ICSME 2024
Sun 6 - Fri 11 October 2024
Tue 8 Oct 2024 13:30 - 14:00 at Abineau - Doctoral Symposium: Human Aspects

Ítalo is a Doctoral Student in Informatics and Computing at Northern Arizona University, USA. Master in Computer Science and Computational Mathematics, in the line of research in Software Engineering and Information Systems, from the Institute of Mathematical and Computer Sciences (ICMC) of the University of São Paulo (USP). He holds a bachelor’s degree in Systems and Digital Media and received the title '' Magna Cum Laude "from the Federal University of Ceará (2017). He is a Computer Networks technician from the Federal Institute of Science and Technology of Ceará (2014). Participated in several projects of research (Monitoring and Scientific Initiation) and extension (Junior Company) during graduation (2014/2017). Has experience in Industry with Project Management, Web Application Development and Software Quality with emphasis on Software Testing (2015/2020). Currently, he works as Quality Assurance Analyst at startup Meu Tudo, performing manual and automated software testing, responsible for applying the principles and practices of software quality assurance throughout the software development life cycle. He is reviewer for Systems and Digital Media jounral and reviewer of national (ENCOINFO, WASHES, SBCARS, SAST, Latin .Science, WLIC, CIMATech) and international (CLEI, EATIS, SIGCSE, CompEd) conferences and workshops. He has collaborated in the organization of national and international conferences, as well as member of program committees of various conferences and workshops (SESoS/WDES, EATIS, SIGCSE, WLIC, Latin.Science). He worked as a researcher at the Software Engineering Laboratory (LABES) at (ICMC/USP), where he developed his research funded by the São Paulo State Research Support Foundation (FAPESP). He is a member of the Brazilian Computer Society (SBC), the Association for Computing Machinery - ACM and the IEEE Computer Society Technical Council on Software Engineering - TCSE. Areas of interest, research and work: Software Engineering; Software Testing; Testing of Concurrent Programs; Empirical Software Engineering; Software quality; Software Ecosystems; Information security; Human-Computer Interaction.

Tue 8 Oct

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