ICT4S 2024
Mon 24 - Fri 28 June 2024 Stockholm, Sweden
Sian Lun Lau

Registered user since Thu 20 May 2021

Name:Sian Lun Lau

Dreamer, optimist, educator in training and techno-whatever-wanna-be. Believe in things that seem impossible but worth pursuing.

Spent over 9 years in Germany as a researcher and an academic. Active in numerous German- and European Union-funded research projects.

Returned to Malaysia in 2013 to work at Sunway University. Currently holding administrative role as the Assoicate Dean of School of Engineering and Technology and Head of Department of Engineering. Prior to 2021, I headed the Department of Computing and Information Systems.

Serves actively in the IEEE Computer Society Malaysia Chapter since 2015 as an executive committee member until 2021. Since 2021, I have been elected as the chapter’s secretary until end of the 2021-2022 term.

Affiliation:Sunway University
Research interests:Smart and Sustainable City, Ubiquitous Computing, Applied Machine Learning, Explainable AI


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