A Model-driven Alternative to Programming in Blocks using Rule-based Transformations
The recent surge in computer science (CS) education for children has led to the popularization of blocks-based programming languages (BBPLs), which offer a syntax-directed approach to teach fundamental programming concepts. Most BBPL environments are designed with imperative programming in mind. The primary building blocks represent the key constructs that support sequencing, iteration, and selection, all in an imperative style. Some BBPL environments support bi-directionality and can show the source code of the same program represented as either blocks or in a general-purpose textual language. There have been few alternatives to the imperative primitives used in these environments. In this Vision paper, we propose a paradigmatic change to the underlying and front-facing structures of BBPL environments by replacing them with Model-driven Engineering (MDE) primitives, such as declarative transformation rules and metamodels. We have implemented a prototype of our envisioned system in a modeling environment to show the feasibility of the approach, which we believe could be used by young children. The contribution of our vision is a demonstration of the potential for a new thread of research that lies at the intersection of modeling and CS education for children. We aim to spark an interest in MDE among CS education researchers, while encouraging the modeling community to consider how MDE might be taught to younger students.