FSE 2025
Mon 23 - Fri 27 June 2025 Trondheim, Norway

Becoming a new faculty member is challenging due to the number of roles a faculty member plays and the lack of preparation for these roles. In particular, doctoral training most likely has not prepared the new faculty member beyond how to conduct research themselves and, perhaps, how to teach topics that are close to their research area. The great news is that most faculty members transcend all these challenges and feel they have a most rewarding, intellectually stimulating, and flexible career, and they don’t want to retire! The goals of the FSE 2025 New Faculty Symposium (NFS) are to help new Software Engineering faculty members launch a successful career and manage the associated challenges while feeling joy in their life as a faculty member.

The agenda for the Symposium will include most of the following topics:

  • Building and supporting a research program
  • Balancing teaching, service and research
  • Strategies and practices for managing students
  • Publication strategies
  • Career Management, promotion and networking
  • Ethics and living in a multicultural community
  • Time management and work-life balance

How to Participate

Any interested participant can sign up for the symposium. There is no application process. New faculty members, prospective faculty members, and mid-career faculty members can all benefit from sharing experiences, questions, answers, and viewpoints.

If you are an experienced member of the software engineering research community (faculty, industry, government, etc.) and would like to contribute by giving a talk or serving on a panel, please reach out to the organizers. We are designing a rich program and would love to know of your interest in helping out.

Diversity and Inclusion Statement

The New Faculty Symposium at FSE 2025 aims to be an inclusive event, with a diverse set of speakers and panelists in terms of gender, geography, seniority, etc.