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Tue 11 Jul 2017 14:10 - 14:35 at Bren 1414 - Dynamic Analysis Chair(s): Tao Xie

The rapid growth of Internet of Things (IoT) has been created a number of new platforms recently. Unfortunately, such variety of IoT devices causes platform fragmentation which makes software development on such devices challenging. In particular, existing programs cannot be simply reused on such devices as they rely on certain underlying hardware and software interfaces which we call platform dependencies. In this paper, we present CPR, a novel technique that synthesizes a platform independent program from a platform dependent program. Specifically, we leverage an existing system called PIEtrace which can generate a platform independent trace program. The generated trace program is platform independent while it can only reproduce a specific execution path. Hence, we develop an algorithm to merge a set of platform independent trace programs and synthesize a general program that can take multiple inputs. The synthesized platform-independent program is representative of the merged trace programs and the results produced by the program is correct if no exceptions occur. Our evaluation results on 15 real-world applications show that CPR is highly effective on reusing existing binaries across platforms.

Tue 11 Jul

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13:20 - 15:00
Dynamic AnalysisTechnical Papers at Bren 1414
Chair(s): Tao Xie University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Effective Online Software Anomaly Detection
Technical Papers
Yizhen Chen SUNY Albany, USA, Ming Ying SUNY Albany, USA, Daren Liu SUNY Albany, USA, Adil Alim SUNY Albany, USA, Feng Chen SUNY Albany, USA, Mei-Hwa Chen SUNY Albany, USA
Semi-Automated Discovery of Server-Based Information Oversharing Vulnerabilities in Android Applications
Technical Papers
William Koch Boston University, USA, Abdelberi Chaabane Northeastern University, USA, Manuel Egele Boston University, USA, William Robertson Northeastern University, USA, Engin Kirda Northeastern University, USA
CPR: Cross Platform Binary Code Reuse via Platform Independent Trace Program
Technical Papers
Yonghwi Kwon Purdue University, Weihang Wang Purdue University, Yunhui Zheng IBM Research, Xiangyu Zhang Purdue University, Dongyan Xu Purdue University, USA
An Actionable Performance Profiler for Optimizing the Order of Evaluations
Technical Papers
Marija Selakovic TU Darmstadt, Germany, Thomas Glaser TU Darmstadt, Germany, Michael Pradel TU Darmstadt