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ISSTA 2021
Sun 11 - Sat 17 July 2021 Online
co-located with ECOOP and ISSTA 2021
Authors must record and submit a recorded talk. The specification for the recording is as follows:
  • Talk length: 13 to 15 minutes
  • File format: MP4 or MOV using the H.264 AVC codec
  • Aspect ratio: 16:9
  • Resolution: Maximum resolution of 1080p, minimum resolution of 720p
  • Filename: issta21_[speaker-first-name]_[speaker-last-name].[extension] or ecoop21_[speaker-first-name]_[speaker-last-name].[extension]
  • Filesize: Up to 500 MB

Additional Instructions

The recorded talks should feature fullscreen slides and use a speaker inset. Presenters should take care that the inset does not cover essential parts of the slides.


Authors will receive a separate email from with an upload link.

Tips and Tricks

There are many ways to record your screen, audio, and video. If you do not have prior experience with recording presentations we recommend using one of the following:

  • Zoom – it is simple, free (as in beer) and very popular. Please check Zoom for any updates prior to recording.
  • Microsoft Teams – you might already have a subscription and be familiar with this product.

To ensure you produce the best recording you can be mindful of the following points:

  • Pick a space with natural light. Additional lighting might be needed. You want the light to be in front of you and not behind you.
  • Keep the background clean and simple.
  • Make sure your face, neck and shoulders are in the frame. Place the camera at eye level to avoid awkward angles.
  • Make sure your computer is on stable surface, power is connected and turned on.
  • Avoid clothing with stripes, busy patterns, black, red, and white. Instead go with solid colors; teal, blue, green, and plum shades.
  • Test your microphone for clarity. Most computer microphones only reach 6-12 inches away. You might need to use an external microphone, earbuds, or headphones if you are further away.
  • Have plenty of power accessible. All devices should be connected to a power source.

To record using Zoom you should follow these instructions:

  1. Close all windows on your device except for your presentation
  2. Minimize the presentation window
  3. Open Zoom
  4. Make Zoom your full screen
  5. Press record on the toolbar
  6. Pause for 5 seconds (there can be a slight lag between the recording starting and pressing the button)
  7. Introduce yourself and your presentation – one minute at most
  8. Screen share and select your presentation (not your notes view)
  9. Present your slides
  10. Once you are done stop screen sharing
  11. Stop recording and end the meeting.
  12. The recording will download once the meeting has ended.

If you need to perform basic editing tasks, such as trimming or adding subtitles, on the recording we can recommend the following software packages that might be useful.

Windows macOS Linux
Trimming Microsoft Photos iMovie Video Trimmer
Subtitles Subtitle Composer and HandBrake iMovie Subtitle Composer and HandBrake

Adding subtitles on Windows or Linux is a two step process. You will first need to use Subtitle Composer to generate a subtitle file, if you need to control subtitle placement use the SSA file format. Once you have generated the subtitle file you should then use HandBrake to “hard burn” the subtitles onto the recording, this will re-encode the video with the subtitles overlayed on top.