ICT4S 2024
Mon 24 - Fri 28 June 2024 Stockholm, Sweden

Call for Papers

To provide a broader forum for reporting on scientific progress as well as practical experiences on ICT for sustainability, ICT4S 2024 invites submissions of papers recently published in related journals. Authors of recently published journal papers are invited to present their work at ICT4S 2024, therefore providing an opportunity for the authors to engage directly with the community and offering the attendees an additional dimension to the conference program.

Journal First papers should relate to ICT4S and describe original results that have not been presented at a conference. Papers that are extensions of previous conference papers are not eligible. For a journal paper to be eligible to participate, the paper must be:

  • in scope of the conference (see below Topics of Interest),
  • accepted in one of the journals listed below (if you would like us to consider a paper published in another journal of equal reputation to those presented in the list, please contact the Program Chairs: Rob Comber, rcomber@kth.se and Kelly Widdicks, KelWid@ceh.ac.uk), and
  • accepted for publication after January 1st, 2023 and before December 31st, 2023.

List of considered journals: T-SUSC, SUSCOM, Technol. Forecast. Soc. Change, Solutions, JSS, IST, GMD, JSDTL, Telematics and Informatics, STS, FGCS, EIA Review, IEEE Series on Green Communications and Computing Networks, INFOGG, Journal of Cleaner Production, JSME, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Applied Energy, Energy Policy, TSE, TOSEM, Environmental Modelling & Software, IEEE Software, IEEE Computer, CACM, REEN, SoSyM, ASE, JOT, IJSEKE, IJCTT, IJSE, CSRD, JIIS, Journal of Environmental Management, Journal of Industrial Ecology, Journal on Responsible Computing, IJHCS, TOCHI.

Global Participation Desired

The conference aims for a deep hybridization. Local and remote audiences will mix with local and remote presenters. Submit your journal paper even if you won’t be able to travel to Stockholm, no matter which time zone you are in!

Evaluation Process and Selection Criteria

Authors will be invited to present their journal paper at ICT4S 2024 after a check that the paper satisfies the criteria listed above. Since the papers have already been reviewed and accepted by the respective journals, they will not be reviewed again for their technical content.

In case an exceptionally high number of submissions is received, we may not be able to select all papers. In this case, priority will be given to the papers with authors that have no (or fewer) papers accepted at other ICT4S tracks. If we still need to select from papers with the same priority, we will choose papers that best fit the technical program, offering a balance across the conference topics.

Topics of Interest

ICT4S 2024 seeks submissions to the Journal First track on diverse topics related to ICT for sustainability, including, but not limited to:

  • Sustainable software engineering
  • ICT-induced behavioral and societal change
  • Smart cyber-physical systems (grids, city, home, farming)
  • Digitalisation and AI
  • Potential of ICT for economic growth and decentralization
  • Green E-Commerce
  • ICT and circular economy
  • Sustainability-driven resilience
  • Social sustainability implications, contributions and limitations of ICT
  • Sustainability in data centers and high-performance computing
  • Design principles and exemplars for sustainable ICT
  • Art and education in ICT for sustainability

Submission Process

Papers should be submitted electronically via EasyChair.

Select the “[ICT4S’24] Journal First Track” and submit your published journal paper together with a cover letter describing the reasons why it should be presented at ICT4S 2024, merged into a single file. Each cover letter is limited to 2 pages in IEEE conference proceedings format including text, appendices, figures, and references. Please note that it is by no means mandatory that you use all these elements as long as the cover letter clearly explains the appropriateness of the paper to be presented at the conference.

At least one author of each accepted Journal First paper is expected to register for the conference, either physically or virtually. Registered authors of the accepted Journal First papers will be allocated a slot during the conference to present their work.