ICT4S 2024
Mon 24 - Fri 28 June 2024 Stockholm, Sweden
Jinsong Wu

Registered user since Thu 19 Oct 2023

Name:Jinsong Wu

Jinsong Wu received 2020 IEEE Green Communications and Computing Technical Committee Distinguished Technical Achievement Recognition Award, for his outstanding technical leadership and achievement in green wireless communications and networking, and received 2017 IEEE Green Communications and Computing Technical Committee Excellent Services Award for his Excellent Technical Leadership and Services in the Green Communications and Computing Community. He is the proposer (2021), Founder (2022) and Founding Editor-in-Chief (2022-present) for the international journal, Green Technologies and Sustainability (GTS), co-published by Elsevier and China Science Publishing & Media Ltd. jointly called KeAi. He was the leading Editor and a co-author of the comprehensive book, entitled “Green Communications: Theoretical Fundamentals, Algorithms, and Applications”, published by CRC Press in September 2012, which has been recognized as the very first comprehensive published book effort on green communications covering broad topics of green wireless communications, green wireline communications, general relevant green topics and applications in one book using a research perspective. He won 2017,2019,2021 IEEE System Journal Best Paper Awards. He won the 2018 IEEE Green Communications and Computing Technical Committee Best Magazine Paper Award. He was the founder (2011) and founding Chair (2011-2017) of the Technical Committee on Green Communications and Computing (TCGCC). He is the current Chair (2022-present) and was the co-founder (2014) and founding Vice-Chair (2014-2022) of IEEE Technical Committee on Big Data (TCBD), which was the very first technical organization on big data within the whole IEEE. He was elected Vice Chair, Technical Activities, IEEE Environmental Engineering Initiative (EEI) (2017-2022), a pan-IEEE effort under IEEE Technical Activities Board (TAB) across 25 IEEE Societies, Councils, and organization units (OU). He was the very first proposer of IEEE Journals/Transactions on green information and communications technologies (ICT) (2011-2012). He was the proposer (2012) and founder (2014) and Series Editor (2014-2018) on Green Communication and Computing Networks in IEEE Communications Magazine. He was an Area Editor (2016-2020) of IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking. He was Series Editor (2014-2016) of the IEEE Journal of Selected Areas on Communications (JSAC) Series on Green Communications and Networking.

Affiliation:University of Chile


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