Registered user since Sat 9 Dec 2017
Name:Lionel Briand
Affiliation:University of Luxembourg; University of Ottawa
Personal website: http://www.lbriand.info
Research interests:Software engineering, software verification and validation, model-driven software engineering, empirical software engineering
- How is the rapid progress in Artificial Intelligence affecting the future of Software Engineering?
- ATM: Black-box Test Case Minimization based on Test Code Similarity and Evolutionary Search
- Data-driven Mutation Analysis for Cyber-Physical Systems
- Many-Objective Reinforcement Learning for Online Testing of DNN-Enabled Systems
- Automated Question Answering for Improved Understanding of Compliance Requirements: A Multi-Document Study
- DaMAT: A Data-driven Mutation Analysis Tool
- Scalable and Accurate Test Case Prioritization in Continuous Integration Contexts
- Flakify: A Black-Box, Language Model-based Predictor for Flaky Tests
- Black-box Safety Analysis and Retraining of DNNs based on Feature Extraction and Clustering
- (Journal-First Track) PRINS: Scalable Model Inference for Component-Based System Logs
ICSE 2023-profile
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