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The ISSTA Doctoral Symposium is a forum for doctoral students working in the area of software testing and analysis to present their research goals, methods, and preliminary results. Participants will receive feedback from researchers in the software testing and analysis scientific community in a constructive and friendly atmosphere. Participants will obtain useful guidance that will help them complete their dissertation research and begin a research career in software testing and analysis. Accepted submissions will also be published as short papers in the ISSTA 2017 conference proceedings.

The ISSTA 2017 Doctoral Symposium will be co-located with ISSTA in lovely Santa Barbara, California. The Doctoral Symposium will take place on Thursday, July 13th, 2017: the day after the main ISSTA conference. The Symposium will include a keynote address by Andreas Zeller. The Symposium will be closed-door, with participation restricted to the students taking part in the symposium and the members of the ISSTA 2017 Doctoral Symposium Program Committee. Participating students will have the unique opportunity to describe their research ideas and receive comments and suggestions from experienced researchers in the software testing and analysis community.

Accepted Papers

Automatically Inferring and Enforcing User Expectations
Doctoral Symposium
Consistency Checking in Requirements Analysis
Doctoral Symposium
Data Flow Oriented UI Testing
Doctoral Symposium
Dynamic Tainting for Automatic Test Case Generation
Doctoral Symposium
Inferring Page Models for Web Application Analysis
Doctoral Symposium
Mapping Hardness of Automated Software Testing
Doctoral Symposium
Oracle Problem in Software Testing
Doctoral Symposium
Path Cost Analysis for Side Channel Detection
Doctoral Symposium
Understanding Intended Behavior Using Models of Low-level Signals
Doctoral Symposium
Version Space Learning for Verification on Temporal Differentials
Doctoral Symposium

Call for Submissions

Prospective student participants should be at a stage in their research where they have already identified a research topic, but should still be at least six months away from completing their dissertation. Participants will be selected based on a four-page paper describing their proposed thesis research. The paper should state the problem their research intends to address and detail the research they propose to do to address it, including a statement of their hypotheses, a description of their approach and evaluation plans, their positioning with respect to the state of the art, and the expected improvements and benefits.

Submission Instructions

Papers should be in ACM Master conference format using 9-point type. For LaTeX users, this means using the acmart document class with the sigconf option: \documentclass[sigconf]{acmart}. The four-page limit includes all material: paper body, references, appendices, figures, etc.

Submit your papers via the EasyChair ISSTA 2017 Doctoral Symposium submission website by Friday, May 5, 2017, 23:59:59 AoE.

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09:00 - 10:00
KeynoteDoctoral Symposium at ESB 2003
Chair(s): Ben Liblit University of Wisconsin–Madison
What makes useful research?
Doctoral Symposium
K: Andreas Zeller Saarland University
Media Attached
10:30 - 12:00
AnalysisDoctoral Symposium at ESB 2003
Chair(s): Mary Lou Soffa University of Virginia
Consistency Checking in Requirements Analysis
Doctoral Symposium
A: Jaroslav Bendík Masaryk University
Inferring Page Models for Web Application Analysis
Doctoral Symposium
Path Cost Analysis for Side Channel Detection
Doctoral Symposium
13:30 - 15:00
Modeling and LearningDoctoral Symposium at ESB 2003
Chair(s): Alex Orso Georgia Institute of Technology
Automatically Inferring and Enforcing User Expectations
Doctoral Symposium
A: Jenny Hotzkow Saarland University
Understanding Intended Behavior Using Models of Low-level Signals
Doctoral Symposium
A: Deborah S. Katz Carnegie Mellon University
Version Space Learning for Verification on Temporal Differentials
Doctoral Symposium
15:30 - 17:00
TestingDoctoral Symposium at ESB 2003
Chair(s): Alex Groce Northern Arizona University
Data Flow Oriented UI Testing
Doctoral Symposium
Nataniel Borges Jr. Saarland University
Dynamic Tainting for Automatic Test Case Generation
Doctoral Symposium
A: Björn Mathis Saarland University
Oracle Problem in Software Testing
Doctoral Symposium
A: Gunel Jahangirova Fondazione Bruno Kessler

Unscheduled Events

Not scheduled
Mapping Hardness of Automated Software Testing
Doctoral Symposium
A: Carlos Oliveira Monash University