FSE 2025
Mon 23 - Fri 27 June 2025 Trondheim, Norway

Call for Industry Papers

The FSE 2025 Industry Track provides a venue for outstanding applied research in software engineering. Submissions are expected to have a strong focus on real-world application of software engineering techniques, tools, methods, processes, or practices. At the same time, the work should be original, demonstrating novelty in its technology, context, or approach. The industry track is soliciting submissions that cover all aspects of software engineering, so long as they have been applied in an industrial context or their relevance to such context is clearly identified and articulated in the paper.

Paper Categories

FSE 2025 wants to make sharing industrial research as forthcoming as possible. For this reason, we provide two paper categories:

  • Short papers (5 pages, plus 1 page with references): Ideal for shorter contributions, tech transfer stories, experience reports, or visionary ideas.
  • Long papers (10 pages, plus 2 pages with references): Ideal for practice-oriented research papers or case studies.

Submissions should clearly identify the novel aspects of the approach, the industrial context in which it is applied or which it is relevant to, and the outcomes of its application (ideally supported by experimental results, especially for long papers), as well as what the audience is expected to learn.

We welcome submissions from all areas of industry and for all software engineering techniques, tools, methodologies, processes, and practices applicable at any point in the software lifecycle. Both paper types will be reviewed based on the same evaluation criteria, but short papers are expected to have a smaller set of contributions. All accepted papers will appear in the main conference proceedings. For inspiration in terms of topic, contribution, and style, consider accepted papers from previous ESEC/FSE industry tracks (e.g., 2023 and 2024).

Evaluation Criteria

All submissions will be evaluated based on significance, soundness, thoroughness of evaluation, quality of presentation, and appropriate discussion of related work. Additional key reviewing criteria for the industry track are listed below. Not all criteria are appropriate for every submission (for example, improvement on the state of the practice may be irrelevant for an experience report), and the criteria will be adjusted to fit the given type of submission.

  • Industrial application: The applied research or experience report has taken place in an industrial setting and/or with an industrial partner. Research on a problem relevant to industry or motivated by current and forthcoming industrial challenges is also welcome.
  • Improvement on the state of the practice: The amount of improvement that the work achieves above and beyond the state-of-the-practice.
  • Clarity of lessons learned: The clarity in which the lessons learned are presented and how well they are supported with data and discussion.
  • Generality of results: A clear discussion about how the work, approach, or lessons learned are applicable to practitioners outside of the studied group.

Important Dates

All dates are 23:59:59 AoE (UTC-12h)

  • Submission deadline - January 15, 2025
  • Author notification - March 25, 2025
  • Camera ready - April 21, 2025

How to Submit

Submissions must be in English.

  • for short papers: 5 pages for all text and figures, plus 1 page for references
  • for long papers: 10 pages for all text and figures plus 2 pages for references.

Submissions can be double-blind, but do not have to be. We leave it up to the authors to judge whether they want to include their names, affiliation, and the company in which the work was performed.

At the time of submission, each paper should use the following templates: Latex or Word (Mac) or Word (Windows). Authors using LaTeX should use the sample-acmsmall-conf.tex file (found in the samples folder of the acmart package) with the acmsmall option. We also strongly encourage the use of the review, screen, and anonymous options as well. In summary, you want to use: \documentclass\[acmsmall,screen,review,anonymous\]{acmart}. Papers may be submitted using numeric citations, but final versions of accepted papers must use the author-year format for citations. It is a single-column page layout. Submissions that do not comply with the above instructions will be desk rejected without review. Papers must be submitted electronically through the FSE 2025 Industry submission site:


Submissions will be evaluated on the basis of originality, importance of contribution, soundness, evaluation (if relevant), quality of presentation, and appropriate comparison to related work. Some papers may have more than three reviews, as PC chairs may solicit additional reviews based on factors such as reviewer expertise and strong disagreement between reviewers. The program committee as a whole will make final decisions about which submissions to accept for publication.

In addition to declaring the topics which are relevant for their submissions, authors will be asked to declare the research methods employed in their submissions. This will enable us to ensure reviewer expertise both for research methods and topics. For full definitions of the research methods, see the SIGSOFT Empirical Standards.

Submission Policies

Papers submitted for consideration to FSE should not have been already published elsewhere and should not be under review or submitted for review elsewhere during the reviewing period. Specifically, authors are required to adhere to the ACM Policy and Procedures on Plagiarism and the ACM Policy on Prior Publication and Simultaneous Submissions.

To prevent double submissions, the chairs might compare the submissions with related conferences that have overlapping review periods. The double submission restriction applies only to refereed journals and conferences, not to unrefereed forums (e.g. arXiv.org). To check for plagiarism issues, the chairs might use external plagiarism detection software.

All publications are subject to the ACM Author Representations policy.

All authors and co-authors are subject to ACM Publications Policies, including ACM’s new Publications Policy on Research Involving Human Participants and Subjects.

Possible violations to any of the above policies will be reported to ACM for further investigation. Please see the ACM Publications Policies.

Submission Format

All submissions must be in English and in PDF format. Papers must not exceed the page limits that are listed for each call for papers. The ACM styles have changed recently, and all authors should use the official “ACM Primary Article Template”, as can be obtained from the ACM Proceedings Template page. For Microsoft Word users, please still use the “Interim Template” and not the New Workflow for ACM Publications. To that end, the following LaTeX code can be placed at the start of the LaTeX document:

Research Papers Track (PACMSE):


All other Tracks:


All submissions please use:

\acmBooktitle{Companion Proceedings of the 32nd ACM Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (FSE '24), July 15--19, 2024, Porto de Galinhas, Brazil}