ICT4S 2024
Mon 24 - Fri 28 June 2024 Stockholm, Sweden
Neil Selwyn

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Name:Neil Selwyn

Neil Selwyn has been researching and writing about digital technology and education since the mid-1990s. He is currently a professor at Monash University, Melbourne. Recent books include: ‘Should Robots Replace Teachers? AI and the future of education‘ (Polity 2019), ‘Critical Data Literacies’ (MIT Press 2023, w/ Luci Pangrazio), and an upcoming book ‘Digital Degrowth: Radically Rethinking Our Digital Futures’ (Policy 2025).

Affiliation:Monash University, Australia
Research interests:Digital technology and society, The use of digital technologies in educational settings,The role(s) that digital technologies play in people's everyday lives, Digital technology and social exclusion, Public policy making in the 'information age'


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