The Industry Track at ICST 2025 aligns seamlessly with the conference’s overarching themes of innovation, quality, and practicality in Software Testing, Verification, and Validation, emphasizing real-world impact and practicality over novelty. More details are available in the Call for Papers.
This program is tentative and subject to change.
Wed 2 AprDisplayed time zone: Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna change
11:00 - 12:30 | LLMs in TestingResearch Papers / Industry / Journal-First Papers at Aula Magna (AM) Chair(s): Phil McMinn University of Sheffield | ||
12:15 15mTalk | Integrating LLM-based Text Generation with Dynamic Context Retrieval for GUI Testing Industry Juyeon Yoon Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Seah Kim Samsung Research, Somin Kim Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Sukchul Jung Samsung Research, Shin Yoo Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology |
11:00 - 12:30 | Testing, Localisation and RepairJournal-First Papers / Research Papers / Industry at Room A Chair(s): Shin Yoo Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology | ||
12:00 15mTalk | Speculative Testing at Google with Transition Prediction Industry Avi Kondareddy Google, Sushmita Azad Google, Abhayendra Singh Google, Inc, Tim A. D. Henderson Google |
11:00 - 12:30 | Fuzzing and SecurityResearch Papers / Industry / Journal-First Papers at Room A1 Chair(s): Serge Demeyer University of Antwerp and Flanders Make vzw | ||
11:45 15mTalk | Introducing Black-Box Fuzz Testing for REST APIs in Industry: Challenges and Solutions Industry Andrea Arcuri Kristiania University College and Oslo Metropolitan University, Alexander Poth Volkswagen AG, Olsi Rrjolli Volkswagen AG | ||
12:00 15mTalk | Compiler Fuzzing in Continuous Integration: a Case Study on Dafny Industry Karnbongkot Boonriong Imperial College London, Stefan Zetzsche Amazon Web Services, Alastair F. Donaldson Imperial College London |
14:00 - 15:30 | Test OracleJournal-First Papers / Research Papers / Industry at Aula Magna (AM) Chair(s): Mike Papadakis University of Luxembourg | ||
15:00 15mTalk | LLMs in the Heart of Differential Testing: A Case Study on a Medical Rule Engine Industry Erblin Isaku Simula Research Laboratory, and University of Oslo (UiO), Christoph Laaber Simula Research Laboratory, Hassan Sartaj Simula Research Laboratory, Shaukat Ali Simula Research Laboratory and Oslo Metropolitan University, Thomas Schwitalla Cancer Registry of Norway, Jan F. Nygård Cancer Registry of Norway |
14:00 - 15:30 | |||
14:00 15mTalk | Accessible Smart Contracts Verification: Synthesizing Formal Models with Tamed LLMs Industry Jan Corazza TU Dortmund University, Ivan Gavran Informal Systems, Gabriela Moreira Informal Systems, Danel Neider TU Dortmund University | ||
14:15 15mTalk | Evaluation of the Choice of LLM in a Multi-agent solution for GUI-test Generation Industry Stevan Tomic Blekinge Institute of Technology, Emil Alégroth Blekinge Institute of Technology, Maycel Isaac Synteda | ||
14:30 15mTalk | Assessing the Uncertainty and Robustness of the Laptop Refurbishing Software Industry Chengjie Lu Simula Research Laboratory and University of Oslo, Jiahui Wu Simula Research Laboratory and University of Oslo, Shaukat Ali Simula Research Laboratory and Oslo Metropolitan University, Mikkel Labori Olsen Danish Technological Institute | ||
14:45 15mTalk | FuzzE, Development of a Fuzzing Approach for Odoo's Tours Integration Testing Plateform Industry Gabriel Benoit University of Namur, François Georis Odoo S.A., Géry Debongnie Odoo S.A., Benoît Vanderose University of Namur, Xavier Devroey University of Namur Pre-print | ||
15:00 15mTalk | Early V&V in Knowledge-Centric Systems Engineering: Advances and Benefits in Practice Industry Jose Luis de la Vara Universidad de Castilla - La Mancha, Juan Manuel Morote Independent Researcher, Clara Ayora Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Giovanni Giachetti Universidad Andrés Bello Chile, Luis Alonso The REUSE Company, Roy Mendieta The REUSE Company, David Muñoz The REUSE Company, Ricardo Ruiz Nolasco RGB Medical Devices, Antonio González RGB Medical Devices S.A. | ||
15:15 15mTalk | Practical Pipeline-Aware Regression Test Optimization for Continuous Integration Industry Daniel Schwendner BMW Group, Maximilian Jungwirth BMW Group, University of Passau, Martin Gruber BMW Group, University of Passau, Martin Knoche BMW Group, Daniel Merget BMW Group, Gordon Fraser University of Passau |
16:00 - 17:00 | Test Case Selection, Prioritisation, ReductionResearch Papers / Industry at Aula Magna (AM) Chair(s): Andrea Stocco Technical University of Munich, fortiss | ||
16:30 15mTalk | ML-Based Test Case Prioritization: A Research and Production Perspective in CI Environments Industry Md Asif Khan Ontario Tech University, Akramul Azim Ontario Tech University, Ramiro Liscano Ontario Tech University, Kevin Smith International Business Machines Corporation (IBM), Yee-Kang Chang International Business Machines Corporation (IBM), Gkerta Seferi International Business Machines Corporation (IBM), Qasim Tauseef International Business Machines Corporation (IBM) | ||
16:45 15mTalk | Evaluating Machine Learning-Based Test Case Prioritization in the Real World: An Experiment with SAP HANA Industry Jeongki Son SAP Labs Korea, Gabin An Roku, Jingun Hong SAP Labs, Shin Yoo Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology |
Thu 3 AprDisplayed time zone: Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna change
11:00 - 12:30 | Testing ML Systems and Fault LocalisationIndustry / Research Papers at Aula Magna (AM) Chair(s): Atif Memon Apple | ||
11:45 15mTalk | Taming Uncertainty for Critical Scenario Generation in Automated Driving Industry Selma Grosse DENSO Automotive GmbH, Dejan Nickovic Austrian Institute of Technology, Cristinel Mateis AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, Alessio Gambi Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT), Adam Molin DENSO AUTOMOTIVE | ||
12:15 15mTalk | Fault Localization via Fine-tuning Large Language Models with Mutation Generated Stack Traces Industry Neetha Jambigi University of Cologne, Bartosz Bogacz SAP SE, Moritz Mueller SAP SE, Thomas Bach SAP, Michael Felderer German Aerospace Center (DLR) & University of Cologne |
Fri 4 AprDisplayed time zone: Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna change
11:00 - 12:30 | Automated TestingIndustry / Research Papers / Journal-First Papers / Education at Aula Magna (AM) Chair(s): Cristian Cadar Imperial College London | ||
11:45 15mTalk | CUBETESTERAI: Automated JUnit Test Generation using the LLaMA Model Industry Daniele Gorla Department of Computer Science, Sapienza University of Rome, Shivam Kumar , Pietro Nicolaus Roselli Lorenzini , Alireza Alipourfaz |
14:00 - 15:30 | Test QualityResearch Papers / Short Papers, Vision and Emerging Results / Industry at Aula Magna (AM) Chair(s): Carolin Brandt Delft University of Technology | ||
15:06 15mTalk | A Tale from the Trenches: Applying Metamorphic and Differential Testing to Bioinformatics Software Industry Alexis L. Marsh Iowa State University, Myra Cohen Iowa State University, Robert Cottingham Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
14:00 - 15:28 | Advances in Software TestingResearch Papers / Short Papers, Vision and Emerging Results / Industry / Education at Room A1 Chair(s): Annibale Panichella Delft University of Technology | ||
14:30 15mTalk | LLM-based Labelling of Recorded Automated GUI-based Test cases Industry Diogo Buarque Franzosi Blekinge Institute of Technology, Emil Alégroth Blekinge Institute of Technology, Maycel Isaac Synteda |
Accepted Papers
Call for Papers
ICST 2025, 18th IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation, is thrilled to invite you to participate in our prestigious Industry Track. At ICST 2025, we recognize the crucial role that industry professionals play in shaping the landscape of software testing, verification, and validation.
About ICST 2025 - Industry Track
The Industry Track at ICST 2025 aligns seamlessly with the conference’s overarching themes of innovation, quality, and practicality. We extend our warmest invitation to high-caliber submissions that transcend boundaries and bring a fresh perspective to the software testing field.
Our Expectations
While the Industry Track shares the same overarching topics as the Research Track, we emphasize real-world impact and practicality over novelty. We are looking for submissions that:
- Highlight Useful Testing Tools: Present groundbreaking testing tools that have demonstrable real-world utility
- Share Success Stories: Showcase your experiences and success stories in applying software testing theories and methodologies to practical scenarios
- Unveil Promising Prototypes: Introduce prototypes with the potential to revolutionize software testing practices in the near future
Real-World Evaluation and Beyond
We believe in the power of practicality. Industry Track submissions should ideally be grounded in real-world, industrial data. In addition, we encourage discussions on non-functional aspects such as scalability and reliability, as well as comparisons to established industrial best practices.
Publication and Recognition
Accepted Industry Track papers will be published in the ICST 2025 proceedings and prominently listed in the esteemed IEEE databases. This is your opportunity to contribute to the global knowledge repository and gain recognition for your valuable insights.
Topics of Interest
Topics for submission to the Industry Track include, but are not limited to:
- Applications of software testing theories in practice
- Applying machine learning techniques to testing
- AI-assisted software testing
- Empirical studies
- Experience reports
- Formal verification
- Manual and social aspects of the software testing process
- Mobile testing
- Model-based testing
- Model checking
- Privacy testing
- Search-based software testing
- Security testing
- Software reliability
- Static and dynamic analysis
- Test automation
- Testability and design
- Testing/debugging frameworks and tools
- Test-driven development and Agile testing
- Testing AI-based systems
- Testing and development processes
- Testing education
- Domain-specific testing (e.g., autonomous vehicles, IoT applications, advanced control systems, mobile or web app testing, embedded systems testing, blockchain applications, concurrent systems, GUI testing, etc.)
- Testing of non-functional properties such as security, accessibility, and performance
- Theory of software testing
- Validation and user acceptance techniques
Peer Review Process
Each submission will undergo a rigorous evaluation process, reviewed by at least three members of the ICST Program Committee. Don’t miss this opportunity to be a driving force in advancing software testing and validation. Join us at ICST 2025’s Industry Track and be part of the transformation.
Important Dates (tentative)
- Abstract Deadline: Wednesday, October 18, 2024
- Full Paper Submission: Wednesday, November 1st, 2024
- Author Notification: Wednesday, December 6, 2024
- Camera Ready: Friday, January 19, 2025
For comprehensive submission guidelines and further information, please visit our conference website:
Double Anonymous
Industry track papers do not need to be double-anonymized. Since industry papers typically rely heavily on the industrial/practical context in which the work was carried out it would be too much to ask to require this context to be anonymized. Please contact the industry track chairs if you have more questions.
Together, let’s shape the future of software testing! We eagerly anticipate your contributions to ICST 2025 - Industry Track
Submission Format
Industry papers must conform to the two-column IEEE conference publication format. Templates for LaTeX and Microsoft Word are available from please use the letter format template and conference option.
Papers should be submitted in PDF format: they must be at most ten pages, plus up to two pages of references. Submissions will be handled via EasyChair.
Papers must have yet to be previously accepted for publication nor be under submission in another conference or journal.
For your paper to be published in the ICST 2025 conference proceedings, at least one of the authors of the paper must register for the conference and confirm that they will present the paper in person.
The abstract submission is an optional step. You are welcome to submit the full paper directly without submitting an abstract. We look forward to receiving your contributions!
How to Submit for Industry Track
Papers must be submitted electronically through the ICST Industry Track website at All submissions must be in English.
By submitting to the ICST Industry Track, authors acknowledge that they are aware of and agree to the IEEE Plagiarism FAQ ( In particular, papers submitted to ICST Industry Track 2025 must not have been published elsewhere, nor be under review or submitted for review elsewhere while under consideration for ICST Industry Track 2025.
Any violation of this concurrent submission policy will be considered a serious breach of scientific ethics. To detect such issues, the chairs reserve the right to (1) share submission details with PC Chairs of other conferences with overlapping review periods, and (2) use external plagiarism detection software, such as those under contract with the ACM or IEEE.