FSE 2025
Mon 23 - Fri 27 June 2025 Trondheim, Norway

Call for Journal First Papers

FSE 2025 will continue the FSE partnership with prestigious Software Engineering journals to incorporate journal-first papers into its research program. Authors of journal-first papers accepted to the research tracks of partnering journals are invited to submit their work to be presented at FSE 2025.

The partnering journals are:

  • IEEE Transaction of Software Engineering (IEEE TSE)
  • ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (ACM TOSEM)
  • Empirical Software Engineering (Springer EMSE)

Journal-first submissions must adhere to the following criteria:

  • The paper was accepted no earlier than December 1, 2023, and no later than February 15, 2025.
  • The paper is in the scope of FSE 2025.
  • The paper reports completely new research results or presents novel contributions not previously reported in prior work. The paper does not extend prior work solely with additional proofs or algorithms (or other such details presented for completeness), additional empirical results, or minor enhancements or variants of the results presented in the prior work.
  • The paper has not been presented at, and is not under consideration for, journal-first programs of other conferences.

How to submit

The authors of a paper that meets the above criteria are invited to submit a (maximum) two-page single-column presentation proposal consisting of the paper’s title, authors, an abstract, and a pointer to the original journal paper at the journal’s website. If the journal paper is related to or builds on a previously published work (such as a tool demo or a poster), then the proposal must clearly and explicitly justify why the paper should be considered a journal-first paper.

At the time of submission, each paper should have no more than 2 pages (single column) for all text and figures, and references. Submissions that do not comply with the above instructions will be desk rejected without review. Proposals must be written in English, use the pdf format and submitted electronically through the submission site: https://fse2025-journal-first.hotcrp.com/.


Authors will be invited to present their paper at FSE 2025 after a check that the paper satisfies the above listed criteria, and that it was accepted as a journal-first paper by the journal. As the papers have already been reviewed and accepted by the journals, they will not be reviewed again for technical content. If an exceptionally high number of submissions is received, not all papers will be selected. The papers that best fit the technical program will be given priority, offering a balance across the conference topics.

Important Dates

All dates are 23:59:59 AoE (UTC-12h).

Submission deadline: March 4th, 2025
Author notification: April 4th, 2025
Conference: June 23rd - 27th, 2025


At least one author of each presentation accepted for the journal-first program must register and attend the conference in person in Trondheim, Norway, to present the paper. The journal-first manuscripts are published through the journals and will not be part of the Proceedings of the ACM on Software Engineering (PACMSE). The journal-first papers will be listed in the conference program and FSE 2025 participants will have access to the paper abstracts and a pointer to the journal publication outside the conference proceedings.

Track Chairs

Marsha Chechik, University of Toronto, Canada
Yi Li, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore