ICST 2025
Mon 31 March - Fri 4 April 2025 Naples, Italy

Call for Technical Briefings and Tutorials

ICST 2025 will feature tutorials and technical briefings on the topics relevant to the conference. For a detailed list of issues, please check the call for papers on the research track here: https://conf.researchr.org/track/icst-2025/icst-2025-papers#Call-for-Papers

Submission Types

In particular, we seek the following types of contributions (inspired by ICSE 2025 CFP):

  • Technical Briefings: Introducing a specialized topic related to software testing, verification, and validation, including their applications to novel areas (e.g., foundation models, quantum computing). The duration is 90 minutes.
  • Tutorials: A tutorial on more generic topics in software testing, verification, and validation (e.g., search-based software testing, metamorphic testing, etc). The duration is 180 minutes.
  • Hands-On Training: Training with specialized software tools related to software testing, verification, and validation. The duration can range from 90 minutes or 180 minutes.

Submission Information

Please submit your proposal as a single PDF file in ICST research paper format, covering:

  • Proposal title
  • Authors’ names, affiliations, email addresses, and their short biography
  • Submission type and duration
  • Abstract of the proposal, including key novelty
  • The overall objective, target audience, and background required for the tutorial
  • Outline of the technical briefing, tutorial, or hands-on training. For Hands-On training, please also provide details of tools that will be required.
  • A few representative slides

Please submit your proposal via EasyChair here: TBA

Important Dates

  • Submission Date: TBA
  • Notification Date: TBA
  • Camera Ready Date: TBA