ICT4S 2024
Mon 24 - Fri 28 June 2024 Stockholm, Sweden
Vlad Coroama

Registered user since Fri 17 Nov 2023

Name:Vlad Coroama

Founder of the Roegen Centre for Sustainability (RC4S), Vlad contributed for the past 20 years to explore the complex relation between computing and sustainability. He contributed both methodologically and with concrete assessments to the environmental impact of ICT, assessing the indirect effects of digitalisation, and analysing synergies and trade-offs between the environmental and societal dimensions. Previously, he held research and teaching positions in Switzerland (ETH Zurich, Empa), Brazil (University of São Paulo), Portugal (Instituto Superior Técnico, Coimbra University), Sweden (KTH Stockholm), and Germany (TU Berlin).

Affiliation:Roegen Centre for Sustainability
Personal website: http://www.roegen.ch
Research interests:Sustainable Computing, Smart Energy, Energy Informatics, Indirect Effects, Rebound Effects


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