ICSME 2024
Sun 6 - Fri 11 October 2024
Fri 11 Oct 2024 16:55 - 17:00 at Fremont - Session 16: Software Development Process and Tools Chair(s): Shurui Zhou

Context: Previous studies demonstrate that Machine or Deep Learning (ML/DL) models can detect Technical Debt from source code comments called Self-Admitted Technical Debt (SATD). Despite the importance of ML/DL in software development, limited studies focus on automated detection for new SATD types: Algorithm Debt (AD). AD detection is important because it helps to identify TD early, facilitating research, learning, and preventing the accumulation of issues related to model degradation and lack of scalability. Aim: Our goal is to improve AD detection performance of various ML/DL models. Method: We will perform empirical studies using approaches: TF-IDF, Count Vectorizer, Hash Vectorizer, and TD-indicative words to identify features that improve AD detection, using ML/DL classifiers with different data featurisations. We will use an existing dataset curated from seven DL frameworks where comments were manually classified as AD, Compatibility, Defect, Design, Documentation, Requirement, and Test Debt. We will explore various word embedding methods to further enrich features for ML models. These embeddings will be from models founded in DL such as ROBERTA, ALBERTv2, and large language models (LLMs): INSTRUCTOR and VOYAGE AI. We will enrich the dataset by incorporating AD-related terms, then train various ML/DL classifiers, Support Vector Machine, Logistic Regression, Random Forest, ROBERTA, and ALBERTv2

Fri 11 Oct

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15:30 - 17:00
Session 16: Software Development Process and ToolsTool Demo Track / Industry Track / Registered Reports Track / Research Track at Fremont
Chair(s): Shurui Zhou University of Toronto
On the Impact of Draft Pull Requests on Accelerating FeedbackResearch Track Paper
Research Track
Firas Harbaoui , Mohammed Sayagh ETS Montreal, University of Quebec, Rabe Abdalkareem Omar Al-Mukhtar University
Take Loads Off Your Developers : Automated User Story Generation Using Large Language ModelIndustry Track Paper
Industry Track
Tajmilur Rahman University of Saskatchewan, Yuecai Zhu Bell Mobility, Lamyea Maha University of Saskatchewan, Chanchal K. Roy University of Saskatchewan, Canada, Banani Roy University of Saskatchewan, Kevin Schneider University of Saskatchewan
PseudoSweep: A Pseudo-Tested Code IdentifierTool Demo Paper
Tool Demo Track
Megan Maton University of Sheffield, Gregory Kapfhammer Allegheny College, Phil McMinn University of Sheffield
GitTruck@Duck - Interactive Time Range Selection in Hierarchy-Oriented Polymetric Visualization of Git Repository EvolutionTool Demo Paper
Tool Demo Track
Adrian Hoff IT University of Copenhagen, Thomas Hoffmann Kilbak IT University of Copenhagen, Leonel Merino Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Mircea Lungu IT University, Copenhagen
Media Attached
iRisk: A Scalable Microservice for Classifying Issue Risks Based on Crowdsourced App ReviewsTool Demo Paper
Tool Demo Track
Vitor Mesaque Alves de Lima Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul, Jacson Rodrigues Barbosa Institute of Informatics (INF) / Federal University of Goiás (UFG), Ricardo Marcondes Marcacini University of São Paulo
If it’s not SBOM, then what? How Italian Practitioners Manage the Software Supply ChainIndustry Track Paper
Industry Track
Sabato Nocera University of Salerno, Massimiliano Di Penta University of Sannio, Italy, Rita Francese University of Salerno, Simone Romano University of Salerno, Giuseppe Scanniello University of Salerno
ROOT: Requirements Organization and Optimization ToolTool Demo Paper
Tool Demo Track
Katherine R. Dearstyne University of Notre Dame, Alberto D. Rodriguez University of Notre Dame, Jane Cleland-Huang University of Notre Dame
Automated Detection of Algorithm Debt in Deep Learning Frameworks: An Empirical StudyVideo presentationRegistered Reports Paper
Registered Reports Track
Emmanuel Iko-Ojo Simon Australian National University, Chirath Hettiarachchi Australian National University, Alex Potanin Australian National University, Hanna Suominen Australian National University, Fatemeh Hendijani Fard University of British Columbia
DOI Pre-print