ICST 2025
Mon 31 March - Fri 4 April 2025 Naples, Italy

In the past few years, ICST has established sponsorship with different companies. Some companies provided scholarships for attendees. As a Corporate sponsor, you will enjoy high visibility to a large community of scientists, students, and highly qualified industrial practitioners. Your organization’s logo will be printed on all ICST publicity materials, and we will also provide various opportunities to provide corporate information to attendees. For higher sponsorship levels, we are open to negotiations regarding special benefits tailored to the needs and interests of your organization.

We have a six-level corporate sponsoring scheme for ICST 2025: Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze+, and Bronze. Benefits and prices are listed in the table below. Depending on the actual sponsorship level, additional benefits may be negotiated. Sponsorship can also be associated with a specific conference activity, for example the conference dinner, industry-academia tutorials, or recruitment information sessions.

Venue and date

ICST 2025 will take place as an in-person conference in Naples, Italy, 31 March - 4 April 2025.

Levels, Benefits, and Prices

Benefits Diamond Platinum Gold Silver Bronze+ Bronze
Complimentary Conference registration 4 3 2 1 0 0
Logo on publicity and proceedings  Prominent Prominent Large  medium small small
Promotion material in registration area and conference bags YES YES YES YES YES NO
Exhibition booth and banner on site YES YES YES YES NO NO
Sponsoring Volunteer students  YES YES YES NO NO NO
Keynote sponsorship YES YES NO NO NO NO
Access to Student Resume’s  YES YES NO NO NO NO
Sponsoring of social events YES YES NO NO NO NO
Running recruitment session at the conference  YES YES NO NO NO NO
Special benefits negotiable  YES Limited  NO NO NO NO
Reception and Banquet Sponsorship YES NO NO NO NO NO

If none of the packages is appropriate for you, we will be happy to discuss tailored opportunities. We value any kind of support ideas and are looking forward to working with you!

For more information, please contact

General Co-Chairs:

Sponsorship Co-Chairs: