ISSTA 2022
Mon 18 - Fri 22 July 2022 Online
Wed 20 Jul 2022 09:00 - 09:20 at ISSTA 1 - Session 2-3: Oracles, Models, and Measurement B
Fri 22 Jul 2022 18:40 - 19:00 at ISSTA 1 - Session 3-13: Oracles, Models, and Measurement F Chair(s): Stefan Winter

Various techniques based on code similarity measurement have been proposed to detect bugs. Essentially, the code fragment can be regarded as a kind of graph. Performing code graph similarity comparison to identify the potential bugs is a natural choice. However, the logic of a bug often involves only a few statements in the code fragment, while others are bug-irrelevant. They can be considered as a kind of noise, and can heavily interfere with the code similarity measurement. In theory, performing optimal vertex matching can address the problem well, but the task is NP-complete and cannot be applied to a large-scale code base. In this paper, we propose a two-phase strategy to accelerate code graph vertex matching for detecting bugs. In the first phase, a vertex matching embedding model is trained and used to rapidly filter a limited number of candidate code graphs from the target code base, which are likely to have a high vertex matching degree with the seed, i.e., the known buggy code. As a result, the number of code graphs needed to be further analyzed is dramatically reduced. In the second phase, a high-order similarity embedding model based on graph convolutional neural network is built to efficiently get the approximately optimal vertex matching between the seed and candidates. On this basis, the code graph similarity is calculated to identify the potential buggy code. The proposed method is applied to five open source projects. In total, 31 unknown bugs were successfully detected and confirmed by developers. Comparative experiments demonstrate that our method can effectively mitigate the noise problem, and the detection efficiency can be improved dozens of times with the two-phase strategy.

Wed 20 Jul

Displayed time zone: Seoul change

08:40 - 09:40
Session 2-3: Oracles, Models, and Measurement BTechnical Papers at ISSTA 1
TELL: Log Level Suggestions via Modeling Multi-level Code Block Information
Technical Papers
Jiahao Liu National University of Singapore, Jun Zeng National University of Singapore, Xiang Wang University of Science and Technology of China, Kaihang Ji National University of Singapore, Zhenkai Liang National University of Singapore
Hunting Bugs with Accelerated Optimal Graph Vertex Matching
Technical Papers
Xiaohui Zhang Renmin University of China, Yuanjun Gong Renmin University of China, Bin Liang Renmin University of China, China, Jianjun Huang Renmin University of China, China, Wei You Renmin University of China, Wenchang Shi Renmin University of China, China, Jian Zhang Institute of Software at Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Using Pre-trained Language Models to Resolve Textual and Semantic Merge Conflicts (Experience Paper)
Technical Papers
Jialu Zhang Yale University, Todd Mytkowicz Microsoft Research, Mike Kaufman Microsoft Corporation, Ruzica Piskac Yale University, Shuvendu K. Lahiri Microsoft Research

Fri 22 Jul

Displayed time zone: Seoul change

18:00 - 19:00
Session 3-13: Oracles, Models, and Measurement FTechnical Papers at ISSTA 1
Chair(s): Stefan Winter LMU Munich
jTrans: Jump-Aware Transformer for Binary Code Similarity Detection
Technical Papers
Hao Wang Tsinghua University, Wenjie Qu Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Gilad Katz Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Wenyu Zhu Tsinghua University, Zeyu Gao University of Science and Technology of China, Han Qiu Tsinghua University, Jianwei Zhuge Tsinghua University, Chao Zhang Tsinghua University
DOI Pre-print
FDG: A Precise Measurement of Fault Diagnosability Gain of Test Cases
Technical Papers
Gabin An KAIST, Shin Yoo KAIST
DOI Pre-print
Hunting Bugs with Accelerated Optimal Graph Vertex Matching
Technical Papers
Xiaohui Zhang Renmin University of China, Yuanjun Gong Renmin University of China, Bin Liang Renmin University of China, China, Jianjun Huang Renmin University of China, China, Wei You Renmin University of China, Wenchang Shi Renmin University of China, China, Jian Zhang Institute of Software at Chinese Academy of Sciences, China