ICT4S 2024
Mon 24 - Fri 28 June 2024 Stockholm, Sweden
Tue 25 Jun 2024 16:30 - 18:00 at Amoeba - Social Walk to the Reception

Take the slow and scenic route to the ICT4S welcome reception - come along on a meandering walk through the forest, with a break along the way for Swedish apple juice and fika. We will convene at 16:30 on Tuesday at the conference venue entrance (KTH Architecture building) and take about 1.5 hours to wander through the woods and past a lake, admiring the oak trees, maybe saying hello to some horses, ending up at the lovely reception venue for some light food and drinks.

Wear good shoes and probably a light jacket, it might get a bit chilly (or possibly blisteringly hot, you never know).

Sign up for this outing by putting your name on the sign up sheets at the registration desk, or message Yann on Slack or email yannse@kth.se.

Yann is a PhD candidate at KTH University in Stockholm, Sweden in the Division of Media Technology and Interaction Design.

Tue 25 Jun

Displayed time zone: Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna change

16:30 - 18:00
Social Walk to the ReceptionSocial Events at Amoeba

Take a guided, slow, scenic walk to the Conference Reception venue

Social Event
Social Walk to the Reception
Social Events
Yann Seznec KTH Royal Institute of Technology

Information for Participants
Tue 25 Jun 2024 16:30 - 18:00 at Amoeba - Social Walk to the Reception
Info for session

We will convene at 16:30 on Tuesday at the conference venue entrance (KTH Architecture building) and take about 1.5 hours to wander through the woods and past a lake, admiring the oak trees, maybe saying hello to some horses, ending up at the lovely reception venue for some light food and drinks. Wear good shoes and probably a light jacket, it might get a bit chilly (or possibly blisteringly hot, you never know). Sign up for this outing by putting your name on the sign up sheets at the registration desk, or message Yann on Slack or email yannse@kth.se.