ICSME 2024
Sun 6 - Fri 11 October 2024 Location to be announced
Oct 6, 2024        Oct 7, 2024        Oct 8, 2024        Oct 9, 2024       Oct 10, 2024        Oct 11, 2024      
VISSOFT 2024        VISSOFT 2024       
SCAM 2024        SCAM 2024       
ICSME DS ICSME 2024        ICSME 2024       ICSME 2024       

ICSME Program at a Glance

This schedule is preliminary and subject to changes

Time Wednesday, Oct 9, 2024 Thursday, Oct 10, 2024 Friday, Oct 11, 2024
8:45 AM Opening Session+
Keynote 1
: Dr. Foutse Khomh
(Polytechnique Montreal)
Opening Session+
Keynote 2:
Dr. Denae Ford
(Microsoft Research)
Awards Session +
Most Influential Paper
(ICSME 2014)
10:00 AM Coffee Break Coffee Break Coffee Break
10:30 AM Technical Session 1 Technical Session 4 Technical Session 7
12:30 AM Lunch Lunch Lunch
2:00 PM Technical Session 2 Technical Session 5 Technical Session 8
3:30 PM Coffee Break Coffee Break Coffee Break
4:00 PM Technical Session 3 Technical Session 6 Technical Session 9
5:30 PM   Steering Committee Meeting Social gathering
6:30 PM Reception Cocktail Banquet