ICST 2025
Mon 31 March - Fri 4 April 2025 Naples, Italy

After several instances of the TestEd workshop (https://conf.researchr.org/home/icst-2024/testEd-2024) on testing education, ICST has decided to firmly establish testing education with a dedicated track. The Education Track at ICST 2025 seeks to gather and showcase top-quality contributions in the intersection between software testing and education, with a focus on difficulties, innovations, and best practices. We invite high-quality submissions related to applying software testing techniques in educational settings and teaching testing principles to different learners. We hope to extend the comprehension and teaching of software testing in all the existing educational types and formats.

Scope and Topics of Interest

We welcome original contributions covering a broad range of topics related to testing in education and the education of testing. Topics of interests include but are not limited to:

Testing for Education

  • Methods of Integrating Software Testing in Educational Curricula: Approaches for embedding testing principles and practices in non-testing courses in computer science.
  • Tools and Technologies for Automated Testing in Education: Empirical studies that evaluate the use of automated testing tools for automated assessment and feedback.
  • Innovative Testing Techniques and Tools in Educational Software: Research on the application of novel testing techniques in developing and maintaining educational tools and platforms.
  • Testing Educational Software for Accessibility and Inclusivity: Ensuring that educational tools and software are accessible to all learners.

Education about Testing

  • Pedagogical Strategies for Teaching Software Testing: Methods and best practices for teaching software testing principles at all educational levels.
  • Educational Resources and Tools for Teaching Testing: The development and use of textbooks, tutorials, and online resources focused on software testing.
  • Industry-Academia Collaboration in Testing Education: Initiatives that foster collaboration between industry and academia to improve the teaching of software testing.
  • Ethical and Societal Issues in Software Testing Education: Addressing the ethical implications and societal impacts of teaching testing practices.
  • AI and Machine Learning in Testing Education: The role of AI and machine learning in teaching and improving testing practices.

Submission Categories

ICST 2025 encourages submissions in the following categories:

  • Research Papers: Detailed studies and contributions that provide new insights into testing for education or education about testing.
  • Experience Reports: Descriptions of innovative practices and methodologies used in educational settings to teach or apply testing.
  • Position Papers: Thought-provoking arguments and perspectives on the future of testing in education or the education of testing.
  • Tool Papers: Presenting testing tools for education and educational tools for testing.

Important Dates

  • Paper Submission Deadline: October 25th, 2024
  • Notification of Acceptance: December 1st, 2024
  • Camera-Ready Submission: January 19th, 2025