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ISSTA 2021
Sun 11 - Sat 17 July 2021 Online
co-located with ECOOP and ISSTA 2021

Contextual information plays an ever-increasing role in our information-centric world. Current-day software systems adapt continuously to changing execution and usage contexts, even while running. Unfortunately, mainstream programming languages and development environments still do not support this kind of dynamicity very well, leading developers to implement complex designs to anticipate various dimensions of variability.

Context-Oriented Programming directly supports variability at the programming level, depending on a wide range of dynamic attributes. It enables run-time behavior to be dispatched directly on any detected properties of the execution or user context. Since more than a decade, researchers have been working on a variety of notions approaching that idea. Implementations ranging from first prototypes to mature platform extensions used in commercial deployments have illustrated how multidimensional dispatch can be supported effectively to achieve expressive run-time variation in behavior.

The scope of this workshop will further encompass diverse and advanced forms of modularity support in programming languages. We encourage results and discussions on advanced modularity that go beyond COP.

The previous editions of this workshop at ECOOP since 2009 have shown to be well-received, each attracting around 30 participants. The goal of the 13th Workshop on Context-Oriented Programming and Advanced Modularity is to further establish context orientation as a common thread throughout language design, application development, and system support.

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13:00 - 17:00
[Invited Talk] Application of Context-Oriented Programming Paradigm to Automobile Driving Assistance System
Kenji Hisazumi Kyushu University, Tsuneo Nakanishi
File Attached
[Regular Paper] Resolving Synchronization Conflicts in Role-based Multimodel-Synchronization Environments
Sebastian Ebert Technische Universität Dresden, Tim Kluge TU Dresden, Germany, Sebastian Götz Technische Universität Dresden
DOI File Attached
[Invited Talk] A Method for Context-Oriented Management of ROS2-FPGA Module Reconfiguration
Takeshi Ohkawa Tokai University
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[Student Talk] A Language to Safely Exploit Multi-Version Modules at the Expression-level
Yudai Tanabe Tokyo Institute of Technology
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[Student Talk] Object-Oriented Programming with Versions
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[Invited Talk] Aspect-Oriented Modeling Mechanism for Ultra-Flexible Software Architecture
Natsuko Noda Shibaura Institute of Technology
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[Regular Paper] First-class Concepts: Reifying Architectural Knowledge Beyond the Dominant Decomposition
Toni Mattis Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam, Tom Beckmann Hasso Plattner Institute, Patrick Rein Hasso Plattner Institute, Robert Hirschfeld Hasso Plattner Institute (HPI), University of Potsdam, Germany
DOI File Attached
[Invited Talk] Generating Adaptations in Context-Oriented Programming using Reinforcement Learning Options
Nicolás Cardozo Universidad de los Andes
Pre-print Media Attached
[Regular Paper] Towards a Framework for Analyzing Context-Oriented Programming Languages
Achiya Elyasaf Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Arnon Sturm Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
DOI File Attached

Call for Papers

New! The deadline has been extended to April 26.

COP invites submissions of high-quality papers reporting original research, or describing innovative contributions to, or experience with context-oriented programming, its implementation, and application. Papers that depart significantly from established ideas and practices are particularly welcome.

All papers must be original. Submissions must not have been published previously and must not be simultaneously submitted or under review at any other refereed event or publication. The program committee will evaluate each contributed paper based on its relevance, significance, clarity, and originality.


Topics of interest to the workshop include, but are not limited to:

  • Context-Oriented Programming (COP) and Contextual modeling in modern computer systems (mobile systems, IoTs, cloud/edge computing, autonomous systems, etc.);
  • Programming language abstractions for COP (e.g., dynamic scoping, roles, traits, prototype-based extensions);
  • Implementation issues for COP (e.g., optimization, VM support, JIT compilation);
  • COP applications in computer systems (e.g., mobile systems, IoTs, cloud/edge computing, security);
  • COP applications in autonomous systems (e.g., unmanned aerial vehicles, autonomous vehicles);
  • Configuration languages (e.g., feature description interpreters, transformational approaches);
  • Programming language abstractions for composition and modularization (e.g., modules, aspects, features, layers, plugins, libraries, components);
  • Theoretical foundations and reasoning support for COP and modular systems (e.g., semantics, type systems, mechanized proofs);
  • Software lifecycle support for modularization (e.g., requirements; architecture; synthesis; metrics; software product lines; economics; testing; patterns);
  • Tool support for modular software development (e.g., platform; refactoring; static and dynamic analysis; evolution; reverse engineering; mining);
  • Modular applications (e.g., data-intensive applications, micro-services, serverless computing);

Submission guidelines

Papers are to be submitted via EasyChair. They must be written in English, provided as PDF documents, and follow the new ACM Master Article Template with the sigconf option. They should not exceed 8 pages. Accepted papers will be published in the ACM Digital Library (SCOPUS).

JOT, The Journal of Object Technology, is going to have a special issue inviting extended version of this year’s workshop publications to an independent reviewing process.

We would like to ask all COP-21 authors to improve and submit their work for review to this JOT special issue.

Submissions originating from COP-21 will be handled via EasyChair at https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=cop21jot.

Please direct your questions to the COP-21 organizers, who will help with this process.
