ICSME 2024
Sun 6 - Fri 11 October 2024

This program is tentative and subject to change.

[Context] Merging Large Language Models (LLMs) and adapters (small modules used for parameter efficient fine-tuning of an LLM) have shown promising results for various natural language domains and tasks. Merging adapters enables re-using the learned models without additional training for a new task. [Objective] This research aims to empirically study the capabilities of merged adapters in Code LLMs, specially for the Automated Program Repair (APR) task. The goal is to gain insight into how merging task-specific adapters can affect the performance of APR. [Method] In our approach, MergeRepair, we plan to merge multiple adapters trained on different tasks and evaluate the performance of the merged adapter for the APR task. Particularly, we will employ two main merging scenarios. Merging with equal-weight averaging in which the parameters of different adapters are averaged out equally; and our proposed approach, continual merging, in which we keep one merged adapter and sequentially merge it with added task-specific adapters. By merging with equal-weight averaging, we will investigate the improvement and generalizability of merged adapters for APR. By continual merging, we will explore the capability of merged adapters and the order of the tasks, which occurs in real-world software development projects.

This program is tentative and subject to change.

Fri 11 Oct

Displayed time zone: Mountain Time (US & Canada) change

10:30 - 12:00
Session 12: Machine Learning in Software EngineeringResearch Track / Registered Reports Track / Tool Demo Track at Abineau
Can We Do Better with What We Have Done? Unveiling the Potential of ML Pipeline in NotebooksResearch Track Paper
Research Track
Yuangan Zou , Xinpeng Shan , Shiqi Tan , Shurui Zhou University of Toronto
MergeRepair: Merging Task-Specific Adapters in Code LLMs for Automated Program RepairRegistered Reports Paper
Registered Reports Track
Meghdad Dehghan University of British Columbia, Jie JW Wu University of British Columbia (UBC), Fatemeh Hendijani Fard University of British Columbia, Ali Ouni ETS Montreal, University of Quebec
On the Use of Deep Learning Models for Semantic Clone DetectionResearch Track Paper
Research Track
Subroto Nag Pinku University of Saskatchewan, Debajyoti Mondal , Chanchal K. Roy University of Saskatchewan, Canada
CPLS: Optimizing the Assignment of LLM QueriesResearch Track Paper
Research Track
Does Co-Development with AI Assistants Lead to More Maintainable Code? A Registered ReportRegistered Reports Paper
Registered Reports Track
Markus Borg CodeScene, Dave Hewett Equal Experts, Donald Graham Equal Experts, Noric Couderc Lund University, Emma Söderberg Lund University, Luke Church University of Cambridge | Candela Inc, Dave Farley Continuous Delivery
StackRAG Agent: Improving Developer Answers with Retrieval-Augmented GenerationTool Demo Paper
Tool Demo Track
Davit Abrahamyan University of British Columbia, Fatemeh Hendijani Fard University of British Columbia
Leveraging Large Vision-Language Model For Better Automatic Web GUI TestingResearch Track Paper
Research Track
Siyi Wang , Sinan Wang Southern University of Science and Technology, China, Yujia Fan , Xiaolei Li , Yepang Liu Southern University of Science and Technology