ICST 2025
Mon 31 March - Fri 4 April 2025 Naples, Italy
Leonel Merino

Registered user since Fri 4 Oct 2019

Name:Leonel Merino

Leonel Merino is Assistant Professor of Engineering Design at the School of Design and the Faculty of Engineering of the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, since 2021. He is part of the Design Engineering Lab. Between 2018 and 2021, he was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Visualization Research Center (VISUS), Universitaet Stuttgart led by Prof. Dr. Daniel Weiskopf. From 2014 to 2018, he worked as a Research Assistant at the Software Composition Group (SCG) and obtained a Ph.D. degree in Computer Science at Universitaet Bern under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Oscar Nierstrasz. He worked as a Project Engineer at ENTEL between 2009 and 2014. Previously, he received a Master’s degree in Computer Science, in the EMOOSE program, from the École des Mines de Nantes and Vrije Universiteit Brussel, in 2008. He obtained a B.Sc. degree in Engineering Sciences and a Professional Degree of Civil Engineer in Computer Science from the University of Chile, in 2006. Since 2020, Prof. Merino is a member of the steering committee of VISSOFT, the leading international conference in software visualization. His research interests lie at the intersection of the use of virtual and augmented reality, software engineering, human-computer interaction, data visualization, and evaluations with users.

Affiliation:Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Research interests:Software Visualization, Software Engineering, Empirical Evaluation,Virtual and Augmented Reality, Immersive Analytics


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