Elixir is an emerging functional programming language that is gaining popularity in the industry. However, to the best of our knowledge, no study has yet presented a specialized catalog of refactoring strategies specifically tailored for this language. Therefore, this paper aims to address this research gap by conducting a systematic literature review to explore whether there are existing refactoring strategies, compatible with Elixir, that have been proposed for other functional languages or languages that served as inspiration for the development of Elixir. Our preliminary results indicate that there are 54 refactoring strategies compatible with Elixir code, thus forming a comprehensive catalog of refactoring techniques tailored specifically for this language. To illustrate the application of these refactoring strategies, we have provided code examples that show the transformations resulting from each refactoring. Additionally, these refactorings have been categorized into three distinct groups based on the specific programming features required for the respective code transformations.