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Requirements Engineering 2021
Mon 20 - Fri 24 September 2021
Fri 24 Sep 2021 12:30 - 13:00 at Basilica - RE for All Chair(s): Sallam Abualhaija

Requirements engineering (RE) has established itself as a core software engineering discipline. It is well acknowledged that good RE leads to higher quality software and considerably reduces the risk of failure or exceeding budgets of software development projects. Therefore, it is of vital importance to train future software engineers in RE and educate future requirements engineers to adequately manage requirements in various projects. However, to date there exists no central concept of what the most useful educational approaches are in RE education in order to best interweave theory with practice. To lay the foundation for this important mission, we conducted a systematic literature review. In this paper, we report on the results and provide a synthesis of instructional approaches in RE education. Findings show that experiential learning through projects, collaboration, and realistic stakeholder involvement are among the most promising trends to teach both RE theory and develop student soft skills.

Fri 24 Sep

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12:00 - 13:00
RE for AllJournal-First / Research Papers at Basilica
Chair(s): Sallam Abualhaija University of Luxembourg

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Interspecies information systemsJ1
Dirk van der Linden Northumbria University
Link to publication DOI
A Survey of Instructional Approaches in the Requirements Engineering Education LiteratureAvailableReusableResearch Paper
Research Papers
Marian Daun University of Duisburg-Essen, Alicia M. Grubb Smith College, Bastian Tenbergen State University of New York at Oswego
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