Industry TrackICSME 2024
Wed 9 OctDisplayed time zone: Arizona change
09:00 - 10:00 | ICSME KeynoteResearch Track / Industry Track / Tool Demo Track / New Ideas and Emerging Results Track / Registered Reports Track / Journal First Track / Artifact Evaluation Track and ROSE Festival at Humphreys Chair(s): Fabio Calefato University of Bari | ||
09:00 60mKeynote | Maintaining Intelligence: Evolving Software Engineering Practices for AI-Enabled SystemsKeynote Research Track Foutse Khomh Polytechnique Montréal |
13:30 - 15:00 | Session 3: Code Completion, Generation, and SummarizationResearch Track / Industry Track at Abineau Chair(s): Gabriele Bavota Software Institute @ Università della Svizzera Italiana | ||
14:15 15m | Icing on the Cake: Automatic Code Summarization at EricssonIndustry Track Paper Industry Track Giriprasad Sridhara IBM Research Labs, Sujoy Roychowdhury Ericsson R&D, Sumit Soman Ericsson R&D, Ranjani H G Ericsson R&D, Ricardo Britto Ericsson / Blekinge Institute of Technology Pre-print |
15:30 - 17:00 | Session 6: Maintenance of AI-based SystemsResearch Track / Industry Track / New Ideas and Emerging Results Track at Fremont Chair(s): Sujoy Roychowdhury Ericsson R&D | ||
16:10 15m | Ghost Echoes Revealed: Benchmarking Maintainability Metrics and Machine Learning Predictions Against Human AssessmentsIndustry Track Paper Industry Track Pre-print |
Thu 10 OctDisplayed time zone: Arizona change
09:00 - 10:00 | ICSME KeynoteResearch Track / Industry Track / Tool Demo Track / New Ideas and Emerging Results Track / Registered Reports Track / Journal First Track / Artifact Evaluation Track and ROSE Festival at Humphreys Chair(s): Sarah Nadi New York University Abu Dhabi, University of Alberta | ||
09:00 60mKeynote | Disrupting Developer Dynamics: AI-Driven Innovations' Influence on CommunitiesKeynote Research Track Denae Ford Microsoft Research |
10:30 - 12:00 | Session 7: Software Architecture and DesignIndustry Track / Tool Demo Track at Abineau Chair(s): Bonita Sharif University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA | ||
10:30 25m | How to train your dinosaur: our strategy to migrate mainframe applications to the cloudIndustry Track Talk Industry Track Johan Fabry Raincode Labs, Belgium | ||
10:55 15m | Migrating Existing Container Workload to Kubernetes - LLM Based Approach and EvaluationIndustry Track Paper Industry Track Pre-print | ||
11:10 15m | Insights on Microservice Architecture Through the Eyes of Industry PractitionersIndustry Track Paper Industry Track Vinicius L. Nogueira Universidade Estadual de Maringa - UEM, Fernando S. Felizardo Universidade Estadual de Maringa - UEM, Aline M. M. M. Amaral State University of Maringá, Wesley Assunção North Carolina State University, Thelma Elita Colanzi State University of Maringa, Brazil Pre-print | ||
11:35 15m | Enhancing Legacy Code Quality through Iterative Refactoring: A Case Study at ASMLIndustry Track Paper Industry Track |
10:30 - 12:00 | Session 8: Software Testing and PerformanceIndustry Track / Research Track / New Ideas and Emerging Results Track at Fremont Chair(s): Ajay Jha North Dakota State University | ||
11:15 15m | Just-in-Time Flaky Test Detection via Abstracted Failure Symptom MatchingIndustry Track Paper Industry Track Gabin An Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Juyeon Yoon Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Thomas Bach SAP, Jingun Hong SAP Labs, Shin Yoo Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology Pre-print | ||
11:40 15m | BIPeC: A Combined Change-Point Analyzer to Identify Performance Regressions in Large-scale Database SystemsIndustry Track Paper Industry Track Zhan Lyu SAP, Thomas Bach SAP, Yong Li SAP Labs China, Nguyen Minh Le SAP Labs China, Lars Hoemke SAP |
13:30 - 15:00 | Session 9: Reflections and New IdeasIndustry Track / Registered Reports Track / New Ideas and Emerging Results Track / Journal First Track at Abineau Chair(s): Andrea Capiluppi University of Groningen | ||
13:30 15m | Developing a Llama-Based Chatbot for CI/CD Question Answering: A Case Study at EricssonIndustry Track Paper Industry Track Daksh Chaudhary University of Ottawa, Sri Lakshmi Vadlamani Ericsson, Dimple Thomas Ericsson, Shiva Nejati University of Ottawa, Mehrdad Sabetzadeh University of Ottawa Pre-print | ||
14:05 15m | Integrating Lean Processes and Engineering Discipline into Work Culture Over 20 Years: An Experience ReportIndustry Track Paper Industry Track | ||
14:45 10m | Learning Strategies using Boolean Program Metrics to Verify Industrial CodeIndustry Track Paper Industry Track Bharti Chimdyalwar Tata Consultancy Services, Priyanka Darke Tata Consultancy Services, Manoj Alladawar TCS Research, Sahil Sulakhe TCS Research, R Venkatesh , Supratik Chakraborty IIT Bombay |
15:30 - 17:00 | Session 10: Mobile and Web Application DevelopmentResearch Track / Industry Track / New Ideas and Emerging Results Track at Abineau Chair(s): Karim Ali NYU Abu Dhabi | ||
16:00 15m | A Developer-Centric Study Exploring Mobile Application Security Practices and ChallengesIndustry Track PaperOpen Research ObjectResearch Object Reviewed Industry Track Anthony Peruma University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa, Timothy Huo University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa, Ana Araújo University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa, Jake Imanaka University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa, Rick Kazman University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa Pre-print | ||
16:15 15m | Effective Unit Test Generation for Android AppsIndustry Track Paper Industry Track Guojun Ma Douyin Co., Ltd., Yu Pei Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Liushan Chen Douyin Co., Ltd., Chen Qing Gan Douyin Co., Ltd., Hao Zhang Nanjing University, Hao Liang Douyin Co., Ltd., Tian Zhang Nanjing University |
Fri 11 OctDisplayed time zone: Arizona change
08:45 - 10:00 | ICSME 2024 Awards CeremonyResearch Track / Industry Track / Tool Demo Track / New Ideas and Emerging Results Track / Registered Reports Track / Journal First Track / Artifact Evaluation Track and ROSE Festival at Humphreys Chair(s): Marco Gerosa Northern Arizona University, Igor Steinmacher Northern Arizona University, Fabio Calefato University of Bari, Sarah Nadi New York University Abu Dhabi, University of Alberta, Leon Moonen Simula Research Laboratory and BI Norwegian Business School | ||
08:45 35m | ICSME 2024 Awards Research Track | ||
09:20 40m | Most Influential Paper Talk: "An Exploratory Study on Self-Admitted Technical Debt" Research Track Link to publication DOI Pre-print |
13:30 - 15:00 | Session 15: Developer Experience and CommunicationIndustry Track / Research Track / Journal First Track / New Ideas and Emerging Results Track at Fremont Chair(s): Alexander Serebrenik Eindhoven University of Technology | ||
13:30 25m | Overcoming the five fundamental challenges to enable “constant velocity indefinitely” in modern software systemsIndustry Track Talk Industry Track Doug Durham Don't Panic Labs | ||
14:10 15m | Remote Communication Trends Among Developers and Testers in Post-Pandemic Work EnvironmentsIndustry Track Paper Industry Track Link to publication Pre-print |
15:30 - 17:00 | Session 16: Software Development Process and ToolsTool Demo Track / Industry Track / Registered Reports Track / Research Track at Fremont Chair(s): Shurui Zhou University of Toronto | ||
15:45 15m | Take Loads Off Your Developers : Automated User Story Generation Using Large Language ModelIndustry Track Paper Industry Track Tajmilur Rahman University of Saskatchewan, Yuecai Zhu Bell Mobility, Lamyea Maha University of Saskatchewan, Chanchal K. Roy University of Saskatchewan, Canada, Banani Roy University of Saskatchewan, Kevin Schneider University of Saskatchewan | ||
16:30 15m | If it’s not SBOM, then what? How Italian Practitioners Manage the Software Supply ChainIndustry Track Paper Industry Track Sabato Nocera University of Salerno, Massimiliano Di Penta University of Sannio, Italy, Rita Francese University of Salerno, Simone Romano University of Salerno, Giuseppe Scanniello University of Salerno |
Accepted Papers
Call for Papers
The ICSME industry track brings together participants from academia and industry in a venue that highlights practical and real-world insights on software maintenance and evolution. This track aims to foster mutually-beneficial links between those engaged in scientific research and practitioners working to improve software maintenance and evolution practices. Experiences from practitioners provide crucial input to guide future research directions and allow the community to learn from successes and failures.
NEW! This year, besides short and full papers, the ICSME Industry Track will host industry presentations. This means that practitioners or practice-oriented academic researchers can submit talk proposals, without the need to submit a paper for review. If accepted, they are invited to give a talk as part of the program of the conference.
Please note that the ICSME Industry Track track DOES NOT require anonymized submissions. For industry papers, it is often important that authors and organizations involved are visible to the reviewers in order for them to fully understand the industrial relevance and context.
We seek the following three submission types, all of which must be written exclusively in English.
Full papers (10 pages plus 2 pages for references)
Full papers address industrially-relevant software maintenance and evolution problems through systematic investigations. Each paper should describe a problem of practical importance, explain how the problem was investigated and in what context, and present evidence for the paper’s conclusions. The submission should have technical and empirical soundness. Other aspects that should also be included where appropriate include: discussing why the resolution of the problem is innovative, (cost-)effective, or efficient; providing a concise explanation of the approach, techniques, and methodologies employed; and explaining the insights or best practices that emerged, tools developed, and/or software processes involved. Please use the following link to submit your paper:
Short papers (5 pages plus 1 page for references)
Short papers outline new and unsolved research challenges derived from software maintenance and evolution issues or phenomena observed in practice. Such papers can also present success or failure stories and lessons learned by applying state-of-the-art methods, techniques, and tools to industrial software evolution and maintenance problems. If you have applied a method, technique, or tool that was previously presented at ICSME or another software engineering conference in an industrial context, we greatly encourage you to submit a paper outlining your experiences. We particularly encourage short papers that might get extended into further work, once their novelty has been acknowledged. Please use the following link to submit your paper:
NEW! Talk proposals (approx. 300 words)
Talk proposals outline the content of a 20-30-minute industry talk during the ICSME conference. The scope for such talks is similar to that of short papers. They do not require an accepted research paper but an accepted talk proposal. If you are interested in giving an industry talk at ICSME, you just need to submit a title and a short abstract via an online form. Authors of accepted talk proposals are expected to give an in-person presentation at the ICSME conference in Flagstaff, Arizona, USA. The final presentation time will depend on the number of accepted submissions. The presenter needs to register for the conference by the early registration date. Otherwise, the presentation will be withdrawn from the program. Please use the following form to submit your talk proposal:
Publication and Presentation
Accepted talk proposals will not appear in the proceedings.
Accepted short and full papers will be published in the conference proceedings and submitted for inclusion in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library. All authors of all accepted papers will be asked to complete an electronic IEEE Copyright form and will receive further instructions for preparing their camera-ready versions. At least one author of each accepted paper must register for the conference and present the paper at the conference. Failure of at least one author to register by the early registration date will result in the paper being withdrawn from the conference proceedings. IEEE reserves the right to exclude a paper from distribution after the conference (e.g., by not placing it in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library) if the paper is not presented at the conference. Presentation details will follow notifications of acceptance.
Submission Format
Talk proposals can be submitted via this form:
All short and full papers must be submitted as PDF files by the deadline via the ICSME 2024 EasyChair link. Submitted short and full papers must comply with IEEE plagiarism policy and procedures. Papers submitted to ICSME 2024 must not have been published elsewhere and must not be under review, or submitted for review elsewhere while under consideration for ICSME 2024. Submitting the same paper to different tracks of ICSME 2024 is also not allowed. By submitting to this track, authors acknowledge that they conform to the authorship policy of the IEEE. All authors, reviewers, and organizers are expected to uphold the IEEE Code of Conduct.
Different from the research track, the ICSME 2024 Industry Track will use a single anonymous reviewing process for short and full papers. This means that author names and affiliations should appear on the paper and references to authors’ own related work should be made explicit.
Papers must strictly adhere to the two-column IEEE conference proceedings format. Please use the templates available here:
- LaTeX users should use the following configuration: \documentclass[conference]{IEEEtran}
- Microsoft Word users should use the US Letter format template.
Full papers must not exceed 10 pages (including figures and appendices) plus up to 2 pages that contain ONLY references. Short papers must not exceed 5 pages (including figures and appendices) plus up to 1 page that contains ONLY references.
The track chair will evaluate the relevance of talk proposals in a short video call with the presenters. The following evaluation criteria will be considered:
- The relevance of the topic to the conference.
- The speaker’s expertise on the topic.
- The potential for the presentation to stimulate discussion and debate and/or to generate new and innovative ideas.
Full and short paper submissions will be reviewed by members of the ICSME Industry Track Program Committee along the criteria outlined in the description of the corresponding submission type. We will particularly focus on the paper’s relevance to industrial practice, the significance of its contribution, and the quality of its presentation.
Important Dates
- Paper abstract submission deadline: June 20, 2024
- Paper submission deadline: June 26, 2024
- Talk proposal submission deadline: July 18, 2024
- Talk presenter interviews (short video call): until July 31, 2024
- Notifications for papers and talks proposals: August 1, 2024
- Camera-ready deadline for papers: August 20, 2024
This call for papers is partially based on the ICSME 2023 Industry Track, ICSE 2024 SEIP, and Tech Debt 2024 Industry Track call for papers.