ASE 2023
Mon 11 - Fri 15 September 2023 Kirchberg, Luxembourg
Tue 12 Sep 2023 16:30 - 16:42 at Room E - Testing Tools and Techniques Chair(s): Tim Menzies

Recognizing software entities such as library names from free-form text is essential to enable many software engineering (SE) technologies, such as traceability link recovery, automated documentation, and API recommendation. While many approaches have been proposed to address this problem, they suffer from small entity vocabularies or noisy training data, hindering their ability to recognize software entities mentioned in sophisticated narratives. To address this challenge, we leverage the Wikipedia taxonomy to develop a comprehensive entity lexicon with 79K unique software entities in 12 fine-grained types, as well as a large labeled dataset of over 1.7M sentences. Then, we propose self-regularization, a noise-robust learning approach, to the training of our software entity recognition (SER) model by accounting for many dropouts. Results show that models trained with self-regularization outperform both their vanilla counterparts and state-of-the-art approaches on our Wikipedia benchmark and two Stack Overflow benchmarks. We release our models, data, and code for future research.

Software Entity Recognition with Noise-Robust Learning - Slides (Software Entity Recognition with Noise-Robust Learning - Talk@ASE 2023.pptx)2.54MiB

Tue 12 Sep

Displayed time zone: Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna change

15:30 - 17:00
Testing Tools and TechniquesNIER Track / Research Papers / Tool Demonstrations at Room E
Chair(s): Tim Menzies North Carolina State University
Modeling Programmer Attention as Scanpath Prediction
NIER Track
Aakash Bansal University of Notre Dame, Chia-Yi Su University of Notre Dame, Zachary Karas Vanderbilt University, Yifan Zhang Vanderbilt University, Yu Huang Vanderbilt University, Toby Jia-Jun Li University of Notre Dame, Collin McMillan University of Notre Dame
On Automated Assistants for Software Development: The Role of LLMs
NIER Track
Mira Leung University of British Columbia, Gail Murphy University of British Columbia
Pre-print File Attached
SmartBugs 2.0: An Execution Framework for Weakness Detection in Ethereum Smart Contracts
Tool Demonstrations
Monika di Angelo TU Wien, Thomas Durieux TU Delft, João F. Ferreira INESC-ID and IST, University of Lisbon, Gernot Salzer TU Wien
Pre-print File Attached
AutoLog: A Log Sequence Synthesis Framework for Anomaly Detection
Research Papers
Yintong Huo The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Yichen LI The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Yuxin Su Sun Yat-sen University, Pinjia He Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Zifan Xie Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Michael Lyu The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Aster: Automatic Speech Recognition System Accessibility Testing for Stutterers
Research Papers
Yi Liu Nanyang Technological University, Yuekang Li University of New South Wales, Gelei Deng Nanyang Technological University, Felix Juefei-Xu Meta AI, Yao Du University of California, Irvine, Cen Zhang Nanyang Technological University, Chengwei Liu Nanyang Technological University, Yeting Li Institute of Information Engineering at Chinese Academy of Sciences; University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lei Ma University of Alberta, Yang Liu Nanyang Technological University, Yuekang Li University of New South Wales
Software Entity Recognition with Noise-Robust LearningRecorded talk
Research Papers
Tai Nguyen University of Pennsylvania, Yifeng Di Purdue University, Joohan Lee University of Southern California, Muhao Chen University of Southern California, Tianyi Zhang Purdue University
Pre-print Media Attached File Attached