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ISSTA 2021
Sun 11 - Sat 17 July 2021 Online
co-located with ECOOP and ISSTA 2021
Fri 16 Jul 2021 01:05 - 01:40 at ISSTA Demos - ISSTA Tool Demos (Live Discussion) 2 Chair(s): August Shi
Fri 16 Jul 2021 09:05 - 09:40 at ISSTA Demos - ISSTA Tool Demos (Live Discussion) 3 Chair(s): Michael Pradel

Deep learning has made great progress in medical diagnosis. However, due to data standardization and privacy restriction, the acquisition and sharing of medical image data have been hindered, leading to the unacceptable accuracy of some intelligent medical diagnosis models. Another concern is data quality. If insufficient quantity and low-quality data are used for training and testing medical diagnosis models, it may cause serious medical accidents. We always use data augmentation to deal with it, and one of the most representative ways is through mutation relation. However, although common mutation methods can increase the amount of medical data, the quality of the image cannot be guaranteed due to the particularity of medical image. Therefore, combined with the characteristics of medical images, we propose TauMed, which implements augmentation techniques based on a series of mutation rules and domain semantics on medical datasets to generate sufficient and high-quality images. Moreover, we chose the ResNet-50 model to experiment with the augmented dataset and compared the results with two main popular mutation tools. The experimental result indicates that TauMed can improve the classification accuracy of the model effectively, and the quality of augmented images is higher than the other two tools. Its video is at \textbf{\url{https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O8W8I7U_eqk}} and TauMed can be used at \textbf{\url{}}.

Fri 16 Jul

Displayed time zone: Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid, Paris change

01:05 - 01:40
ISSTA Tool Demos (Live Discussion) 2Tool Demonstrations at ISSTA Demos
Chair(s): August Shi University of Texas at Austin
Live Q&A
MOSCAN: A Model-based Vulnerability Scanner for Web Single Sign-on Services
Tool Demonstrations
Hanlin Wei The University of Queensland, Behnaz Hassanshahi Oracle Labs, Australia, Guangdong Bai University of Queensland, Paddy Krishnan Oracle Labs, Australia, Kostyantyn Vorobyov Oracle Labs, Australia
Live Q&A
TauMed: Test Augmentation of Deep Learning in Medical Diagnosis
Tool Demonstrations
Yunhan Hou Nanjing University, Jiawei Liu Nanjing University, Daiwei Wang Nanjing University, Jiawei He Nanjing University, Chunrong Fang Nanjing University, Zhenyu Chen Nanjing University
Live Q&A
RESTest: Automated Black-Box Testing of RESTful Web APIs
Tool Demonstrations
Alberto Martin-Lopez Universidad de Sevilla, Sergio Segura Universidad de Sevilla, Antonio Ruiz-Cortés University of Seville
09:05 - 09:40
ISSTA Tool Demos (Live Discussion) 3Tool Demonstrations at ISSTA Demos
Chair(s): Michael Pradel University of Stuttgart
Live Q&A
SCStudio: A Secure and Efficient Integrated Development Environment for Smart Contracts
Tool Demonstrations
Meng Ren Tsinghua University, Fuchen Ma Tsinghua University, Zijing Yin Tsinghua University, Huizhong Li WeBank, Ying Fu Ant Group, Ting Chen University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Yu Jiang Tsinghua University
Live Q&A
TauMed: Test Augmentation of Deep Learning in Medical Diagnosis
Tool Demonstrations
Yunhan Hou Nanjing University, Jiawei Liu Nanjing University, Daiwei Wang Nanjing University, Jiawei He Nanjing University, Chunrong Fang Nanjing University, Zhenyu Chen Nanjing University
Live Q&A
ProFuzzBench: A Benchmark for Stateful Protocol Fuzzing
Tool Demonstrations
Roberto Natella Federico II University of Naples, Thuan Pham The University of Melbourne
Live Q&A
C4: the C Compiler Concurrency Checker
Tool Demonstrations
Matt Windsor University of York, Alastair F. Donaldson Imperial College London, John Wickerson Imperial College London
Live Q&A
echidna-parade: A Tool for Diverse Multicore Smart Contract Fuzzing
Tool Demonstrations
Alex Groce Northern Arizona University, Gustavo Grieco Trail of Bits
Live Q&A
MOSCAN: A Model-based Vulnerability Scanner for Web Single Sign-on Services
Tool Demonstrations
Hanlin Wei The University of Queensland, Behnaz Hassanshahi Oracle Labs, Australia, Guangdong Bai University of Queensland, Paddy Krishnan Oracle Labs, Australia, Kostyantyn Vorobyov Oracle Labs, Australia