ICT4S 2024
Mon 24 - Fri 28 June 2024 Stockholm, Sweden
Pernilla Bergmark

Registered user since Thu 3 Feb 2022

Name:Pernilla Bergmark

I´m a principal researcher at Ericsson focused on the sustainability impacts of ICT. My research interests include methodology development and assessments related to climate impacts, circular economy, smart sustainable cities, planetary boundaries and the global goals. Currenty I´m also representing Ericsson in the sustainability part of the European Hexa-X project for 6G. Outside of the research domain, I´m a co-author of the Exponential Roadmap for 1.5C aligned climate action, a collaboration between Future Earth, Sitra, WWF, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, PIK, Ericsson and others, where I focused on policy and technology. I´m also a co-author of the 1.5C Business Playbook, which is supported by 55+ partners from brands, enterprises, organisations and academia. Besides this, I´m also active in standardization as a co-rapporteur of ITU SG5 Q9, Climate change and assessment of digital technologies in the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Paris Agreement, in ETSI EE, and in the Swedish national committee for cities, TC 268 (SIS TK 588) and environmental management (SIS TK 207). Lately, I´ve contributed to the development of the ICT sectoral decarbonization approach developed by ITU/GSMA/GESI for the SBTi (ITU L.1470), and to the new standard on Guidance and criteria for information and communication technology organisations on setting Net Zero targets and strategies (ITU L.1471), as well as to the UNFCCC Climate Action Pathway for ICT & Mobile. I´ve been part of the ICT4S community for several years.

Affiliation:Ericsson Research, Ericsson AB
Research interests:LCA, assessment methodologies, climate impacts, circularity, ICT, SDG


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