ICST 2025
Mon 31 March - Fri 4 April 2025 Naples, Italy

Competition Overview

Self-driving cars (SDCs) are equipped with onboard cameras and various sensors, which have already demonstrated the possibility of autonomous driving in real environments, leading to great interest in various application domains. However, despite the necessity of systematically testing such complex and automated systems to ensure their safe operation in real-world environments, there has been relatively limited investment in this direction so far.

The SDC Testing Competition, organized in the context of ICST 2025, is an initiative designed to inspire and encourage the Software Testing Community to direct their attention toward SDCs as a rapidly emerging and crucial domain. The competition focuses on regression testing for test suites executing system tests of SDCs in simulation. Regression testing involves test selection, prioritization, and minimization. For the competition, we focus on the former aspect - the test selection, as detailed in the competition platform repository.

Link to the competition: https://github.com/christianbirchler-org/sdc-testing-competition

Test Selection

Test Selection is the process of picking only the relevant test cases from the test suite for a particular change. In the context of simulation-based testing for SDCs with long-running test cases, we select test cases to minimize the execution time without sacrificing the testing effectiveness.

 Test Suite        Selection
[ ][ ][ ][ ]      [x][ ][x][ ]
[ ][ ][ ][ ]  ->  [x][ ][ ][x]  -> Execution of the Selection  -> Results
[ ][ ][ ][ ]      [ ][x][ ][ ]


The competition aims to get submissions of novel and cost-effective test selectors. After the submission, all tools will be evaluated by the organizers. All participants are asked to submit a short paper about their tool to the organizers of this track. The instructions for submitting the short papers will come upon submissions of the tools.

Tool Submission

The submission process is described on the competition platform.

Competition Platform

All competition guidelines, descriptions, and Q&A are managed on GitHub. The competition platform is publicly available: https://github.com/christianbirchler-org/sdc-testing-competition

Participants are welcome to discuss any issues related to the competition platform directly on GitHub.


Questions? Use the ICST Tool Competition: Self-Driving Car Testing contact form.