ICT4S 2024
Mon 24 - Fri 28 June 2024 Stockholm, Sweden

Call for Demonstrations and Posters

The main purpose of the ICT4S 2024 Demonstrations and Posters Track is to provide a great environment to discuss experiences, new ideas, challenges, and recent work advances, in addition to seeding new networking opportunities and collaborations.

While a poster is required, additional presentations can be tool demonstrations, videos, downloadable apps, live coding, physical prototypes, or any other artifacts to showcase to other conference attendees.

Topics of Interest

A broad range of topics are appropriate for Demonstrations and Posters, including all the topics of interest from the main ICT4S’24 track. The following non-exhaustive list illustrates possibilities:

  • Reflection on past, present, or future vision of ICT for Sustainability
  • Current senior/student research WIP
  • Demonstrations of tools presented in the main ICT4S conference
  • Integration of Sustainable ICT research into education
  • Energy-efficient and energy-aware software engineering tools and methods
  • Experiences and case studies
  • Sustainability in practice
  • Real-world and/or Industrial use cases
  • Student research projects


Demonstrations and Posters can help accomplish a wide range of goals, such as:

  • Presenting industry representatives your specific line of research and its practical applications
  • Stimulating networking between existing or new ideas, research, and projects
  • Connecting graduate students to community members, researchers, and faculty
  • Facilitating new collaborations and projects
  • Presenting cutting-edge research results with scientific members


Submission consists of:

  1. A poster submission up to 3 pages (including all text and figures), plus 1 additional page containing ONLY references. Poster submissions should be submitted in the 1 column CEUR Article format. The template is available on Overleaf, or you can download the DOCX or ODT version of the template.
  • The Poster submission would be beneficial to include:

    • Abstract
    • Brief technical content description of the work - Research results, efforts to integrate the research into society or education, etc.
    • Relevance and novelty - Why is this interesting for the ICT4S community?
    • References are not required but may be included if it helps further clarify topics and claims. However, if the main work in the poster submission is accepted in the main ICT4S track or previously published, it should be referenced.
  • Submissions must:

    • not have been previously published in demonstration form and not simultaneously submitted to any venue other than ICT4S;

    • be in PDF format and written in English;

  1. Submissions should contain author names and affiliations. Poster submissions should be submitted electronically via EasyChair. Select the “[ICT4S’24] Demonstrations and Posters Track".

  2. The poster in A0 portrait format (841mm by 1189mm) and in PDF format to be submitted prior to the conference for accepted poster submissions.


Instructions will be given to accepted poster submission authors prior to ICT4S’24.


Each submission will be peer-reviewed by at least 2 members of the demonstrations and posters program committee. The evaluation criteria include:

  • the novelty and relevance of the poster/demonstration for the ICT4S audience and topics of interest;
  • the originality of its underlying ideas and contribution;
  • the quality of textual presentation of the poster submission.


The accepted poster submissions will be published in an open access archive (CEUR).

For further information, please feel free to contact the track chairs: Katka Cernakaterina.cerna@hh.se and Philippe Roose Philippe.Roose@univ-pau.fr.

Questions? Use the ICT4S Demonstrations and Posters contact form.

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Wed 26 Jun

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10:30 - 11:00
CoffeeCatering at Amoeba +5h
Coffee break
Coffee Break

11:00 - 12:30
Poster & Demos SessionDemonstrations and Posters at Plenary Room (A123)
Chair(s): Katka Cerna Halmstad University, Philippe Roose University of Pau and Pays de l'Adour, E2S, LIUPPA
12:30 - 14:00

15:30 - 16:00
CoffeeCatering at Amoeba
Coffee break
Coffee Break

16:00 - 17:00
Keynote #2 - Making Liveable Relations with AI and the CloudKeynotes at Plenary Room (A123)
Making Liveable Relations with AI and the Cloud
K: Julia Velkova Linköping University
18:30 - 22:30
Conference Dinner at Koppatälten
Social Events