ICT4S 2024
Mon 24 - Fri 28 June 2024 Stockholm, Sweden

ICT4S 2024 Dates

The main conference is held between Tuesday June 25 and Thursday June 27. Workshops are held on Monday June 24 and on Friday June 28 and are included in the price for a full registration, as is the Doctoral Consortium on Monday June 24. While virtual participation is possible for the main conference, only a few workshops are possible to attend virtually.


Please register through this form: https://axacoair.se/go?8vKKZnTJ


Early Registration ends on Monday May 13, 2024. All rates listed below are in Swedish crowns (SEK) and include taxes (VAT). We have included approximate prices in Euros in the table below.

Student registration fees apply to participants at ICT4S’23 that are bachelor, master, or PhD students.

Early Regular Early Student Late Regular Late Student
Full registration 6000 SEK (~525 €) 3600 SEK(~310 €) 7000 SEK(~610 €) 4200 SEK(~365 €)
Full registration (virtual) 750 SEK(~65 €) 500 SEK(~45 €) 1000 SEK(~90 €) 750 SEK(~65 €)
One day conference registration 2400 SEK(~210 €) 1400 SEK(~125 €) 2800 SEK(~250 €) 1700 SEK(~150 €)
One day workshop registration 750 SEK(~65 €) 500 SEK(~45 €) 1000 SEK(~90 €) 750 SEK(~65 €)
One day workshop registration (virtual) 300 SEK(~25 €) 200 SEK(~20 €) 500 SEK(~45 €) 300 SEK(~25 €)
Additional reception ticket 600 SEK(~55 €) 600 SEK(~55 €) 600 SEK(~55 €) 600 SEK(~55 €)
Additional conference dinner ticket 1200 SEK(~105 €) 1200 SEK(~105 €) 1200 SEK(~105 €) 1200 SEK(~105 €)

The full registration fees includes access to:

  • All sessions in the research program and the social program
  • The conference reception on Tuesday June 24 and the conference dinner on Wednesday June 25.
  • Lunches and two coffee breaks throughout the week (Monday to Friday)

The one day registration (for the conference, workshops and the doctoral consortium) includes:

  • All sessions in the research program and in the social program (for that day). This includes the reception for Tuesday June 25 and the conference dinner for Wednesday June 26.
  • Lunch and two coffee breaks for that day.


For information on the registration process, payments, and invoicing, please contact event@eecs.kth.se. For other questions, please contact Elina Eriksson (elina@kth.se) and Daniel Pargman (pargman@kth.se).