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Requirements Engineering 2021
Mon 20 - Fri 24 September 2021
Wed 22 Sep 2021 10:00 - 10:30 at Basilica - Prioritization Chair(s): Guenther Ruhe

The prioritisation of change requests for release planning of evolving software is an important and complex activity in the continuous requirements engineering process. With have explored such prioritisation with an organisation consisting of several business units appearing as stakeholders that compete for the same development resources. For the organisation, the challenge lies in creating a high level of stakeholder satisfaction with the defined release scope and at the same time taking objective factors like the cost-benefit ratio and technical dependencies into account. We have combined well-known prioritisation methods into a method tailored for the organisation. The innovative aspect is the integration of the stakeholder satisfaction concern in the requirements prioritisation process, thus extending prior work that simply proposed such stakeholder satisfaction to be considered. The method is described in detail, evaluated with a representative case of release planning in the organisation, and conclusions drawn regarding the lessons learned concerning how to achieve stakeholder satisfaction. In comparison to prior work, new aspects have been discovered and are reported. These are useful to increase the maturity of requirements prioritisation and release planning in industrial practice.

Wed 22 Sep

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09:30 - 10:30
PrioritizationJournal-First / Industrial Innovation Papers at Basilica
Chair(s): Guenther Ruhe University of Calgary

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NFR-Aware Prioritization of Software RequirementsJ1
MANDIRA ROY UNIVERSITY OF CALCUTTA, Novarun Deb Indian Institute of Information Technology, Vadodara, Agostino Cortesi Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, Rituparna Chaki UNIVERSITY OF CALCUTTA, Nabendu Chaki UNIVERSITY OF CALCUTTA
Link to publication DOI
Evaluation of a Stakeholder Satisfaction-oriented Method for Prioritising Change RequestsIndustrial Innovation Paper
Industrial Innovation Papers
Roman Schmid (private person), Samuel Fricker FHNW & BTH