FSE workshops provide forums for small-group discussions on topics in software engineering research and practice. Workshops also provide opportunities for researchers to exchange and discuss scientific and engineering ideas at an early stage, before they have matured to warrant conference or journal publications. In this manner, an FSE workshop serves as an incubator for a scientific community that forms and shares a particular research agenda.
FSE 2025 Workshops
Workshop Name | Organizers | Website |
Causal Methods in Software Engineering (CauSE 2025) | Julien Siebert, Roberto Pietrantuono, Neil Walkinshaw, Luca Giamattei | causality-software-engineering.github.io/cause-workshop-2025 |
FaSE4Games '25: 2nd International Workshop on Foundations of Applied Software Engineering for Games | Cristiano Politowski, Jessie Galasso, Fabio Petrillo, Yann-Gaël Guéhéneuc | fase4games.quest |
Second International Quantum Software Engineering: The Next Evolution Workshop | Arif Ali Khan, Muhammad Azeem Akbar, Peng Liang | sites.google.com/view/qse-ne-fse25/home |
Intersectionality as a Foundation of Software Engineering | Alicia JW Takaoka, Claudia M Cutrupi, Javier Gomez, Filomena Ferrucci | intersectionalitywork.github.io |
The 1st Workshop on Human-Centered AI for Software Engineering (HumanAISE 2025) | Yu Huang, Tianyi Zhang, John Grundy, David Lo, Daniel Russo, Thomas Zimmermann | humanai4se.github.io |
The First International Workshop on Large Language Model-Oriented Empirical Research (LLanMER) | Na Meng, Xiaoyin Wang, Chris Brown | llanmer.github.io |
First International Workshop on DevOps for Sustainability (DevOpsSustain 2025) | Heng Li, Luca Traini, Weiyi Shang | devopssustain.github.io/ws2025 |
International Workshop on Envisioning the AI-Augmented Software Development Life Cycle | Anita Carleton, Heikio Koziolek, David Lo, Ipek Ozkaya, Douglas C. Schmidt | resources.sei.cmu.edu/news-events/events/ai-augmented-sdlc |
SE 2030 Atelier@Software Engineering in 2030 | Mauro Pezze, Abhik Roychoudhury | conf.researchr.org/home/2030-se-2025#Call-for-Papers |
Workshop Proposal: 1st Workshop on Software Genome Analysis and Its Applications (SoftGeno) | Yang Liu, David Lo, Chengwei Liu | sites.google.com/view/softgeno2025 |
Proposal for the 1st International Workshop on LLM App Store Analysis (LLMapp 2025) | Haoyu Wang, Yanjie Zhao, John Grundy, Xiapu Luo | llmappworkshop.github.io |
First International Workshop on Responsible Software Engineering (ResponsibleSE 2025) | Irum Inayat, Ina Schieferdecker, Bashar Nuseibeh, Birgit Penzenstadler | sites.google.com/view/responsible-se |
The 1st International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Integrated Development Environments (AI-IDE) | Chao Peng, Junjie Chen, Kla Tantithamthavorn, Patanamon Thongtanunam | aiide25.hotcrp.com |
2025 NSF Workshop on Benchmark Infrastructure for LLMs for Code (BI4LLMC'25) | Daniel Rodriguez-Cardenas, Antonio Mastropaolo, Huajie Shao, Yuan Tian, Denys Poshyvanyk | bi4llmc25.github.io |
Call for Workshop Proposals
FSE 2025 is soliciting proposals for workshops to be held in conjunction with the main conference. Workshops aim to provide opportunities for exchanging views, advancing ideas, and discussing preliminary results in various areas of software engineering research and applications. Note that workshops are not an alternative forum for presenting full research papers. If you would like to bring together a group of researchers on a topic you consider relevant and exciting, you should consider submitting a workshop proposal to FSE. Workshops will be held over two days after the main conference (26th and 27th). Prospective workshop organizers are encouraged to contact the workshop chairs should any questions arise.
Important Dates
All dates are 23:59:59 AoE (UTC-12h).
- Deadline for workshop proposals submission Tuesday Oct 15th, 2024
- Deadline for notification Tuesday Nov 19th, 2024
- Deadlines for workshop papers submissions are up to workshop chairs, but please note that the camera ready deadline (hard) is Thursday, April 24th, 2025. We provide a suggested timeline for workshop paper submissions below.
- Workshops are held during the two days after the main conference, and can be a half-day or a full-day workshop.
To align with the proceedings process, we suggest the following schedule for workshop paper submissions.
- Workshop papers submission (suggested deadline) Tuesday Feb 25th, 2025
- Workshop papers notification Tuesday Mar 25th, 2025
- Workshop papers camera-ready (hard) Thursday Apr 24th, 2025
Please note that FSE is an in-person event. Except for emergencies, the conference is unable to support remote presentations (due to logistical A/V limitations).
Workshop Proposal Guidelines
Workshop proposals must be up to 4 pages in length and conform to the FSE Format and Submission Guidelines (without the double blind restriction). Each proposal should contain the following information.
- Contact details of the organizers, including the identification of the main contact.
- A brief (max 200 words) abstract of the goals and format of the workshop intended for the FSE 2025 web pages. The abstract should include the theme, goals, and topics of the workshop, as well as a motivation of its relevance and timeliness, including an account of the workshop’s history (if any).
- The workshop format, including desired length (half, 1, or 2 days), forms of participation supported (demo, position statement, panel discussion, working session, …) and plans for generating and stimulating discussion at the workshop.
- State whether or not your workshop’s proceedings will appear in the ACM digital library. For a workshop paper to appear in the proceedings, at least one of its authors must register for the workshop.
- The paper selection procedure, including the types of papers permitted (demos, short, long, position statements, and so on, together with page limits), the expected dates for submission and notification of acceptance, names of proposed and confirmed program committee members.
- A short description of the workshop and a link to a detailed workshop web page to be used on the FSE 2025 web page.
- Publicity plans, including a substantiated assessment of the number of expected participants, as well as the participant solicitation and selection process. (Also indicate whether workshop attendance will be open or closed.)
- A brief biography of each organizer, including past experience in workshop organization.
- Ideally, a workshop proposal should consist of an up-to-two page description (to be potentially included in the conference proceedings, if accepted) and an appendix (up to two pages) containing additional material, if appropriate.
- Please note that the workshop call for papers should contain the following notification: “As a published ACM author, you and your co-authors are subject to all ACM Publications Policies, including ACM’s new Publications Policy on Research Involving Human Participants and Subjects”.
How to Submit
Please submit your workshop proposal through the submission site https://fse25workshops.hotcrp.com