ETAPS 2019
Sat 6 - Thu 11 April 2019 Prague, Czech Republic
Wed 10 Apr 2019 10:30 - 11:00 at SUN II - Security and Incremental Computation Chair(s): Zhong Shao

Secure compilers generate compiled code that withstands many target-level attacks such as alteration of control flow, data leaks or memory corruption. Many existing secure compilers are proven to be fully abstract, meaning that they reflect and preserve observational equivalence. Fully abstract compilation is strong and useful but, in certain cases, comes at the cost of requiring expensive runtime constructs in compiled code. These constructs may have no relevance for security, but are needed to accommodate differences between the source and target languages that fully abstract compilation necessarily needs. As an alternative to fully abstract compilation, this paper explores a different criterion for secure compilation called robustly safe compilation or RSC. Briefly, this criterion means that the compiled code preserves relevant safety properties of the source program against all adversarial contexts interacting with the compiled program. We show that RSC can be proved more easily that fully abstract compilation and also often results in more efficient code. We also develop three illustrative robustly- safe compilers and, through them, develop two different proof techniques for establishing that a compiler attains RSC. Through these, we also establish that proving RSC is simpler than proving fully abstraction.

Wed 10 Apr

Displayed time zone: Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna change

10:30 - 12:30
Security and Incremental ComputationESOP at SUN II
Chair(s): Zhong Shao Yale University
Robustly Safe Compilation
Marco Patrignani Stanford University & CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security, Deepak Garg Max Planck Institute for Software Systems
Link to publication
Compiling Sandboxes: Formally Verified Software Fault Isolation
Frédéric Besson , Sandrine Blazy Univ Rennes- IRISA, Alexandre Dang , Thomas P. Jensen INRIA Rennes, Pierre Wilke Yale University
Link to publication
Safe Deferred Memory Reclamation with Types
Ismail Kuru Drexel University, Colin Gordon Drexel University
Link to publication
Incremental λ-Calculus in Cache-Transfer Style, Static Memoization by Program Transformation
Paolo G. Giarrusso TU Delft, The Netherlands, Yann Régis-Gianas IRIF, University Paris Diderot and CNRS, France / INRIA PI.R2, Philipp Schuster University of Tübingen, Germany
Link to publication