ICSME 2024
Sun 6 - Fri 11 October 2024
Rafael F. Toledo

Registered user since Mon 1 Feb 2021

Name:Rafael F. Toledo

PhD Candidate

My research goal is to provide efficient interfaces for analyzing and comprehending the behaviour of large heterogeneous systems. I work under the supervision of Prof. Joanne Atlee. I am a member of the Waterloo Formal Methods Group (WatForm), which is a joint Computer Science and Electrical Computer Engineering research group that investigates mathematical methods to aid in the design and verification of software systems.

My work focuses on evaluating and applying visual analytics, graph visualization, and program comprehension techniques to facilitate program-analysis comprehension and software debugging. I use interactive software models to enable the engineers to query, explore, and identify undesired behaviour of their programs.

Affiliation:University of Waterloo
Research interests:Program Analysis, Graph Visualization, Interactive Exploration


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