ASE 2023
Mon 11 - Fri 15 September 2023 Kirchberg, Luxembourg
Tue 12 Sep 2023 10:54 - 11:06 at Plenary Room 2 - Cloud and Distributed Systems 1

Software vulnerabilities can affect critical systems within an organization impacting processes, workflows, privacy, and safety. When a software vulnerability becomes known, affected systems are at risk until appropriate updates become available and eventually deployed. This period can last from a few days to several months, during which attackers can develop exploits and take advantage of the vulnerability. It is tedious and time-consuming to keep track of vulnerabilities manually and perform necessary actions to shut down, update, or modify systems. Vulnerabilities affect system components, such as a web server, but sometimes only target specific versions or component combinations.

We propose a novel approach for automated mode switching of software systems to support system administrators in dealing with vulnerabilities and reducing the risk of exposure. We rely on model-driven techniques and use a multi-modal architecture to react to discovered vulnerabilities and provide automated contingency support. We have developed a dedicated domain-specific language to describe potential mitigation as mode switches. We have evaluated our approach with a web server case study, analyzing historical vulnerability data. Based on the vulnerabilities scores sum, we demonstrated that switching to less vulnerable modes reduced the attack surface in 98.9% of the analyzed time.

presentation (mode-switching.pdf)9.47MiB

Tue 12 Sep

Displayed time zone: Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna change

10:30 - 12:00
Cloud and Distributed Systems 1Research Papers / Journal-first Papers at Plenary Room 2
Twin Graph-based Anomaly Detection via Attentive Multi-Modal Learning for Microservice System
Research Papers
Jun Huang Anhui University of Technology, Yang Yang Anhui University of Technology, Hang Yu Ant Group, Jianguo Li Ant Group, Xiao Zheng Anhui University of Technology
Dynamic Graph Neural Networks-based Alert Link Prediction for Online Service Systems
Research Papers
Yiru Chen Fudan University, Chenxi Zhang Fudan University, Zhen Dong Fudan University, China, Dingyu Yang Alibaba Group, Xin Peng Fudan University, Jiayu Ou Alibaba Group, Hong Yang Fudan University, Zheshun Wu Alibaba Group, Xiaojun Qu Alibaba Group, Wei Li Alibaba Group
A Model-based Mode-Switching-Framework based on Security Vulnerability Scores
Journal-first Papers
Michael Riegler Johannes Kepler University Linz, Johannes Sametinger Johannes Kepler University Linz, Michael Vierhauser University of Innsbruck, Manuel Wimmer JKU Linz
Link to publication DOI File Attached
Maat: Performance Metric Anomaly Anticipation for Cloud Services with Conditional Diffusion
Research Papers
Cheryl Lee The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Tianyi Yang The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Zhuangbin Chen School of Software Engineering, Sun Yat-sen University, Yuxin Su Sun Yat-sen University, Michael Lyu The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Vicious Cycles in Distributed Software SystemsRecorded talk
Research Papers
Shangshu Qian Purdue University, Wen Fan Purdue University, Lin Tan Purdue University, Yongle Zhang Purdue University
Pre-print Media Attached
Scene-Driven Exploration and GUI Modeling for Android AppsRecorded talk
Research Papers
Xiangyu Zhang , Lingling Fan Nankai University, Sen Chen Tianjin University, Yucheng Su Alibaba Group, Boyuan Li Nankai University
Media Attached