information: We have reached the limit of additional tickets available, so it is no longer possible to accept more requests.

Payment Deadlines and Method of Payment

Registrations must be paid in full by 12th Frebuary 2025 to receive the early bird registration rate. Otherwise, the standard rate will be applied.

Registration can only be confirmed once payment is received.

Payment can be made by any of the following methods:

  • Credit card: Visa, MasterCard, and American Express are accepted.
  • Bank transfer: instructions will be provided by email.

Cancellation & Refund Policy

No refund will be provided if a letter of invitation has been issued to enable you to obtain a visa, unless you include a letter from Italian Authorities clearly stating that your application for a visa to attend ICST2025 has been denied.

No refund will be provided for an activity in which you are an author of a paper, unless you provide the name of another co-author who will be presenting, and that author has already registered for that activity.

You may request a refund until March 1, 2025 if neither of above two conditions apply.

Prior to January 31th, 2025: The maximum refund will be the amount you paid, minus a 100 EUR administrative fee.

Between February 1st and March 1st, 2025 inclusive: The maximum refund will be 50% of the amount paid.

After March 1st, 2025: No refund will be provided.

To request a cancellation (with or without any applicable refund), please send an email to icst2025@cerict.it.

Visa Information

If needed, an invitation letter can be requested during the registration process provided. See our visa page for additional information about the visa process.


For any questions regarding the registration process, please contact Baharin A. Jodat at balia034@uottawa.ca and Aurora Ramírez at aramirez@uco.es.

For any questions regarding payment, please contact Michele Salza at icst2025@cerict.it. Please, include the emails of the registration chairs in CC.