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ISSTA 2021
Sun 11 - Sat 17 July 2021 Online
co-located with ECOOP and ISSTA 2021
Thu 15 Jul 2021 09:50 - 10:10 at ISSTA 2 - Session 10 (time band 3) Symbolic Execution 1 Chair(s): Sébastien Bardin
Fri 16 Jul 2021 02:20 - 02:40 at ISSTA 2 - Session 14 (time band 2) Symbolic Execution 2 Chair(s): Martin Nowack

Symbolic execution is powered by constraint solving. The advancement of constraint solving boosts the development and the applications of symbolic execution. Modern SMT solvers provide the mechanism of solving strategy that allows the users to control the solving procedure, which significantly improves the solver's generalization ability. We observe that the symbolic executions of different programs are actually different constraint solving problems. Therefore, we propose synthesizing a solving strategy for a program to fit the program's symbolic execution best. To achieve this, we divide symbolic execution into two stages. The SMT formulas solved in the first stage are used to online synthesize a solving strategy, which is then employed during the constraint solving in the second stage. We propose novel synthesis algorithms that combine offline trained deep learning models and online tuning to synthesize the solving strategy. The algorithms balance the synthesis overhead and the improvement achieved by the synthesized solving strategy.

We have implemented our method on the state-of-the-art symbolic execution engine KLEE for C programs. The results of the extensive experiments indicate that our method effectively improves the efficiency of symbolic execution. On average, our method increases the numbers of queries and paths by 58.76% and 66.11%, respectively. Besides, we applied our method to a Java Pathfinder-based concolic execution engine to validate the generalization ability. The results indicate that our method has a good generalization ability and increases the numbers of queries and paths by 100.24% and 102.6% for the benchmark Java programs, respectively.

Thu 15 Jul

Displayed time zone: Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid, Paris change

09:10 - 10:50
Session 10 (time band 3) Symbolic Execution 1Technical Papers at ISSTA 2
Chair(s): Sébastien Bardin CEA LIST, University Paris-Saclay
Fuzzing SMT Solvers via Two-Dimensional Input Space Exploration
Technical Papers
Peisen Yao Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Heqing Huang Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Wensheng Tang Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Qingkai Shi Purdue University, Rongxin Wu Xiamen University, Charles Zhang Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Boosting Symbolic Execution via Constraint Solving Time Prediction (Experience Paper)
Technical Papers
Sicheng Luo Fudan University, Hui Xu Fudan University, Yanxiang Bi Fudan University, Xin Wang Fudan University, Yangfan Zhou Fudan University
DOI File Attached
Synthesize Solving Strategy for Symbolic Execution
Technical Papers
Zhenbang Chen National University of Defense Technology, Zehua Chen National University of Defense Technology, Ziqi Shuai National University of Defense Technology, Guofeng Zhang Hunan University, Weiyu Pan National University of Defense Technology, Yufeng Zhang Hunan University, Ji Wang National University of Defense Technology
Type and Interval Aware Array Constraint Solving for Symbolic ExecutionACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper
Technical Papers
Ziqi Shuai National University of Defense Technology, Zhenbang Chen National University of Defense Technology, Yufeng Zhang Hunan University, Jun Sun Singapore Management University, Ji Wang National University of Defense Technology
Grammar-Agnostic Symbolic Execution by Token Symbolization
Technical Papers
Weiyu Pan National University of Defense Technology, Zhenbang Chen National University of Defense Technology, Guofeng Zhang Hunan University, Yunlai Luo National University of Defense Technology, Yufeng Zhang Hunan University, Ji Wang National University of Defense Technology

Fri 16 Jul

Displayed time zone: Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid, Paris change

02:00 - 03:20
Session 14 (time band 2) Symbolic Execution 2Technical Papers at ISSTA 2
Chair(s): Martin Nowack Imperial College London
Fuzzing SMT Solvers via Two-Dimensional Input Space Exploration
Technical Papers
Peisen Yao Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Heqing Huang Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Wensheng Tang Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Qingkai Shi Purdue University, Rongxin Wu Xiamen University, Charles Zhang Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Synthesize Solving Strategy for Symbolic Execution
Technical Papers
Zhenbang Chen National University of Defense Technology, Zehua Chen National University of Defense Technology, Ziqi Shuai National University of Defense Technology, Guofeng Zhang Hunan University, Weiyu Pan National University of Defense Technology, Yufeng Zhang Hunan University, Ji Wang National University of Defense Technology
Type and Interval Aware Array Constraint Solving for Symbolic ExecutionACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper
Technical Papers
Ziqi Shuai National University of Defense Technology, Zhenbang Chen National University of Defense Technology, Yufeng Zhang Hunan University, Jun Sun Singapore Management University, Ji Wang National University of Defense Technology
Grammar-Agnostic Symbolic Execution by Token Symbolization
Technical Papers
Weiyu Pan National University of Defense Technology, Zhenbang Chen National University of Defense Technology, Guofeng Zhang Hunan University, Yunlai Luo National University of Defense Technology, Yufeng Zhang Hunan University, Ji Wang National University of Defense Technology