ICSME 2024
Sun 6 - Fri 11 October 2024
Thu 10 Oct 2024 11:10 - 11:25 at Abineau - Session 7: Software Architecture and Design Chair(s): Bonita Sharif

The adoption of microservice architecture has seen a considerable upswing in recent years, mainly driven by the need to modernize legacy systems and address their limitations. Legacy systems, typically designed as monolithic applications, often struggle with maintenance, scalability, and deployment inefficiencies. This study investigates the motivations, activities, and challenges associated with migrating from monolithic legacy systems to microservices, aiming to shed light on common practices and challenges from a practitioner’s point of view. We conducted a comprehensive study with 53 software practitioners who use microservices, expanding upon previous research by incorporating diverse international perspectives. Our mixed-methods approach includes quantitative and qualitative analyses, focusing on four main aspects: (i) the driving forces behind migration, (ii) the activities to conduct the migration, (iii) strategies for managing data consistency, and (iv) the prevalent challenges. Thus, our results reveal diverse practices and challenges practitioners face when migrating to microservices. Companies are interested in technical benefits, enhancing maintenance, scalability, and deployment processes. Testing in microservice environments remains complex, and extensive monitoring is crucial to managing the dynamic nature of microservices. Database management remains challenging. While most participants prefer decentralized databases for autonomy and scalability, challenges persist in ensuring data consistency. Additionally, many companies leverage modern cloud technologies to mitigate network overhead, showcasing the importance of cloud infrastructure in facilitating efficient microservice communication.

Thu 10 Oct

Displayed time zone: Arizona change

10:30 - 12:00
Session 7: Software Architecture and DesignIndustry Track / Tool Demo Track at Abineau
Chair(s): Bonita Sharif University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA
How to train your dinosaur: our strategy to migrate mainframe applications to the cloudIndustry Track Talk
Industry Track
Johan Fabry Raincode Labs, Belgium
Migrating Existing Container Workload to Kubernetes - LLM Based Approach and EvaluationIndustry Track Paper
Industry Track
Masaru Ueno Fujitsu Limited, Tetsuya Uchiumi Fujitsu Limited
Insights on Microservice Architecture Through the Eyes of Industry PractitionersIndustry Track Paper
Industry Track
Vinicius L. Nogueira Universidade Estadual de Maringa - UEM, Fernando S. Felizardo Universidade Estadual de Maringa - UEM, Aline M. M. M. Amaral State University of Maringá, Wesley Assunção North Carolina State University, Thelma Elita Colanzi State University of Maringa, Brazil
Stereocode: A Tool for Automatic Identification of Method and Class Stereotypes for Software SystemsTool Demo Paper
Tool Demo Track
Ali F. Al-Ramadan Department of Computer Science, Kent State University, Joshua Behler Kent State University, Michael J. Decker Bowling Green State University, Natalia Dragan Kent State University, Michael L. Collard The University of Akron, Jonathan I. Maletic Kent State University
Enhancing Legacy Code Quality through Iterative Refactoring: A Case Study at ASMLIndustry Track Paper
Industry Track
Andrei Valentin Girjoaba University of Groningen, Andrea Capiluppi University of Groningen